Any point in keeping packaging?


Well-known member
I’m moving across the county and I’m trying to weed out unneeded things. I have just about every piece of packaging from toys I purchased from 1996 onward. From Beast Wars to Cyberverse, I’ve got boxes and boxes in my attic of cardbacks and flattened boxes. I’m a terrible hoarder with this stuff and now I’m trying to assess if I should just dump it in the trash. Is there any point in keeping it?


Continuity Nutcase
Depends on what kind of packaging it is.

Some of it is good for re-boxing figures for transport, like Fun Pub's BotCon and TCC boxes, the Generations Selects boxes, or HasLab Unicron's box.

A lot of Japanese packaging is good for this too, and tends to look really pretty on its own.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Personally, I would suggest, if you have any kind of vintage toy store in your area, I would take some of the older stuff and see if they would make you an offer for it. It might be worth something to them, and getting some money for it is better than throwing it away and getting nothing.


Was Megatron right?
It's fun to look back through old packaging and all the inserts - that being said, these can take up a lot of space.
I keep card backs and instructions. I've also cut the backs off of most of my recent purchases, even the ones that don't have much in the way of character descriptions, just to have part of the packaging, but I don't keep everything.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
It's fun to look back through old packaging and all the inserts - that being said, these can take up a lot of space.

I've always planned to scan or photograph all the old packaging I've accumulated before finally getting rid of it for just that reason. That said, as CoffeeHorse pointed out, there are high-quality scans of most of those packages out there.

And, I still cut out and/or flatten the more interesting images and things.


Well-known member
Well, I’m keeping all my MP boxes to store the figs in. I really like the BotCon and Takara packaging, but I don’t think I’m going to have the space for it. I might see if anyone’s interested in the older stuff, as Haywire suggested. And I’ll cut out the beautiful murals from Titan Class and Unite Warriors and keep those. Thanks for all the advice everyone!

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I have cut out big art scenes to use as backgrounds, and BIG boxes that can hold other boxes have been repurposed (like Titans) but for cards and the 'plastic free' stuff, most likely it will wind up recycled as by the time I might want to sell something, the package will not be in very good shape at all.


Two arms and one smile
Yep, pretty much all I keep these days are G1 (rare that I acquire though), MP and anything that I deem special or outside of the norm, like Haslab, foreign release stuff, etc. I used to keep everything until that just got silly, spacewise.


I am torn on the issue as well. Currently, I only keep the MP, foreign, and some special packaging, but am considering even getting rid of the MP boxes.

I keep all my figuarts, figma, nendoroid boxes and the like, as they display well both in and out of them, but I am trying to cut back on empty boxes as much as possible now.


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Also moving across country. Also looking to cull out the hoard of garbage. 😬

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Edit: And inspired by this thread I did what I proposed and cleared out a lot tonight. Three trash bags full of plastic bubble stuff, a huge pile of broken down boxes. I had no idea it had gotten this bad, but if recycling it winds up removing MORE costs for transport/storage than it could possibly give back in sales then there's probably no advantage to keeping the pile. And it makes more sense to use the space for something good, rather than just a bunch of empty flammables that could even endanger my house. I didn't toss everything, I kept, like many have discussed, stuff like the Encore Fort Max box, the MonsterArts/Figuarts/Figma packages, etc. But a huge amount is now gone and I have more space!
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Staff member
Council of Elders
These days it's mostly sentimental value and "too cool to throw out", for me. A lot of stuff old and new, mostly the unique/cool packaging (Mini-con multipacks, United box sets, Takara exclusives Throne of the Primes, Arcade Renegades -- kinda want to find a second copy of that last to keep sealed, really), stays mostly on the merit of the latter. Although of course the acquisition encounters may have sentimental value too.

Beyond that, I do still keep at least the cardbacks, as I have since the beginning. But I get the sense that the appeal of the latter will either fade or abruptly disappear one day and it'll be a massive culling in this house.

(Helps that I've been scanning packaging into digital form for a while now. I do need to redo some older ones because the scanner I used for that was on its last legs and so there's horrible banding on everything it touched. But alas, I'd thrown out most of it.)

The Selects boxes were a nice little vacation from being tempted to hold on to things, as aside from Bug Bite and Tricranius and the Galactic Odyssey boxes they were nicely generic. Of course Legacy Selects has straight up undone that.

The days of packaging meaning literally anything in terms of adding value to stuff are long gone. Collector circles here will still murmur about keeping the box for value and whatnot, but try to sell anything (boxed or not) and people will haggle like crap regardless, so I stopped doing that a loooong time ago.
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The Phazer

Well-known member
There are some things that are maybe resellable, or nice, but I threw out all the inserts recently and I'll probably be do the same with 85% of everything else soon. It's just too much and adds little value.

I have thought for a while though that TF wiki or should consider hosting full scans of the instruction manuals and boxes for most toys. There is some stuff from the Car Robots era where finding decent pictures is harder than you'd think.


Continuity Nutcase
I have thought for a while though that TF wiki or should consider hosting full scans of the instruction manuals and boxes for most toys. There is some stuff from the Car Robots era where finding decent pictures is harder than you'd think.
Other sites out there, like, have archives for instructions and package art.

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