Beast Wars Comic Thread


Active member
Issue 11: Damn, Skold. Just. . .damn.

This issue will likely read better in the trade. Lots of plots moving forward, and a couple of legitimately shocking moments. Good issue, and I’m primed for 12.


Continuity Nutcase
Razorbeast better not be dead.

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
Oh man, I know it was teased there would be casualties on both side but I hope
Razorbeast survives, I feel like they survived worse in the show but I'm expecting that won't be the case here.


Active member
I greatly suspect Razorbeast isn't dead ("no body" rule and all) but wow, still a big surprise. Also losing Terrorsaur as well. A lot of the writing/art still isn't great, but the book has definitely improved greatly now that it's starting to deviate and do its own thing apart from the show's plot.


Active member
Issue 12 was solid. Several one-on-one battles, as the overall plot moves forward. Skold vs. Rhinox was excellent, as he defeats her with words. (Well, "defeat" isn't the right word. Tries to get her to see the error of her ways, maybe?) Primal is particularly well-written here.

This series has given me 12 issues so far, and I think the potential exists for A LOT more in this version of Beast Wars. They've created a solid take of the mythos.


Continuity Nutcase
Didn't expect Optimus to be a fan of Muhammad Ali.
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Continuity Nutcase
And, we're back to the Winston Chan art for this month's issue.

While the entire premise for this issue was very predictable, it caught me off guard a few times with some surprises I honestly did not see coming. By the third panel of the second page, I felt I had this comic figured out, what the big twist was gonna be. But, nope. Instead I got a few actual curveballs thrown at me.

Plus, CatSCAN! I was totally not expecting him to appear in this series! An obscure BotCon character from the early 2000s? That got me all giddy seeing him show up!

And while this one did end on a "To be continued...", it felt more like a done-in-one that serves as a prologue for things to come instead of an incomplete part of a multi-parter, so I enjoyed it much more for that. Probably the most enjoyable issue since Razorbeast's debut.

Next month... POLAR CLAW!!!


I’m not dead yet!
For the plot it was, it was an enjoyable entry for the comic. With how things went down I'm wondering if Polar Claw isn't a Vok going from his hosility with Primal on the cover.... Or he's just going to be a pain in the neck Rival of Primals from back in the day. Or the cover has no bearing on the plot at all

And can we keep Chan on art please? I have gotten more accustomed to Burchams art as the comics gone on, but I vastly prefer Chan's work.


Well-known member
Honestly, I could completely see this issue being a actual episode of the original show. It's a nice little romp that sets up the next arc. Maybe we could have snuck a few Reboot references in here while we were at it, but this was fun. And it was nice seeing CatSCAN again. And the sorta-Dawn of Futures Past bodies, too.

Also, is Vok Cheetor supposed to be based on anyone? Maybe Nightprowler, but the colors don't quite match up. I don't know if there was some obscure TV Magazine version of Cheetor that I'm not seeing on the wiki or if this was just a fun recolor on it's own.
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Continuity Nutcase
He's just a blue and purple Cheetor. Unique deco.

(so easily could have been Nightprowler colors instead)

And it was seeing CatSCAN again.
It was... what?

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
Good issue, nice surprise cameos I was briefly disappointed the Vok didn't look like Nightprowler or Shadow Panther but the feeling quickly passed.

Looking forward to next issue, I wonder if Pakak is just going to enter the stasis pod and become Polar Claw.


Continuity Nutcase
Looking forward to next issue, I wonder if Pakak is just going to enter the stasis pod and become Polar Claw.
Or simply reprogram Polar Claw to serve the Vok.

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