Ship designs like that would be GLORIOUS!My main concern with Mangold's idea is that the early Republic would be "biblical." That implies it'll be about the Star Wars version of bronze age primitives, when it should actually be set during an age in which advanced technologies like lightsabers and hyperdrives already exist. Even if they do give us that, I fully expect we'll also get crap like this hideous monstrosity.
While not as negative as others…I’m not going to get too spun up until stuff is actually in production. They’ve announced half a dozen films that have pretty much faded into the ether.
About the only one I’m legit excited about and am confident WILL get made is Filoni’s Mandoverse film. Whether Kennedy likes it or not, Filoni and Favreau‘s little side project has become the face of the franchise, critically and commercially. I have zero doubt that the momentum is there for that project.