DC Toy Thread


Another babka?
NGL, I can't quite grok what they're going for with the Beyond suit's mouth there.
Thing is McFarlane has a line that's just unambiguous BTAS and BTAS-related designs at seven inches. No reinterpretations, just as close as they can get to those designs.

The main DC Multiverse line, on the other hand, tries to go for that reinterpretation a bit, and with Batman Beyond it's taking a design that's almost exclusively existed in a BTAS style and tying to make it work in a broader style.
It's kind of like when Hasbro tries to do Animated in Generations and tries to marry those stylized designs with a more catch-all aesthetic.

Also, technically, McFarlane's main DC Multiverse Batman Beyond figures reference comic retellings of Batman Beyond DC's done the last couple of years on the box. Those comics, AFAICT, have a more general "comic book" art style.
I haven't read them, but they may be going in that direction with the general look.


Another babka?




Damien: "I'm the new Robin because dad said so! So... do something else."

Tim: "Ok geeze, ya brat."


Tim: mumbles "Fricken' kids..."

Damien: "Nailed it!"


Tim: "Ok, I'm Red Robin now. Happy?"


Damien: "Red Robin? I'll take a hamburger and some endless fries. Make it snappy."


Tim: "You're a jerk, ya know that?"

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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Thing is McFarlane has a line that's just unambiguous BTAS and BTAS-related designs at seven inches. No reinterpretations, just as close as they can get to those designs.

The main DC Multiverse line, on the other hand, tries to go for that reinterpretation a bit, and with Batman Beyond it's taking a design that's almost exclusively existed in a BTAS style and tying to make it work in a broader style.
It's kind of like when Hasbro tries to do Animated in Generations and tries to marry those stylized designs with a more catch-all aesthetic.

Also, technically, McFarlane's main DC Multiverse Batman Beyond figures reference comic retellings of Batman Beyond DC's done the last couple of years on the box. Those comics, AFAICT, have a more general "comic book" art style.
I haven't read them, but they may be going in that direction with the general look.
Yeah, I've got a bunch of them, and I've been looking at and reading my way through them when I can.

Even then, this is just... not like anything I've seen there (so far) or anywhere else. Most depictions make it look like the mask covers the face fully, but has a moving mouth of some kind. Presumably some future thing.

This... I can't tell if the lower part of the face is part of the mask, or like some sort of face paint...

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Toy Fair update on some toys:
Superman 25 was MIA. Probably going to be a BIG stand alone reveal in the coming weeks (or WB is trying to “keep things secret” like Disney’s bull).

Spin Master’s final big push on Batman will be a mix of DC Metal Force and Batman Ninja Strike, inspired by the Batman Ninja anime features. Ninja Strike will appear to feature 5“ “action feature” figures, 4” standard figures, and 12” Titan style.


Another babka?
Some custom black suited Batmen. First is a JLA X Hush kitbash, the second is a vs Spawn two pack X Detective Comics 27 kitbash.


Some retro Batmen. Detective Comics 27 Platinum, Detective Comics 254, and Batman Manga.


Some retro Supermen. Action Comics 1 and Fleischer Animation.


Superman Evolution. Action Comics 1, Fleischer Animation, and Action Comics 1000.


Nightmaster with some other sword boys.

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Another babka?
More JSA guys....


DC Rebirth Batman


Endless Winter X Flashpoint X JLA Aquaman kitbash

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Another babka?
"What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!"


Just missing Jason and Stephanie Robins at this point.


Bruce's biological kids...from a certain point of view.


Birds of Prey?


Some JSA girl power.


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Okay, I was like "When did Stuttering Craig get an action figure?" before remembering it was Todd McFarlane.
I got you the like for the ScrewAttack reference (RIP)

But, DUDE!
Check these out, McFarlane is doing a Multiverse wave for Batman RETURNS!

Batman Returns (with the Animated Series following the next year) were my PEAK “Batman” years as a kid. And you have NO IDEA how much I’ve wanted a god damned action figure styled after that suit! As a kid, I wanted that oversized rotocast figure for the express purpose of it being the ONLY product in the entire Kenner range that reflected the suit in the film. Even conned my parents into getting me one of those lackluster deluxe figures (Firebolt) simply because it was the ONLY standard figure that featured any element of the film’s suit (the chest piece).
I got the Spinmaster Batwing last year almost exclusively for the Returns figure (The one time I found it, it was missing the damned yellow oval sticker!).

Any time there is talk of “Keaton Batman movie products”, it ALWAYS ends up being the 89 suit. I’m QUITE eager to get this figure. Hopefully the deco turns out better than the 89 Batman that just got released.
(Edit: Found some “in hand” images, and they look better than the promo images. Maybe I’m just spoiled with my Mezco One:12 version?)

Oh, and a Christopher Walken figure. Because who’s going to turn away from a Christopher WALKEN action figure?
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