Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous


Well-known member

Barely three days after a shooter at an LGBTQ club killed five people and injured dozens, right-wing media figures have been blaming LGBTQ people for causing the violence. Others are also attacking the military veteran who stopped the shooter.

Their claims continue a years-long campaign of stochastic terrorism in which they’ve accused queer people and their allies of grooming children for sexual abuse through LGBTQ school content and drag shows, and also of mutilating children’s genitals through gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth.

While genital surgeries aren’t conducted on minors and no kids have ever been molested during a drag show, none of these figures have spoken as passionately against forced genital surgeries for intersex kids or the literal thousands of child rape cases that have occurred in U.S. churches, nor have they promoted organizations that actually work against child sex abuse and trafficking.

After the shooting, conservative podcaster and transphobe Matt Walsh said that drag shows, like the one held at Club Q on the night of the shooting, exist to let queens “satisfy their fetish for cross-dressing in front of children” and to “indoctrinate children into queer theory [and]… turn your children queer, that is the goal.”

Ignoring the fact that Club Q only allows patrons ages 21 and up, his rhetoric matches those of armed right-wingers who have showed up to intimidate drag performers at restaurants of all-ages shows and library drag queen story hours.

“All of it is so horrifying, so perverse, so degraded… it’s so horrifying,” he continued. He then said that LGBTQ people’s claims that his rhetoric encourages violence are “invented out of whole cloth.”

He then revealed his true game by asking drag performers (or “disgust freaks” as he regularly calls them), if his words are really causing that much violence and chaos, why do they continue to hold drag events?

“By their version of events, it’s causing this much chaos and violence. Why do you insist on continuing to do it? …If the effort to have men crossdress in front of children is putting people’s lives at risk, why are you still doing it? Is that important to you?”

According to Walsh, drag performers shouldn’t exist because right-wingers who listen to him will just shoot up more clubs.

A recent social media post from @realloveconnie read, “The biggest danger of taking your child to a drag show is that a Christian could show up with a gun.”


Now with hi-res avatar!
That little factoid needs to be mentioned every time his name comes up. It's a major failing of modern journalism that this is the first I'm hearing about it.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Hopefully the judge will see through his bullshit, and force him to pay up. Nothing says "you're fucked" quite like having bailiffs ransack your house, workspace, and garage.


too old for this
The courts are already pissed with him. I guarantee they'll be watching and none of the usual tricks for hiding wealth are gonna work.
They're gonna bird dog his ass straight into destitution. Good.


Well-known member
Maybe if he'd been listening to his lawyers all along it might have had a chance of working, but at this point every defense he might have had has been disintegrated by his idiotic antics. He has played a very stupid game, and won a very large stupid prize.


too old for this
Absolutely. He is 100% the poster child for the "hug around/found out" crowd.
He could have had his day in court. He chose to play stupid games. He could have made a compelling argument about his finances. He chooses to play stupid games.
. . . . he could have not been an absolute shitbag of a person. he chose not to.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
You know what, I don't think he did have a choice in that last one. I think he spent so long huffing his own farts and master baiting to his bank account that he couldn't have stopped being this way even if he wanted to, and I doubt he did. He was probably always of the mindset of an abuser and exploiter, and the sheer level of success (and let's be real here: in american terms he was VERY successful.) just enabled the abuse and exploitation.

And; realistically, just suddenly becoming (something in proximity of.) a decent human being would have just made things worse for him in court and in the court of public appeal. His die hard fans would have abandoned him if he turned it off, and the judges probably would have gone a lot harder on him because he in that context he would have obviously known better but made the concious and deliberate choice to continue because of money.

No, he is, and always was a shitbag sociopath who literally stumbled into a means of making ridicuous reams of money at the expense of the people around him and folks he had never even met and literally had no concept of the pain he was causing or the consequences he was creating.



The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

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