Disney animation and related media


Continuity Nutcase
Huh, and yet they canned the Lizzie McGuire revival because of it being too mature.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Omg, haha



Well-known member

You can’t “stand unequivocally behind” people you NOT ONLY won’t take a moral stand to help but are actively encouraging hurting by giving their abusers money to continue their abuse.


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Huh, I didn't know she was lesbian or queer. With Encanto being a success, maybe Disney will let Lin Manuel Miranda do a movie with a male gay prince. Female gay characters seem safer to do than male gay characters, it seems. He can base it on... (*throws politically correct inclusive dart at ethnically viable map of the world*)... Australia?

(Does Disney have an Australian princess type rep yet? )

Powered Convoy

Huh, I didn't know she was lesbian or queer. With Encanto being a success, maybe Disney will let Lin Manuel Miranda do a movie with a male gay prince. Female gay characters seem safer to do than male gay characters, it seems. He can base it on... (*throws politically correct inclusive dart at ethnically viable map of the world*)... Australia?

(Does Disney have an Australian princess type rep yet? )
She is in a relationship with the creator of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch, but identifies as bisexual. That is why Luz is bisexual as well.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Hey, does Turning Red belong here or another thread?

Looking around in YouTube, is there really some hate over it? I just saw it and I LUVd it!

It has the same energy of Mitchells vs The Machines so if you liked that, there'll be a spark you'll enjoy in Turning Red.

I'm wondering about the culture presented in it though. Like, it can't be that real, can it? Cuz that's probably going to be little uncomfortable for some.

Something to note, this was... 90s? 00s? They had flip phones and camcorders. And, of course, the boy band, haha


Well-known member
I mean I have seen the usual brigade of White Men complaining about how this movie is "niche" and "inaccessible" for "normal" (I.e., White Men) audiences. :rolleyes:


I’m not dead yet!
Uhhh this may a one time voluntary watch for me actually. It was alright over all and not unwatchable, but it’s not one I’m going to revisit without prompting from my nieces or likewise. So much PG cringe comedy moments, and the plot really isn’t my thing.

I may be feeding into the whole White Male being uninterested vibe, but I’m a white male who at least gave it a shot. The climax of the plot was fun I’ll give it that.

Powered Convoy

Hey, does Turning Red belong here or another thread?

Looking around in YouTube, is there really some hate over it? I just saw it and I LUVd it!

It has the same energy of Mitchells vs The Machines so if you liked that, there'll be a spark you'll enjoy in Turning Red.

I'm wondering about the culture presented in it though. Like, it can't be that real, can it? Cuz that's probably going to be little uncomfortable for some.

Something to note, this was... 90s? 00s? They had flip phones and camcorders. And, of course, the boy band, haha
First minute shows it takes place in 2002.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm a little bit less than half way through the movie and they've shown the year 7 times either on a calendar, photo, or video. :D
Holy cow, that's right! They keep showing the calendar cuz of their time table! I just didn't notice, haha. I just remembered that nobody was taking pics on their phones cuz they don't have that kind of capability yet.

(What year was that anyway? Also when did smart phones become touch screen?)


How did that guy ever get a job as a film critic? How is this movie less relatable to a random white guy than Encanto or Coco or Finding Nemo or Zootopia or... basically any movie?

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