I just caught up with the latest ep of Digimon Adventure 2020, the series on a whole has been rather poor in terms of story, the animation has been pretty nice but the main problem that seems to be the lack of intersting villians, pretty much after Devimon, the primary villian of the show was just some anicent monster who doesn't even talk and we are expected to believe is the big bad until they bring in another big bad to be the final boss and then during this latest ep, it feels like they didn't know what to do, thus they ripped off Pride from FMA Brotherhood!
I think the best anime of the year that not a sequel or remake, has to be To Eternity, its one of the most unusal series but it becomes gripping as it goes on!
Best anime for this season, I would give it to Battle in 5 seconds after meeting, sure the animation not exactly the best at times but the story is pretty good and the main character primary power is rather different and its not super destructive but its how its used is the key in this!
Best sequel, for me has to be That time I got Reincarnated as a Slime, thou I do think a large chunk of season 2 pt 1 could make for a good movie, ending with the reival of Veldora after Rimeru accsends to true Demon Lord status!
A wild card for anyone wanting a few laughs, I recomend Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle