Destiny 2 Electric Arc Staff Boogloo


Well-known member
Ahhhh...the final season of Beyond Light is here and boy is it a doozy. We've got Savathun trapped in a crystal prison, we've got Mara Solv back for us to view her 3D model to our hearts content, and we've got new dance emotes. So many new dance emotes

Ironbite-also exploits in PvP but you come to expect that.


too old for this
I was out a great deal last season due to family health issues. I was disappointed to miss so much.
That said, this is looking to be another fantastic season with great story beats. I'm quite pleased at the tone being set. I also like the new season pass exotic more than the one from last season.


Active member
Crossplay is such a huge addition for me. I started playing Destiny: The Taken King on Xbox One with 3 old high school friends in 2015, but the only one of them who still plays as much as me, and is far better than I am, switched to PC with Destiny 2.

In the last two weeks we've been able to play together several times. I got to beat my first-ever dungeons (Prophecy, and Pit of Heresy twice), I got Xenophage, we worked together on the Shattered Realm last week, and yesterday we beat the 1320 Nightfall.

As for this season, it'll be hard to top the last two in terms of story, but they've really been doing well in that regard lately so I'm assuming there will be more to it than just "we help Savathun, she tricks us, go buy The Witch Queen this spring to see what happens next!" I'm enjoying the Shattered Realm quite a bit, with all the mysteries to find and collect. Astral Alignment is okay, certainly more fun than the last few six-person activities. I've got my loadout modded for all fusion rifles all the time, which is great for my Jotunn/Null Composure/Sleeper options, but I hate that I have to either use a Bow or a Solar subclass (or both, really) for Overload champions. I'm already at level 80 for the season, 1337 max power (1324 base + seasonal boost).

The Nth Doctor

Finally able to play with Ms Vi thanks to the cross play. She's on Xbox and I'm on my PC.

I'm a warlock and I can zap-punch people across the room. Life is good XD


too old for this
cross play is a huge step. I'm super thrilled that I can play with people on PC and Playstation now.


Well-known member
Ooooh. New This Week At Bungie with a Content Vault update. On the launch of Witch Queen, we're losing the Tangled Shore and the Forsaken campain. Ouch.

Ironbite-gonna miss Spider.


Well-known member
Sooooooooooooooooooo...grabbed both exotics from this thing. Gjallhorn from the dungon, Forerunner from the easy amount of dares you have to do. It's a lot of fun. The Dares are definitely worth the price of admission and hearing Xur say things like "wacky" and "bonkers" you can tell they had a lot of fun with this. Don't forget to hit Eververse every week for your free Bright Dust until Witch Queen drops. Otherwise you'll be left with egg on your face. And speaking of....



Well-known member
Ok so furthering on my post....

Basically Sony got really scared by Microsoft locking them out of the gaming market by buying up a lot of the good devs so they went after the only remaining big fish in the pond. Bungie gets a shot of cash flow, Sony gets an IP that's not gonna be locked to Microsoft Game Pass then thrown their way 2 years down the line, everyone wins. Best of all, Destiny stays Multi-platform.

Ironbite-and all is right with the world.


too old for this
I'm very glad Destiny remains multi plat. That would have been a hard pill to swallow.


too old for this
we finally got the exorcism mission too.
it's. . . . . .disappointing, frankly. And the ship that was supposed to drop is bugged too. No ship.

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