That seems accurate. They cannot move process beyond what their religion allows. That includes banning art, music, movies, math, science, medicine, civil rights and acknowledging the existence of women. They are stuck in a situation that prevents them from adapting to change and inventing things of their own. They are reliant on other nations developing things and hopefully importing their unwanted tech. There are stories about how Taliban fighters were amazed when they entered Kabul and seen strip malls for the first time and chairs with cushioning.The truth to any country in Islamic held territory. Anyone who's actually tying to make a decent place for anyone over there eventually is going to get ran over by backwards thinking extremists because their religion tells them they have every right to be shitty to everyone else outside their sect. At least that's the gist I always seem to get. The Taliban better hope China or Russia wants to fund their butts because they won't be getting the same ammount of aid we were giving them anymore.... At least I hope. We do have a history of backing the wrong guys at times.