A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away.... - Star Wars General Discussion


Well-known member
That's fair. I liked the Republic Commando series, but a few felt there was quite a bit of Author Soapboxing about how the Jedi Order had lost their collective way, etc., etc., even as it deftly retcon-patched some of the pre-Prequel Trilogy bits (such as Callista Masana and her pre-Purge memories or Fenn Shysa from the vintage Marvel Comics Mandalore arc) and gave us an NCO's-eye view of the Clone Wars to complement the views we'd gotten on screen.
I just thought it was boring and came to doubt that there was anything interesting about clone troopers.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Images are still short (because, y’know, kids stuff), but more details are dripping out about this Fall’s Epic Hero stuff. In addition to the second wave of single figures, listing have also cropped up for a Speeder assortment and a large vehicle.
According to Yakface:
Wave 2 single will feature-
Bo Katan
Moff Gideon
Darth Maul
However, listings from Entertainment Earth only has spots for FOUR figures with Mando and Vader carrying over. I’m guessing we’ll see a revision early in the fall cycling out Mando in favor of Yoda or Darktrooper (whichever isn’t in the initial assortment).

Wave 2 Deluxe-
IG-12 (Grogu’s mech suit)

Speederbikes of Mando and a Storm(Scout?)trooper

And an image has come out for The N1 with Mando AND Grogu at $34.99


Well-known member
Watched the new Tales of the Empire cartoon that dropped today to celebrate.

The animation is absolutely amazing. Great stories too.

I loved the Mandalorian and Ashoka, great shows but Morgan Elsbeth was a bit of a cypher as to her origin and place in Thrawns plans in both and it was great to get that filled in in a way that explains her and her backstory and place in what we saw before.

Even better were the Bariss episodes. I admit to missing a big chunk of the Clone Wars cartoon because I didn't have Cable when it started. I only know her from the end and what happened with Ashoka. These three episode made me really really like her as a character. Just great stuff and I love how they ended...

-ZacWilliam, and it needs saying again the Bariss eps were just amazingly beautifully animated.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
With Star Wars, your roll your dice and you take your chances.

For every Andor, there's a Book of Boba Fett.

BoBF could have been so much better with just one minor change:

1. Cad Bane should have been the one to wipe out his adopted sand people clan. It would have given more conflict at the end of the series rather than just some other unknown mercenaries doing it.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
BoBF could have been so much better with just one minor change:

1. Cad Bane should have been the one to wipe out his adopted sand people clan. It would have given more conflict at the end of the series rather than just some other unknown mercenaries doing it.

That would have helped, definitely.

The Sandpeople parts of the show were actually pretty good. Where it really suffered was that the show wanted to present Boba as the new crime lord of Tatooine (or just that town / region? I was never 100% sure on that), but also didn't want to muddy the moral waters by ever showing him do any actual crime. It ended up being the that Tatooine Mafia was just him, his 2 buddies, and some teenagers with attitude wandering around not really doing anything. There were a lot of possibly story options, and the show just never really did anything with any of them.


Well-known member
For me it was weird that the whole sand people thing seemed to be teaching him to be a better man, right? And he came out and said, "I've had an apostrophe. I'm a better man now. I will become a gangster."

I kinda would have had him be something that looks like a better man. Like, take down Bib Fortuna certainly, but... There is stuff that looks like he is taking it over to be fair and just, but still... It is just weird.

Edit - The weirdest thing is the meta thing. Where they told us they were making a show about a Mandalorian bounty hunter and everyone was like "Boba Fett! Cool!" and then they said, no it's a different Mandalorian bounty hunter and we were confused and it came out and it was good but we were still thinking, "This other guy came in and kind of replaced Boba Fett in his own thing". But we were okay because it was good. And then they said, "Hey we will make Boba Fett his own show too." and we were like "Cool!" and then Din actually came in and took over Boba Fett's show too...
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Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Where it really suffered was that the show wanted to present Boba as the new crime lord of Tatooine (or just that town / region? I was never 100% sure on that), but also didn't want to muddy the moral waters by ever showing him do any actual crime. It ended up being the that Tatooine Mafia was just him, his 2 buddies, and some teenagers with attitude wandering around not really doing anything. There were a lot of possibly story options, and the show just never really did anything with any of them.
Compare and contrast with Talon Karrde, whom Timothy Zahn described as the "big fish in the pond" after the fragmentation of the Black Sun and the collapse of Jabba's organization.

The only things we really see him or his people do are information brokering and shipping various goods to worlds that are either in Imperial space and under wartime restrictions, or nominally part of the New Republic but with authoritarian planetary regimes (Mon Mothma being very averse to telling individual planets what to do, with the result that NR support is broad but not deep beyond key systems). But this is enough to give him some contrast, as well as someone that can conceivably work with several characters and factions in a variety of roles....


NOT a New Member.
The same people thing was very "Dune", wasn't it?

"Mu'had Dib!".

I mean, haven't they already mentioned "spice" in Star Wars too?

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