Climate change (because it's still political for some reason)


Fabulously Foxy Dragon


Now with hi-res avatar!

You know, maybe we should just stop fighting it. There are so many forces intent on rendering this planet uninhabitable, either for profit or to "own" the people who want it to remain livable, maybe we should just let 'em. If we're this dead-set on destroying ourselves, why not speed it along? Let anyone dump anything they want anywhere. Let 'em make the air unbreathable. Let 'em make the water undrinkable. Let 'em amass all the imaginary points that polluting earns them until the environment is such an unrecoverable mess that it renders those points meaningless. Maybe launch a few nukes for good measure. It's obvious that this experiment called "humanity" has failed catastrophically. Let's do one unselfish thing and wipe ourselves out before we can infect and ruin any other planet.


Active member
I've been something of a misanthrope since I was old enough to see what havoc and devastation our species was wreaking on this planet, but I still care when people are hurt and suffering, and the bullies, sociopaths, and sadists who run almost everything piss me off to no end.

We fight. We fight for those who will have to inherit the world we leave them. And we fight for all the the other species who have the misfortune of being stuck on this rock with us. And if nothing else, we fight to spite the powers-that-be, because to hell with every last one of them.
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too old for this
Well, the boomers are just insistent on taking the ******* world with them and since their tangerine messiah is currently in charge here, why wouldn't they go back to old habits?

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
My mom is a boomer (my dad is from the silent generation) and it never ceases to astonish me how selfish she is. She's in the Trump cult, of course, but I'm not just talking about her political leanings. She used to rant and rave about how unfair it was that society expected her to put the needs of her children first. Even when I was a kid, I was tempted to ask her if she really wanted to be a mother, but that would have only made her explode in rage.

They truly are the "me" generation.

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