Are we pen pals?


Well-known member
My daughter asked me the other day what a pen pal was. We DID have a thing in my second grade class where we were assigned a second grader in a school somewhere far away and we wrote letters back and for a bit. I don't know if that gets done again.

But then I started wondering if you and I are pen pals. I've been at the Allspark for every bit of 20 years now. More. People have come and gone, but many stayed a long time and a few have been here the whole time. When I actually step back a second it seems odd. I see a bit of news and the people that I want to go talk about it with are people I have never met.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Makes sense to me. Name aside, there's no particular reason pen pals have to use pen and paper. Kids tend to use pencils anyway. If that counts, I think what we do should count.


Eorzean Idiot
I never really thought about it like that, but yeah, I guess in a very real way, we're all pen pals.


Nonstop Baaka
Though with pen pals, you're writing to one specific person. A forum like this is like displaying your letter on a theater screen and seeing who displays theirs back.
PMs or text messages would be closer to pen pals, though I'd argue there's a difference b/t penning a letter that takes awhile to send/get a response on vs immediate digital delivery.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The internet I had when I joined Allspark was not what I'd call instant.


Pittied fools.
PMs really do give a pen pal vibe. Even in 2024, responses tend not to be instant. Granted, the feel probably shifts between people who do their web browsing on a phone versus on a PC.


Was Megatron right?
On a bit of a tangent - I actually had a pen pal when I was on ATT 25+ years ago. We emailed back and forth fairly consistently for a year or two.


Well-known member
It's a fun way of looking at it. I can say I've definitely been better about responding here than to any of the myriad pen pals I had and abandoned around the world while in elementary and middle school.


Well-known member
My online reviews actually started as letters exchanged with a friend of mine from college. He graduated a year before I did, so for my senior year we'd exchange letters because my school internet couldn't really do email outside the local bitnet, nor did I have access to Usenet. The next year, I got proper internet and started posting my comics observations to Usenet in addition to emailing them to my friend. (Another year after that, was created, and I started reviewing TFs.)


Destron D-69

at Journey's end
yeah of course we all are... it's like a pen-pal community. where like you post something and maybe 4 to 10 of us would reply to it. the boards themselves have slowed down a lot lately so in a way it's almost back to being a little tight knit community like it was way back in the webring days.

sure you can go over to the discord and have instant responses that... maybe somebody took a minute to think about before typing. But that sort of thing I wouldn't call pen-pal like in any sort of way.

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