40th Anniversary Haslab: RID2001 Omega Prime


Continuity Nutcase

::: tabs over to the wiki ::::

Huh. Neat.
One of those cases where one toy can double as the original guy version or the repurposed gal version.

The dude:

And the dudette:

Also, Armada Hot Shot (third row below):

Other words, we need three of this yellow version! šŸ˜†
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Somehow still sane
I like it but everything about this set seems arbitrarily huge. The figures are closer to MP scale and even the Master sword is ridiculously huge, being as tall as Titan toys.


Somehow still sane
And Omega Prime is supposed to be able to hold the thing in a pose other than sticking straight up without a stand or risk toppling over.


Continuity Nutcase
In only half a day's time, this set is already over 45% funded.


...even Team Whirl.
45% funded already - that's pretty cool.

Also - in either a weird coincidence or just more proof that Microsoft, Google, and everyone else is always watching, the "completely random" wallpaper that just showed up in my desktop slideshow is one I probably saved from ridforever.info years ago . . .

RID Optimus blueprints.jpg


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Optimus Prime sells. I bet retailers are going to be all over this one, because they know they'll be able to sell theirs.


Continuity Nutcase
And now it's 46% funded!

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I like it but everything about this set seems arbitrarily huge. The figures are closer to MP scale and even the Master sword is ridiculously huge, being as tall as Titan toys.
The big issue I see was that, if Hasbro were to ā€œscaleā€ these guys closer to the broader Legacy lineā€¦then people would complain they were not ā€œimpressive enoughā€ for a HasLab offering. Wouldnā€™t matter what modifications or improvements Hasbro would have made, the overall message that would spread would be ā€œthese are SMALLER (ie, inferior) than the originalsā€, turning off more people than I feel the oversized nature of toy seems to be doing.

Wellā€¦.poop. Itā€™s not that I have any overt issues with whatā€™s going on here. I see what theyā€™re doing, and I appreciate the changes being made. The structural improvements are expected and QUITE welcome. And I really dig the decision to make Ultra Magnusā€™s weapon pod into a full Weaponizer, giving purpose to what would otherwise be just another chunk of the figure. I donā€™t mind the size increase, and I think it bears its full potential in Omega Prime mode with the Matrix Blade. Not entirely sold on Ultra Magnus, but my biggest use for him is as an upgrade to RiD Prime (and deco can go a LONG way to shifting opinions).

My problem is entirely my own: my freakinā€™ finances. They already got me on the hook for a Titan, likely Magmatron, and a solid chunk from the main line Legacy. Plus Missing Link Prime. That doesnā€™t count store exclusives (PIRATES! OBSCURE late-G1 DECEPTICONS!), Selects, and TaKara just announced MORE stuff to be announced in April, including more Missing Link and Collaborations. AND WE STILL HAVE STUDIO SERIES AND A MOVIE LINE!

Thereā€™s just so much stuff coming out (and too damn much I DONā€™T know about)ā€¦Iā€™m torn backing a $250 HasLab this early in the year when Hasbro has got so much in the pipe line that might be a touch more compelling to me than this, despite my ā€œokay-nessā€ with it.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The size isn't arbitrary. They wanted to make Ultra Magnus' shins proportionally smaller, but not lose vehicle mode compatibility with Deluxe cars, so the whole thing had to get larger.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Third party option is about but I think Hasbro would rather not do Primus right now, because:
1. You get less profit from such a large figure as not everyone has room for such a large bot
2. Learning from Unicron as they had to extend the campain date to get him fully funded, thou they were also in the early days of Haslab and have learned a lot more since then across their various campains and that not just Transformers but Gi Joe & Star Wars, thou Star Wars suffered a bit from the general bad behavor of Lucasfilm and them not getting the colours right for the promo of one of their potential products, but that is a different topic!
...do we have a topic for that?

Because I'm curiously interested, but don't really follow HasLab news much outside of Transformers, unless it's some sort of thing that overlaps with someone I watch on YouTube or something (like international shipping issues with the sail barge).

Anyway, this looks great, but probably no way I can afford it, and as I've said elsewhere, I have trust issues with big ticket Hasbro items at the moment.

That said, I'm most curious about Optimus Prime's Super Mode, and if the folding chest/head/back stays more securely affixed, specifically the latter two, which tend to come loose on my RiD Prime whenever I do anything that moves the ladder.

Also: Is Prime packing his pistol? I haven't seen it anywhere yet.


Continuity Nutcase
And 17 hours after the reveal, it looks like the backers have finally called it a night at 47.95% funded.

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