Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous


Active member
The one uniting value that American Christianity has is the perpetuation of American Christianity. That's it. It's nothing but a vestigial power structure that no longer has any purpose other than to exist, but will do anything to keep existing. Attack the queer, condemn the whatever you want. There is no authority that you have to answer to so, by default, Christianity is whatever you say it is. People have been limit testing that for generations now, and it keeps bending without finally breaking.


jumbled pile of person
Yeah, and then one side actually won and decided to do what winners always do and pretend it's because they were the good guys, and not because all wars have to end eventually.

I do wonder how much longer it would have had to be dragged out before both sides would get so fed up with being perpetually at war that they would mutually admit the whole thing was a huge mistake and they should agree to end it with no winner. Three years wasn't even really that long as wars go; it was just especially grim.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Even if one sides government falls to revolution (because the population wanted the war to end.): one government still ended, so the side that didn't is the winner. There's always a winner at war, whether you like it or not. That whole "What if war were declared and no one showed up" philosophical question doesn't happen, because one side will always show up, so the second side will get involved regardless.


Well-known member


(To clarify this, I'm putting this here because he's more notable as a conspiracy theorist than notable in politics, not suggesting that him having a brain worm is itself an untrue claim.)


unfortunate shark issues


Well-known member
Who had dinosaur denial on conspiracy bingo?


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Who had dinosaur denial on conspiracy bingo?
So does she think 'The Devil made the fossils to lead people astray' or is it 'God flooded the entire planet and that's what killed the dinosaurs'? At least there's actual physical evidence of a large impact event in the Yucatan. She's also forgetting that dinosaurs still roam the Earth. We just tend to keep certain species as pets and breed a couple of species for food now.


jumbled pile of person
Hey while we're on the subject, what exactly was the basis for switching from "birds evolved from dinosaurs" to "birds literally ARE dinosaurs" anyway?


Well-known member
That had more to do with a change in how classification itself works than a discovery about birds specifically.

Modern taxonomy prefers monophyletic groups; groups defined as including all descendants of a common ancestor.
And birds are well within dinosaurs; Velociraptor is more related to birds than to Tyrannosaurus, which is itself more related to birds than to Allosaurus, and so on.
This also means birds are reptiles, because alligators are more related to dinosaurs than to lizards.

Basically, nothing evolved from a group that it isn't still a part of. That means birds are dinosaurs, snakes are lizards, humans are apes and apes are monkeys, and insects are crustaceans.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
So does she think 'The Devil made the fossils to lead people astray' or is it 'God flooded the entire planet and that's what killed the dinosaurs'?
I heard teachers at school vary between the two of those claims. Although the most common ‘explanation’ was that the fossils were put there to “test faith” and that the flood somehow artificially aged the Earth.

(Yes, this was in supposedly normal state schools in England. Didn’t go to a church-run school, for obv. reasons.)


Well-known member
Meanwhile, the people who actually have promoting creationism as their primary grift claim that the dinosaurs were on the ark, that behemoth was a sauropod dinosaur, and that all dragon myths were inspired by people seeing live dinosaurs.

The dumbest ones even claim dinosaurs and pterosaurs survived into modern times.


jumbled pile of person
Basically, nothing evolved from a group that it isn't still a part of. That means birds are dinosaurs, snakes are lizards, humans are apes and apes are monkeys, and insects are crustaceans.
I must not be understanding this properly. Because if that's the new way we're classifying things, mammals are birds, and by extension also dinosaurs, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. Which would mean whales really are fish after all!


too old for this
Meanwhile, the people who actually have promoting creationism as their primary grift claim that the dinosaurs were on the ark, that behemoth was a sauropod dinosaur, and that all dragon myths were inspired by people seeing live dinosaurs.

The dumbest ones even claim dinosaurs and pterosaurs survived into modern times.
Hey, you leave Nessie and Ogopogo out of this. :p


Well-known member
I must not be understanding this properly. Because if that's the new way we're classifying things, mammals are birds, and by extension also dinosaurs, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. Which would mean whales really are fish after all!
Mammals didn't evolve from birds. Or even from reptiles, by modern definitions. (Some extinct animals more closely related to mammals than to extant reptiles used to be considered reptiles, but it's those, not mammals, that have been reclassified.)
But not even close to from birds; in fact, mammals are actually older than birds.

"Amphibian" no longer includes any of the basal tetrapods. Only animals more closely related to frogs than to reptiles...which conveniently does include all extant animals that have ever been considered amphibians.

"Fish" is a term that's generally not used at all in taxonomy anymore, for precisely the reason of it not having a monophyletic definition, or any real way to make one that's not just a synonym for another existing term.

"Invertebrate" has, to my knowledge, actually never been considered a proper taxonomic group, just a "everything else" label. It literally never had any other definition besides "all animals except vertebrates".

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