Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Age isn't an issue when you have Tesla's time machine.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Don't be so skeptical! A combination of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine can cure anything, even a rifle shot to the head.


Well-known member

Conservative cable network Newsmax has sidelined White House correspondent Emerald Robinson after she made the utterly bonkers claim that COVID-19 vaccines contain a “bioluminescent” tracker linked to the Devil.

In a post that has since been taken down by Twitter for peddling COVID-19 misinformation, Robinson warned “Christians” that the vaccines include “a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked,” all while suggesting to her followers that the shot was the “Mark of the Beast”—something she’s said before.


jumbled pile of person
I want to say "when even Newsmax fires you for being too nutty", but also Tucker Carlson totally could have said that on the air and gotten away with it and I'm not ready to say it's because Fox News's journalistic standards are even lower than their off-brand imitators. It's more a matter of (A) she's a correspondent, and thus an actual journalist, rather than a pundit, and (B) she's a nobody on a network that is itself a collection of nobodies, so no one's going to raise a stink about their favorite TV star getting sacked.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Tucker Carlson is also a known name who brings in ratings. Short of actually outright breaking the law on air, he's not going anywhere. Unfortunately.


Slightly Off
It's quite petty of me, but I do so hope one day Tucker Carlson gets a solid oak door slammed on his ding dong.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
You realize he's a hard core republican talking head. Dude's probably a freak who'd enjoy it.


unfortunate shark issues
Big anti-vax protests today here in New Zealand. Parliament is in high security mode. Some of the protestors are waving Trump flags. Leaked chat from a Telegram group shows people talking about a Jan 6 style invasion of Parliament.

Some highlights so far:
A man holding a “media treason” sign with swastikas covered his face while talking to media - saying we were complicit in “taking our freedom from us.”
Another protestor I spoke to who didn't wish to be named said he didn't trust the media because they labeled things as “conspiracy theories” when they were actually happening.
In other protest news, a police officer has been bitten by a protester at Auckland’s northern boundary.
However people planning the protest on Telegram have suggested things could get hairier.
There are discussions of tradies using angle-grinders to carve through the walls of Parliament, of threats against the Prime Minister, and of a general overthrow of the Government brought about by forcing the Governor General to call a new election.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
*Bangs head on desk*


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Well-known member
Because he's appealing to their sense of defying reality.

People who believe in idiotic nonsense are joined in their rejection of reality as we know it, and Trump is riding on that wave.


Active member
Trump is essentially the living definition of kakistocracy, so of course the worst people adore him.


Slightly Off
My mind continues to rebel over the whole concept. Trump. Trump of all people.
I know I'm anthropomorphizing a intellectual concept here, but out of all the potential figureheads, Evil chose Donald J. Trump.

I expected Evil to have more self-respect.


jumbled pile of person
The irony is that Trump personally signed off on the US-produced vaccines and even told people at his own rally to get them, and got booed for it.

He's definitely a "messiah" in the sense that people have a completely misguided idea of what he actually is, and probably won't hesitate to crucify him if they can ever figure that out.


Slightly Off
Urge to start a firestorm with the idea that Trump was replaced by the Deep State, who also grabbed JFK Jr. before he could reveal himself to the public.

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