People keep using the word "Debate" like I came in here and threw down the gauntlet. I posted the other side of the "debate".I'd like to make a couple comments here.
1) As much as people complain about MSM(rightly or wrongly) when something comes out that shows they were wrong, they WILL typically update or retract the story. A question was asked earlier that I don't believe was ever answered. Did Alex Jones ever retract or correct the Sandy Hook story -on his show- the same way MSM will update or retract stories on their publishing, or has he only said such in court and personal statements?
2) The CNN stuff that keeps getting brought up? That' s 100% whataboutism. it does not answer any questions or criticisms about Alex Jones, it merely tries to redirect the argument rather than defending against the actual statement.
This debate is supposedly about Alex Jones and his actions, not whatever CNN did or didn't do.
I know it doesn't happen much here, because this forum is essentially an echo chamber, but it's refreshing, because at least here there are points being brought up that I'm willing to look at objectively. The AllSpark never fails to deliver in that area.
Did I avoid the original argument? No. I addressed it. We're talking about Sandy hook as well, sure...but that's not the title of this thread, is it? I didn't want to start the conversation here, and I covered why in my initial post. I pointed out how dangerous, and non repentant CNN's reporting was in just one instance. Not a tactic to deflect guilt from Jones and you know that, or should.
Jones addressed the issue several times on his show retracting and stating he now believed it was real, but he did more than that. He openly admitted his mistakes and apologized on other media outlets and, specifically in Megan Kelley's interview, which if memory serves me...happened before the suit, OR RETRACTION REQUEST, was ever filed. As a matter of fact, I believe one Plaintiff stated they didn't even know about Jones' statement until someone mentioned it from seeing an excerpt of her show. I could be wrong here, I'm going from memory...but I don't think I am. Starting the video at the point he address your question, but really his whole statement here is relative. If you have to see it on IW, I'll have to find the segment, and we'll all have to agree to be ok with the clip because I don't have time to edit and upload it just to avoud triggering someone from a product endorsement.
BUT...What about CNN and all the other corporate Media jackals spreading lies on platforms where they make money from advertising? IMO, and apparently others, "Conspiracy Theory" is essentially newspeak (News-peak), anyway.
If a small platform like InfoWars is dangerous, then Corporate backed media giants are outright deadly, and that is the point of this thread.