AI don't trust techbros


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I don't like Linux.
I'll be switching to Haiku.
Its actually good.
Actually, I have a soft spot for Haiku(Used BeOS for a bit back in the late 90s), but until it gets hardware 3d acceleration support, I just can't use it much.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
BeOS?! Haven't heard that name in about 25+ years. Last I remember, Apple had planned to buy it and adapt it as a new Mac OS before a certain S. Jobs intervened. Interesting to hear it’s still around in some form.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
"Democracy dies in darkness" says company paywalling all the news about said democracy, and now using AI to write the articles about said news, and accidentally spitting out old reddit trolling from 10 years ago instead that found its way into the model because no one bothered to vet the info going into the training(because these were meant to simulate conversation, not be omniscient).


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
It does need more work. But it's better than Linux. I'm rooting for it.
I'll have to respectfully disagree with the middle part of that statement, but I will wholeheartedly agree with the rest. Shame Palm bought it and then vanished. Bits and pieces of it were used in WebOS, though, so at least a sliver BeOS lives on in some capacity on LG TV's(granted, not the kernel, the kernel of WebOS is Linux).


Fabulously Foxy Dragon


Now with hi-res avatar!
*stops chewing gasoline spaghetti*

...Oh, fer cryin' out loud...

That's it. I'm done getting recipes from the internet. From now on, it's physical books only.

*pulls out old roommate's copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook*


jumbled pile of person
How the hell is X's context bot, which was trained on Twitter data of all things, consistently better at fact checking than Google is at fact finding?

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