Toys and Figurines Age of The Primes Air Raid Behind the Scenes

You know the drill. Mark Maher has shared another behind the scenes look at an upcoming release. This time it's Age of the Primes Air Raid.










Get ready to add another member to your aerialbot team my people, Autobot Air Raid zoooomin into your collection.
Some say this guys reckless demeanor is somewhat shifty, but there’s no doubt about this warriors courageous spirit, he’s always ready to answer commander Silverbolt’s call. He is the descendant of Amalgamous Prime (sidenote: Amalgamous came out fantastic and I cant wait to show him and the other primes off!😎)
Hats off to Hasui san on all of these aerialbots, his passion, dedication and hardwork is amazing, they all came out phenomenal!
Ditalydeets pwease! 🤓 2 blast effect compatible blasters, tailwings are on a 5 mm post to give some extra abilities, back engines are blast effect compatible, articulation is solid, he does have fold out front landing gear, animation accurate deco schematics, pretty darn sweet head sculpt not to mention some solid style reminiscent of the f15 eagle 🦅. Forms Superion’s left leg and transformation sequence is like a fine wine that tickles your tummy and makes you feel 🥰 warm and fuzzy.
I hope you enjoy the pics of this handsome dude, an autobot jet black jet hits just right, had some fun with these. Much needed fun might I add, this winter is killing me, feeling like bayverse megs 🥶. Slingshot up next!
Source: Instagram

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Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I know, Collectors Lines vs Kids Lines etc etc but I'm not sure using alcoholic beverage analogies to describe toys works. For further information on why this is may not be the best approach, see 'every comic I've ever made'.


New member
Love Legacy Menasor and thought the frame system makes sense, converting from Motormaster's trailer. The same can not be said for Devastator & Superion, and I'm still not biting on these teams even with these BTS writeups & images, as best a job as Mark does for Air Raid here.

One thing I noticed --- and that's for my case only, not faulting Hasbro -- about the Combiners (CWs or Legacy/AotP) is that I don't convert them all that much. The torso bots are OK (except the execellent Legacy Motormaster, that toy is a bit of an engineering marvel all on its own), but limb members are almost universally boring and the Combiners end up just standing there on my top shelf looking good and nothing more.

I'd rather pickup any other figures to fiddle with than bother with Combiners. It's too much to manage for play, and them standing at the back of the top shelf, accessible only with a step ladder, make me want to reach for them even less. So they're there mostly gathering dust. So I don't feel like spending $$$ to acquire the ever-more expensive new ones to replace the old ones, destined to the same fate. Nor do I really want to figure out how to get rid of the old ones.

Only interested in getting Computron which I never had.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I have no plans to get another Superion set, but I will likely pick up this Air Raid when I see him for sentimental/nostalgia reasons.


New member
I have no plans to get another Superion set, but I will likely pick up this Air Raid when I see him for sentimental/nostalgia reasons.

I'm mildly interested in Silverbolt for its engineeering. As I would like to see if I can somehow repurpose the CW Deluxe limb bots to attach to the AOTP Frame System with some DIY. But I'm not sure if that interest is enough for me to shell out MSRP Commander Class money to satiate that curiosity. >25% off? Maybe.


Staff member
Council of Elders
If I'm going to drop money for a new Devastator, I'm leaning towards Mecha Invasion Giant Legion. Almost the same price and much better engineering.


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