40th Anniversary Haslab: RID2001 Omega Prime


Continuity Nutcase
Confirmation from Evan that the ladder can indeed extend, and that the success of this figure could lead to certain redeco possibilities:



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
If they do a Universe redeco sometime after my finances have recovered and that's the version I'm able to get, I will have zero regrets.


Continuity Nutcase
TakaraTomy Mall has put up their order page for the set's Japanese crowdfund.

Unlike all other Legacy releases in Japan, which all use the same English names as Hasbro's releases (e.g. "Scourge" instead of "Black Convoy", "Leo Prime" instead of "Lio Convoy"), the Japanese release of this set uses the original Japanese names of "God Fire Convoy", Super Fire Convoy", "God Magnus", "Blue Bolt", "Super God Sword", and "Cybertron Net"; rather than "Omega Prime", "Optimus Prime", "Ultra Magnus", "Bluebolts", "Matrix Blade", and "Global Space Bridge".

The Japanese release will also include an exclusive sleeve for the packaging.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I can see God Ginrai winding up as a Haslab thing, but I don't think it needs it. Unless it has to be designed and produced as a set like Victory Saber, or made huge for some reason.

Powermaster Prime by himself would seem to be doable as a Commander class release, considering the concept isn't that different from Armada Prime, or better yet, POTP Evolution Optimus who's a whole price point below. I can see a Voyagerish main bot with a trailer that's mostly the big robot body in a box of panels.

Ginrai Godbomber would probably need to be a separate Voyager or something, which I think they'll be able to design less weirdly now that Weaponizers are a design style they've had lots of chances to play with. Plus, they can bake in a retool for that. Titans Return (and Combiner Wars, which that PMOP's engineering was from) was a few design styles ago, and the current approaches seem to lend themselves well to this design.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Other than more articulated limbs, I wouldn't see a need to change much from the G1 original Powermaster Prime/Ginrai, but it does beg a question...

Would they finally implement the Headmaster idea?


For that matter, should they? Is there a better way to incorporate that head than this and what they did in G1 (re: "toss it in the back of the trailer, and just try to ignore it in base mode")?

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
I'm super torn in that I would not want a God Ginrai/PMOP to be Haslab pricelocked, but also I would love for it to have that sort of engineering luxury since the Legends version is...ah...what it is.

On the other hand, after Armada Prime, I feel like a satisfying retail version could be possible, and doing Godbomber as a Whatever-the-hell-erizer for the line at the time would be fine. Like yeah, he's a big nobody who turns into nothing and a pile of parts. They've made like...idk, probably 30 dudes since Siege that are Also That and it hasn't been unprofitable enough to stop yet.


Well-known member
i realize I probably won't get what I most want from a Powermaster Prime/Ginrai, because I don't really want his anime look. I want the character design I read in the Marvel Comic which is fairly different in interpretation.

Mostly though I'd probably settle for the Marvel Conics head, which at least has a chance of being a third party add on I figure.

-ZacWilliam, It would be neat to see that originally designed Headmaster gimmick though definitely. I'd be on board


Two arms and one smile
I'm still good with the LG Super Ginrai and Godbomber combo, honestly. They can be a bit wonky, and the transformation is kinda "eh", but both still do a great job of representing who they are supposed to represent, in a still-modern-enough-for-me way.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Other than more articulated limbs, I wouldn't see a need to change much from the G1 original Powermaster Prime/Ginrai, but it does beg a question...

Would they finally implement the Headmaster idea?

View attachment 19083

For that matter, should they? Is there a better way to incorporate that head than this and what they did in G1 (re: "toss it in the back of the trailer, and just try to ignore it in base mode")?

If they could refine it, yes they should. I don't like how the head looks with all that junk attached, but if they could tidy it up I think it could work. Yes, they could find other ways to incorporate the head today. But as is, Powermaster Prime has no Roller equivalent, and that's sad. Star Convoy has one. Powermaster Prime shouldn't be the only G1 Optimus Prime without one.


Continuity Nutcase
I'm still good with the LG Super Ginrai and Godbomber combo, honestly. They can be a bit wonky, and the transformation is kinda "eh", but both still do a great job of representing who they are supposed to represent, in a still-modern-enough-for-me way.
And for less than ten bucks, a couple of stabilizers offered by several sellers on eBay (all with FREE shipping, to boot!) can make that figure a rock solid combo. ;)






Works like a charm.
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Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
And for less than ten bucks, a couple of stabilizers offered by several sellers on eBay (all with FREE shipping, to boot!) can make that figure a rock solid combo. ;)
Okay, I'm interested, but what's the magic keywords combo to make it appear, because everything I can think of isn't turning anything up.


Continuity Nutcase
Okay, I'm interested, but what's the magic keywords combo to make it appear, because everything I can think of isn't turning anything up.
Here you go, the lowest-priced one on eBay, and the same set from the same seller I bought mine from.

There are two options. Either the stabilizers by themselves for $9.87 USD, or them plus a pair of wing enhancement pieces to make the tips of the wings bigger and more extravagant, which instead totals out to $35.52 USD.





I myself bought both the full kit and a second set of just the stabilizers, as a backup pair just in case I ever need them.

Note that each stabilizer also has a tiny tab on it that is very delicate and can easily break off, but I easily repaired the broken tab on mine with Gorilla Glue and it actually feels more secure than it did before it broke off. Fortunately, even if the tabs do break, they really aren't necessary for any of the toy's configurations, so I really don't know what the point of them was. While each tab does line up against a small shaft inside Godbomber's arms when the stabilizers are used for filling out his arms in robot mode, the little tabs don't actually secure anything related to those shafts, so they're kinds superfluous even if they don't break.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Excellent, thank you. Definitely just interested in the stabilizers, the wing bits are. Really not to my taste, especially for almost forty dollarydoos.


Continuity Nutcase
Excellent, thank you. Definitely just interested in the stabilizers, the wing bits are. Really not to my taste, especially for almost forty dollarydoos.
One more thing. While the stabilizers keep the inner workings of his legs in place (enabling proper knee articulation without messing up the inside of the legs), they do nothing about the inward ankle tilting. If you want to stop that from happening, there's an even simpler fix that costs no money at all.

Simply take the two double-barreled gray guns from Super Ginrai, attach them to the sides of his boots like on the 1988 toy, but do so using the top peg on each instead of the bottom peg, and then point the barrels straight vertically upward. Boom! Solid legs with no more egregious ankle tilts.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
As much as I...enjoy...the LG God Ginrai set (OK it's actually a bit more complicated than that: I genuinely love LG Super Ginrai, ******* hate LG Godbomber and think it's a total POS that I've never been able to transform back into vehicle mode since I got it and barely stays together, and think God Ginrai looks cool but is incredibly unstable, unless I have him posed in an action shot, and I'm sorry but if you have to recommend third-party add-ons to fix a figure's stability, then that's an inherent failure on the original toy design IMO), I would still 100% go for one that does the whole shebang with the small regular Ginrai robot, Super Ginrai, God Ginrai, and a Godbomber that doesn't suck ass and can actually stay together. (I wouldn't expect any updated Ginrai/PMOP toy to actually include a functioning Godmaster/Powermaster gimmick though, but I could still imagine them including a figure and have it plug into the truck grille but it wouldn't unlock the transformation)


Continuity Nutcase
Looks like there was a decent-sized bump in the backer count today. Ever since Day 2, the count has been climbing steadily day-by-day, averaging at about 200-300 new backers per day. This morning, it was at just over 6500 but has suddenly increased to over 7200 in only a few hours! That's more than twice the average backer additions per day we've had so far!


Wondering bot
If they were to do a another take on God Bomber, instead of the odd connection that the POTP verison uses to lock onto Optimus/Grini, I would use 5 ml ports, pretty much make him a weaponizer type bot that any bot can use his parts for instead of being restricted to just one bot


Staff member
Council of Elders
And for less than ten bucks, a couple of stabilizers offered by several sellers on eBay (all with FREE shipping, to boot!) can make that figure a rock solid combo. ;)






Works like a charm.
This is really cool His feet have always been my complaint with this guy. This add-on piece seems to fix it.

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