40th Anniversary Haslab: RID2001 Omega Prime


Continuity Nutcase
Then it would be competing with existing 3P Unicrons like Cell, which honestly does a better job of making a clean robot mode anyway, so what's the point?
An easier transformation than Cell's that doesn't require 15-20 minutes to do?

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I think these knock off companies are going to avoid making direct KOs of the Haslab stuff because it would lower the value of the geninue copies, plus there is also the legal consquences!
does that stop them from making direct KOs of masterpieces lol

(yeah, yeah, i know MPs aren't limited production runs like haslab is but they're still expensive and yet you can get KOs for like sub-$100 usually)


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
The cynical part of me would suggest that, with HasLab aftermarket prices being what they are, if they didn't flood the market with obvious KOs, a small trickle of HasLab KOs would bring more per unit if they were 'accidentally' sold as the genuine thing.


Somehow still sane
I think they were all spooked by what happened to the unofficial Unicron.Copyright law in China is rarely enforced unless somebody with sufficiently deep pockets makes enough noise. Then jive happens real fast and hard for a bit, then eventually stuff goes back to normal but the perpetrators stay in jail.

Also in general, Generations doesn’t get KOd much for whatever reason, in comparison to MP and even Studio Series where every mold of a notable character has gotten various modified knockoffs.

i would also like to repeat that I hate how the boxart is next to perfect but then has blubolts.png copy-pasted over it.
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Wondering bot
The only major knock offs appearing of existing figures I'm aware of currently is the third party doing the old Transformers Prime line, thou they mainly done first editions but with different paint jobs, thou they did up scale the first edition Megatron deluxe to voyager size and made him look impressive!

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Just because they are criminals doesn't mean that they are stupid. :)
Wasn't my intent to imply that they were. If nothing else, they know how what I'm asking is done, and I don't.

From what I know of the toy-making process, at least prior to recent (not as sure now), they'd usually make a sculpt from... was it resin? Then cast a metal mold from that, into which plastic is injected to form the pieces that make the toy.

What I don't know is how you scale a metal mold up or down, or a resin sculpt, assuming they even get access to anything like that.


Somehow still sane

Pantographs are kind of low tech but they’re how oldest upscaled knock offs were made. it’s basically the way they duplicate keys but in 3-D.

I think they also developed a means of making molds by casting the original parts, using the molds to make duplicates out of a resin that expands and then making molds based on the expanded parts.
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