Digimon General Discussion Thread


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They're a distribution company that licenses existing titles for home media release, like Shout! Factory. They're not a dubbing company.

True, although in this case they've made it sound like they're selectively replacing at least some of the original Saban dub master footage with better-quality material sourced from Japan. If they can do that, and they have access to the original multitrack recording sessions of the dub films, then it's not that huge a stretch. The voice acting already exists and the original BGM already exists. All that would need to be done is subbing in emotionally-appropriate sections of that BGM with a few minor edits here and there to get the tracks to fit. All they'd need to maybe hire is an editor, assuming they don't have anyone in-house with the skill (which they probably do).


Continuity Nutcase
Discotek is not that kind of company.


I’m not dead yet!
So I ended up getting the Vital Bracelet (Ghost Games Digivice Fitbit watch) It's been a fun way to train Digimon. Only down side is the cost of all the DiM Chips the Digimon come on. Each Chip holds a certain evolution tree. Most Vital Bracelets come with the Pulsemon line chip since he's the mascot Digimon of the VB since it did debut before Ghost Game came out. The Ghost Game Themed one is the one I got since it's a tad more inconspicuous on an adult, and thus I got the Gammamon chip instead. But the kicker is you can only store up to two Digimon at a time on the VB. But there is an mobile app that you can store them on. Problem there is you got to have the DiM chips handy if you've switched Digimon around. If the Digimon you send back to the VB isn't the one you previously had active on it before, the VB will need the appropriate DiM chip to reinstall it to the VB.

Battles between Digimon on the VB are pretty simplistic too and kind of limited. You can trigger a battle by waving an active NFT device near it. But Battles will always be limited to the evolution line of the Digimon that's fighting. And battles consist of trading attacks for 5 turns with one or the other hitting each turn. Most times it won't get to 5. I've only seen one battle with one of my Digimon losing due to just lower health than the other. Also each Digimon has a specific turn it shoots a critical attack. But it's far from a guaranteed hit. And typically if you've been exercising with it on prior to battle, you tend to have better stats and odds to win. That said it also can pit your Rookie vs a mega at times which has no chance. Thankfully holding down the confirm button as it shows who it's pairing you against let's you run away.

Digivolving past Rookie will be determined by the amount of battles, exercise vital points, mission trophies, and later battle win percentage. Baby through Rookie is until some of the new DiMs come, a straight shot. Baby to In Training takes an hour, 3 more to get to Rookie. Champion will come 16 hours later from Rookie and depending on your stats I mentioned above will determine what Champion you get. Most generally get the expected route the more exercise and missions you do. Doing nothing usually gives you a low end Digimon. after that the next two checks for digivolving will come a day later for Ultimate and Mega. And there can be some DNA digivolving. If you have a Digimon of the same level of a different type (Data, Virus, Vaccine, Null) in storage as your active one triggers it's next level, it can influence a different path instead sometimes without the necessary requirements. So far I've only done this to get Omnimon between MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon. But it only uses the active Digimon. The one in storage still is there in it's form. So my MetalGarurumon changed to Omnimon and I still have WarGreymon.

Missions consist of a random easy 1 Trophy mission daily, usually an amount of Steps, Battles fought, Battles, won, or Vital points earned of an easy to get. Hard Missions is Squats for 30 seconds, Situps for 30 seconds, Punching for 20 seconds, and dashing for 20 seconds. Doing all four per day nets you 6 trophies. Advance Missions comes from the app sent back with a Digimon. I've seen 4 so far. Win 6 battles in an hour, Fight 10 times in an hour, Get 350 Vital points in and hour, and get 3000 steps in an hour. each will net 3 trophies each. Considering some megas will require 20+ trophies it's good there's more than the daily's with the app.

Finally theres the adventure Mission. It locks the app into a step counter mode with a goal to reach. Once it hit's you fight a battle. Win and progress lose and replay the current level. There are always 15 levels. Clearing all 15 unlocks a special Mega evolution, usually not the main lines. Agumon, and Gabumons special mega unlocks are big bads from Adventure 2020.

But back to the DiMs. Most are running 16 to17 per set. Some have one others might be two which might run a tad higher. Angoramon and Jellymon from Ghost Game are about the cost of one single set, while I got Agumon and Gabumon for 30. And then there's exclusives. Veemons chip only comes with a specific VB release and the aftermarket on it makes you practically ought to buy the VB he comes with anyways. Wormmon was P-Bandai only with a DiM Chip holder box. So theres one I really want but the price is much to high now.

Also the new Vital Hero Bracelets are expanding past Digimon. Kamen Rider is already available as well as a P-Bandai Medabot set, but soon theres going to be Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia too.


Nonstop Baaka
Speaking of Angoramon (latest ep spoilers)
Honestly think his Super Evolution's lame. He went from a round fuzz bunny to a cool butler bunny to a... round angry fuzz bunny? Bah.


Continuity Nutcase
While I am still mostly enjoying it, is anyone else besides me feeling rather impatient with Ghost Game?

I mean, we're already 35 episodes in as of this typing and it feels like we're still only in the beginning part of the series. It's been almost nothing but standalone filler episodes this entire time, with barely any plot-relevant episodes, no overarching main antagonist at all, and only tiny hints given very sporadically about something very important involving Gammamon coming later on.

It's feeling more and more like how the third arc of Xros Wars was, only minus the annoying hyper-activity of Tagiru and the frustration of him and Gumdramon getting so many wins at the expense of better balancing the victories between him, Taiki and Yuu.


Wondering bot
Much of this series, does feel very stand alone, so far, thou its mostly entertaining with some intersting questions raised at times, I do feel there is a bit of a direction, unlike Applimonsters, I felt that show wasn't well planned out as soon as each arc was over, the series kind of stalled, such as when they spent a few eps to get access to the deeper net, only to spend one ep there and suddenly, its back to real world with nothing major happening, in general, post Xros Wars, there seems to be a very much a lack of a driving vision, Tri is a good example of this lack of overall vision, its only purpose was more or less to get the rest of the original cast partners to Mega level but no real big bad! Adventure 2020, I felt that just lacked, sure the idea of adventure is cool and all but the thing that really drives a story is the vilians and adventure villans were very lackluster, they build up some big bad, yet, give them no actual personalty, so with Ghost Game, I really think the show could benefit from a serious ongoing villian outside of its mystery boxes


I’m not dead yet!
I'm kind of waiting to see when the Ghost Game Partners reach Mega level. Going by the Vital Bracelet lines all three kind of have an inconclusive variation of Mega's that I can't pin any one as being the right one.

Gammamon has a choice between
Aegisdramon, UltimateBrachiomon, and Chaosdramon. Of the Three I could knock out UltimateBrachio for sure, But considering Gammamons split champion lines, especially with GulusGamma I feel like we could have Aegisdramon as a normal mega evo while Chaosdramon could be a dark Mega turn.

Angoramons choices are
Anubismon, SabreLeomon, and Griffomon. Sabreleo is only on the chip since it has the Leomon line from champion onward so there is no real reason to think they will really swing that way. Griffomon also seems like a wild swing and a possible Dark branch Mega. Anubismon though just seems like an odd swing back to a more normal feel after the crazed look of Lamortmon. But money is on Anubismon

Jellymon I think has the most conclusive Mega although it still doesn't quite feel right.
She has choice between MarineAngemon, AncientMermaimon, or Pukumon. Good money is on AncientMermaimon. MarineAngemon would be a weird fit for out mischievous partner, and Pukumon.....no. But AncientMermaimon doesn't feel quite right either.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
While the episodic nature of the series is fun, I'm still hoping to see an actual overarching plot at some point. We still have a few notable villains who escaped rather than actually being defeated, too.

Metal Phantomon, Vamdemon, and Matadormon are all still out there at large. We also never actually saw the Skull Greymon that terrorized Pillomon, just the nightmare version of it, so he's lurking somewhere in the Digital World too. There's also the Black Agumon and Black Gargomon who were watching GulusGammamon's appearances.


Continuity Nutcase
And that's another thing. We're 36 episodes in and still haven't seen the kids actually ever go to the Digital World. Even Tamers didn't wait this long for that to happen.

Don't get me wrong, it's still a fun series. It's just... not going anywhere! It feel stuck in a rut. An enjoyable rut, but a rut nonetheless.

I don't watch Digimon for Pokemon-style storytelling. If I wanted that, I would just watch Pokemon.


Wondering bot
And that's another thing. We're 36 episodes in and still haven't seen the kids actually ever go to the Digital World. Even Tamers didn't wait this long for that to happen.

This series primary setting is the REAL world and the Digimon are living in the shadows of the world, many pretending to be holograms, so I don't think the show will go to the Digital world as its playing out in the real world, then again, it might be for when the main story finally kicks in that they end up in the Digital world, likely escorted there by Blacktailmon as they seem to be the only one capable to travelling between both worlds unhindered, exactly how, is unknown but then, Ghost Game has yet to explain how the Digimon cross over into the real world!

Pokemon, I got bored of that show ages ago, it was more or less the same story beats ep to ep, new place, new Pokemon, Team Rocket attempt to capture said Pokemon, along with Ash's & friends Pokemon, Team Rocket blasts off again, next ep, repeat, that is Pokemon in a nutshell with the only real story beats being encounters with Gym leaders or those related to them


Continuity Nutcase
Happy Odaiba Memorial Day!


I’m not dead yet!
Basic Gist-
It is a sequel to Kizuna.
Unlike Kizuna it feels like the character descriptions of the 02 Cast isn't deviating away from the original ending of 02 with each of the 02 DigiDestined following the paths towards where they were there but not quite there yet.
The main plot comes as Daisuke/Davis saves a new character from falling off of Tokyo Tower and reveals himself as the "First Chosen Child" alongside his Digimon.
And other than character descriptions of the DigiDestined and Partners we have most of the Japanese cast returning from Kizuna. Too Early for Dub info yet.

Click Sabrblades link to see the character promo shots and all.


I’m not dead yet!
Well I was wanting to build some models and there wasn’t a Gundam that was scratching that itch lately, and having a bit of a Digimon relapse I went for a WarGreymon model.

And while I know basic humanoid figures tends to bore me build wise, I was hoping to have some fun with this Figure Rise build. But the articulation it ends up with was disappointing. I know the gauntlets are big and cumbersome but I had hoped they would try to give the hands underneath a bit of love. But nope they barely give him thumbs under those huge clawed braces. I get that you rarely see under them outside of Digivolution in the show, but I would have liked a way to use his hands. Heads a tad limited and the back shield could use a bit more movement too. It’s cool to have a version unhampered by the need to change from Agumon, but I was kind of hoping for a tad more.



The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The only Standard kit I've bought so far is Magnamon, who doesn't have an Amplified version, and while he's not bad (and it's nice to have a figure of him that isn't the old Digi-egg transforming one), I feel like the Amplified kits are a better bang for the buck. I can definitely recommend Machinedramon and Black War Greymon, and Omegamon X-Antibody and Black Metal Garurumon are solid. Imperialdramon feels a bit less solid because of the transformation; if you don't plan to transform him, I'd suggest gluing the shoulder pads on. Still haven't picked up Gallantmon or Beelzemon, but they're on the list.


Continuity Nutcase
We got an update on Discotek's upcoming Blu-Ray release of Adventure's English dub:



Wondering bot
Ghost Game had a new champion evolution that not the main trio partner Digimon this week, I think the series is slowly starting to go somewhere, but rather slowly as the show is relying heavily on the problem of the week format, thou that seems to be the show main flaw, they drop bunches of hints about something but so far, no real delivery, thou in terms of time within Universe, is been more than a year, because there has been two Halloween eps and Christmas eps, thou I do kind of wish that Jellymon and Angoramon had more than the single straight evolution line, thou Gammamon has three champion forms, plus a mysterious dark evolution, which had more appearances than other dark evolutions of the main characters, aside from maybe Frontier's one (season 4), having multable evos for each level would get you trying to predict which form is going to pop out! Still Ghost Game, is not going to be the best Digimon series made but it be the longest running, from the looks of things without aging up the cast with a time jump of a couple of years as Adventure & Xros Wars did

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