Destiny 2 Electric Arc Staff Boogloo

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
I tried that a bit last season, but I didn't have a Lorely so it felt very incomplete.

I pretty routinely hit 250k+ with thunderclap and that recharges with my current build in 5-10 seconds. If I were running some stacking damage buffs I'm sure I could get that higher but trading it for near invincibility outside of being oneshot or bounced into the geometry feels like a good trade off.


Well-known member
I picked up a Lorely this season, tried it out pre-nerf, and my god it was amazing. Just being able to throw hammers, stand in sunspots, just be invincible. It's still powerful just not as.

Also, Bungie realized how stupid this week's story mission's requirements were so they auto-completed it for us so we can move on to the biggest story twist in Destiny's story since the Traveler chose Savathun.

Ironbite-so that was fun.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
They did? Lol. Me and Doc finished that the same day. All it took was a handful of nightfall runs, and it was a pretty easy nightfall honestly.


Well-known member
50 champ kills was a bit much but was doable by most of the community. Sadly, the community bitch and moaned that they couldn't use the LFG function of the Destiny app. So, auto-complete.

Ironbite-bah I'm not mad about it.

The Nth Doctor

Yeah, it wasn't really that hard. But then I don't know how many people have learned the fine art of impossible bullshit. Like, between Vi's One Punch Woman build and my Invisible Lightning Fist Kata Healing Death Blow build, it was pretty easy to burn through it all.

The Nth Doctor

Like Assassin's Cowl is just stupid with the Arc Melee. Invisibility and healing for every powered melee kill. Build for quick melee recharge and just go to town on smaller enemies. Punch, vanish, heal, punch, vanish, heal, punch, vanish, heal. Every punch is a powered melee kill and it never ends! Combine that with a Half-Truths that heals with every kill for quick backup and I can sustain myself easily.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
Also as I haven't been super active in this thread I just have to gush with how far destiny has come since the first game.

I played the original beta, put hundreds of hours into it at launch and always dreamt of it expanding and growing in it's story. Which wasn't a big ask since the first game barely had one unless you deep dove into the lore you collected on the website/app.

I skipped destiny 2 at launch cause by then my fire team had fallen apart and it really felt like while it had improved a lot of it was just spinning it's wheels.

Now how we are so much later and the morality of the 'gods' isn't so embarrassingly black and white. The other races from outside Sol aren't just snarling evil baddies. We have Eliksni living in the city, forming friendships and bonds, Caiatl and her Cabal are some of our staunchest allies, even parts of the Hive could be argued to be closer to a moral gray area because of Savuthun and the Lucent brood.

It's just so refreshing as someone who started in the days of "That Wizard came from the moon!" And "I don't even have time to explain what I don't have time to explain."


too old for this
The story of Destiny is matched, IMO, only by the gameplay and controls. In that regard Bungie had it nailed from Day 1. No shooter before or, frankly, after, has ever felt so tight, so dead on perfect to me. And now we have a story that matches. Lore deep enough for individuals like Byf to make hundreds of hours going over. True character progress where we see humanity in the alien races around.

For all it is a guns and space magic game, Destiny is a fantastic science fantasy voyage that just keeps getting better with every update.

As far as gameplay goes, with my new job, my shitty hours, and taking a ton of classes, I have not had much in the way of time to play. I do need to get some work on on this season. I only barely got the title for last. Life is really interfering with my game time.
That said, arc has always been my favorite element for titans. I've been an arc main from D1. Arc 3.0, like the other enhanced classes, is excellent. I love the versatility we have and while I do miss the invincibility I had with pre nerf Lorelei and Solar, I think when I have the time to really do some build crafting Arc is going to be just as tanky, but perhaps with a bit more punch.
I love the movement, the speed. I enjoy being the fastest thing on the field, even without maxed mobility.
I'm not big on the armor this season, but the pirate activities are quite fun. Way more than grinding through a thousand containments on Leviathan.


Well-known member
Hey don't knock the Leviathan containments. Yeah they were repetitive and got old fast, but you could just jump in and do them. No matchmaking needed. Convenience, they're kind of the better type of public activity that was needed.

Ironbite-also helped the Leviathan dragged you to max light so you could bring in sunset weapons to play with.


too old for this
I missed the end of last season and it's looking like I'll miss most of this one as well due to life and being at KLETC till August.
I miss playing.


Well-known member
Oh hey there rest of Lightfall story. What're you doing in the middle of a seasonal story that'll be dropped once the next expansion hits?

Ironbite-seriously Bungie why'd you think this was the smart play?


Well-known member
So earlier this year, we lost Lance Reddick. Terrible blow to both the acting world and Destiny community. Bungie has decided on the fate of Commander Zavala.

Ironbite-hello Keith David, welcome to the family.

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