Diablo 4, release date June 6th! Who else is getting it?

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I still haven't had a chance to pick this up yet. I need to get it, I have just been super busy with the kids lately.
A year and a half later, I finally get this game!

I spent over a day downloading it, then the very next day, there is a 12.7gb patch!

Still in act 1 as a barbarian, but I am having fun with it.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
You’re probably coming in at a better time than at launch. Playing since launch, they’ve done a LOT of work with quality of life stuff on inventory and some necessary difficulty balancing.

Many of my base frustrations remain, though. I think there is still work to be done on the difficulty balance at higher levels, and “strongholds” are something that don’t seem to have really amounted to much aside from being an annoying thing you have to do every season. One of my bigger issues remain with seasons: they’ve done some interesting things…but nothing ever remains. A bunch of the special weapons and skills just cease existing at the end of the season. There’s clearly some experimentation going on, but it remains to be seen if it will amount to anything in the future.

I’m still, broadly, enjoying it, but it feels like it’s still a bit work in progress. If Diablo 3 is anything to go by, the game may well be amazing in a few more years.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I am in Act 2 now. Still having fun running around and getting all the quest I can do as well as clearing any dungeons.

My main issue now is that some of my level 50 gear, I am still stuck with. For example the gear that gives me dust devils on my double swing, the one that gives me an extra weapon throw, and the one that make my weapon throw be three weapons instead of one. That last one is really useful as it creates a nice triangle of death, and I don't want to lose that.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
By level 50, you should have unlocked the occultist. Any time you salvage legendary gear at the blacksmith, you should be unlocking "Aspects" which can be applied to gear at the Occultist. This can upgrade Rare into Legendary, but it will REPLACE any existing aspect on the item. If you are finding particularly more power gear, it might be worth it to salvage your level 50 gear and simply apply the aspect to your new gear.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I will give that try! I can certainly use the upgrades for several pieces of gear.

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