Cool concepts and missed opportunities

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I remain even more baffled we never got a Titan Master Straxus.

He's literally a character who spent half his appearances as a disembodied head!

On the other hand, you can use literally any Megatron toy to represent most of his remaining appearances.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I liked the Transformers as GI Joe and Cobra vehicles, maybe not the specific ones we got in the comics, but the idea of altmodes that could potentially be redecoed into in-house Hasbro crossovers is appealing to me.
As long as we get a Night Raven Transformer, anyway.


New member
My daughters had some older My Little Ponies with magnets in their feet. Touching the magnet to spots on some toys caused doors to open, etc. I always thought it would've been cool to incorporate that action feature into a Transformer. No idea how it would've actually been applied, it just seemed cool at the time.
didn't all the AOE 1 step figures have magnets on their feet? so if you put them on grimlock they would pop out a weapon based on their faction?


Was Megatron right?
didn't all the AOE 1 step figures have magnets on their feet? so if you put them on grimlock they would pop out a weapon based on their faction?

Sounds cool, but I don't know . . . the only movie figure I've ever owned (unless I'm forgetting something) is Bumblebee w/ the big unfolding gun from DOTM.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I loved my TFSS one. Only sold it because I had to get a tumor out, the last two Subscription Services were awesome. Here's Toxitron offering constructive criticism to those who put out their Christmas decorations in September:


I loaded mine out with a spare CW Optimus gun set and a 3-D printed plunger.


I still have Pretender Prime and Megatron, they hang out with G1 Fort Max, either due to Pretender Shell compatibility, or to just stand on top of his central tower and swing at the airplanes.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Not the first time I've thought this (likely the first was when I was deep in frustration about how to figure out certain character customs) but I wish we'd gotten more combiner limb molds in the style of POTP Jazz -- with a hood chest or cockpit chest folding down over the combiner peg. Preferably without opaque plastic like other CW molds, and the hinge not being as scarily thin as Jazz's.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Takara gave us the Bat Optimus Primal (I wound up making a Megacroc myself), but sadly no one ever got around to an Onyx Primal.

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