Do you still get that sense of wonderment from a new TF toy?


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
I’m assuming many are too jaded will not know what the eff I’m talking about, but my most recent Pulse shipment arrived today and included RotB Battletrap.

I don’t know why, but while I was learning how to transform him (I like going through the steps while reading the instructions), I got hit with a(n albeit very brief) wave of positive feels reminiscent of what could only be described as what I felt upon opening my first complex and coveted holy grail of the month action figure when I was a kid: a sense of wonderment.

Wonderment at a bit of genius engineering, the complex detailing, the satisfaction of a bit of transformed pieces all suddenly cleanly coming together, wide-eyed optimism to see more and know that it will exist out there in other figures in the line that I have yet bc of how well the figure in-hand delivered that sense of wonderment and satisfaction.

I’d even venture to call this feeling “hope”.

(Or irreverent naive childish optimism, take your pick.)

I’ve only experienced this a handful of times with a handful of figures throughout my life. I remember feeling it for the first time when I got my G2 Prime, for example. Or the original MMPR Megazord. I think I’ve felt it also with RiD 2001 Megs and Scourge. Maybe also ROTF Fallen and Mixmaster.

Anyway, I didn’t randomly expect to feel it with RotB Battletrap, but since I did, I wonder if anyone else has felt some sort of hopeful positive feels for any recent TF they’ve gotten.

And I’m not counting nostalgia.😋
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Maystor missspelur
Diaclone Reboot stuff and the most recently Legacy Needlenose did it for me
Diaclone sparks the creativity in me because of the millions of ways you can create alt modes its like Legos for Transformer fans

Needlenose like TR Triggerhappy before hit that sweet spot of this feels like the OG version but how I wish it was as a kid


Well-known member
The most recent time for me was Beastbox White Noise.

I've wanted to try Beast Box for a few years and he was my first time actually going for it and damn is he awesome.

The transformation is complex and surprising but also really really intuitive. Every bit of it made perfect sense from the last so it was like a good puzzle. It all moves really well and connects together super solid in both modes.

And the owl is amazing. It's jointed in every way you could possibly want an owl to be and can do any owl like pose and look good doing it. The way the battle mask changes the facial expression. He even came with a fun creative character bio. He was immediately adopted as a tf.

-ZacWilliam, flush with christmas cash he got me to quickly order several other Beast Box and I'll probably bite again in the future.


Well-known member
I still do fairly regularly. Some particularly clever yet simple step of conversion (simple being the operative word - I hate tons of tiny panels and tabs even if I recognize there are sometimes no way around them). The ability to get so close to "impossible" 2D animation. I've always said Transformers toys are art; they combine color, form and engineering in such amazing ways - they deserve to be showcased in museums.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yes. It hasn't gone away yet. I don't think it's anything the toys are pulling off. I think it's just an association permanently wired in my brain. Like a favorite food.


Two arms and one smile
I usually still do, yes. However, I get the most sense of wonderment from Transformers that are especially unique, or ones that I have pined after for a long while before finally getting in-hand.

My friend and I get together periodically to do a "toy night." He's primarily a Neca/horror movie collector, but appreciates all sorts of things. He often takes interest in my Transformers and G.I. Joe Classifieds and I usually enjoy his Aliens and Predators. I mainly get that sense of wonderment on those nights, versus just ripping open a freshly-procured figure.


too old for this
Yes, I still do.
Opening a titan is always an impressive experience. Just the sheer size and weight of them, the presence is just amazing. No matter which one.
Putting Legacy Menasor together was also one of those 'this is so cool!' moments. Just how the cars attach and the arms pop open. My little grandson was super impressed.

And when I opened Optus Prominom. I know he's third party, but the articulation and the poseability just left me staggered.

I still love my toys. And I'll admit, I'm constantly looking for that next "oh my god this is amazing!" feeling.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
It's been fewer and further between honestly. Especially since more and more I have to take out the nail polish/sandpaper to make the figure actually work right. It's frustrating. But I did get that with Star Saber. Partially because a friend got it for me, I'd otherwise have never tried due to finances at the time, and partially because right out of the box, it WORKED. Everything was fine, a few joints were a bit too tight or too loose but nowhere near the 'fix this or it will break first thing' area I've been used to. It's one of my all time favorites now and I did preorder DeathSaurus.

I did have a similar situation with Coronation Starscream, which I got during the 40% sale. I was surpised at how well it worked, and while Earthrise stuff was clearanceing I got the Thundercracker/Skywarp pack as a result. Pure fluke on that, but they all did what they were supposed to right away, and though I prefer the Deluxe Thundercracker, I finally have a seeker trio bigger than Basics.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't know if wonderment is the right word, but whenever I buy a Titanium and it turns out to have tight joints I get some kind of feeling like "I'm so proud of you. I must treasure you until the end of my days."


Well-known member
I've got so much plastic that I've had to raise my standards, so I don't usually buy something unless it's likely to give me those feels. The most recent stand-out for me is definitely Twitch, she's just so freakin happy. We need more happy robots.


I’m not dead yet!
It does feel largely dependant on the figure in question. I'm picking up fewer and fewer Transformers these days. And I gotta admit it's less about the toys themselves than the character. Out of my more recent pick ups the one that has given me the most wonderment was EarthSpark Twitch. She's a new character, with a rather unique altmode, and comparing her to Megs and Bee feels all the more fun comparatively.

Same goes for Legacy lately I got Leo Prime/Lio Convoy, Tarn, Hot Shot, and Scraphook, and while I love that all these guys got toys, Tarn and Scraphook are the winners to me since they are all the more new to me. I have other Hot Shots and LIo Convoys, but Tarn and Scraphook are completely new toy wise.

But then again it was the Beast Wars cast the last couple years that really gave me that sense of wonder and it's not like they were new toywise so maybe the sense of Wonder scales to my attachment to characters somewhat anyways.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Wonderment at a bit of genius engineering, the complex detailing, the satisfaction of a bit of transformed pieces all suddenly cleanly coming together, wide-eyed optimism to see more and know that it will exist out there in other figures in the line that I have yet bc of how well the figure in-hand delivered that sense of wonderment and satisfaction.
All the time, though sometimes I get that just from watching videos of people transforming the toys, too.


New member
Every time I see for the first time online and later get a new Diaclone repaint or obscure figure like Needlenose and Minerva, I get excited.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
no im bitter and cynical and get no joy out of anything. i hate fun and wonder.

literally every time i get a transformer tbh. altho idk if it really is wonderment but i really love getting a new transformer and transforming it for the first time. do wish they all came packaged in their alt modes tbh because i find turning the car/truck/plane/animal/whatever into a robot for the first time more exciting than turning a robot into whatever it transforms into for the first time, y'know?


Was Megatron right?
Some of what I look for is connection to a character, so I do I get excited over the possibilities when I read the leaked listings.

I haven't gotten that rush from opening and trying to figure out recent figures, though. Rodimus Prime . . . I waited from October (if I'm remembering right) to Christmas to open him up and figure him out, I spent 45 minutes trying to get some parts to click into place, and I was worried the whole time I was going to break him. Honestly - a lot of what I've bought over the last year or so has felt too complicated, and when steps aren't at least somewhat intuitive, or there are hidden little hinges, or parts that should move but won't, some of the fun goes away. Blue(silver)streak was fun. Jazz was fun. Hot Rod and Blaster were pretty cool. Skids was okay - there's actually some Alternator's influence in how he transforms, but he doesn't fit together well, so I haven't picked up Burn Out. Delta Magnus was disappointing. I hardly transform Kup and Blurr. Netflix Bumblebee is okay, but really, I like the Classics version better. I wanted Pointblank, but won't buy him.

I did build the Lego Optimus, though. That was fun. And the Galaxy Explorer, which was great, but that goes in a different thread.

I re-arranged some shelves and moved RID(2001) Ultra Magnus to a new shelf. I was amazed in that moment at how heavy he was, it absolutely blew me away.


New member
I felt really happy today when I found Metalhawk in Target! He isn't even available on BBTS or Amazon yet.


Well-known member
I used to just buy every figure but that was getting expensive and takes up a lot of room. That and getting married and 2 kids, kinda forces you to be more selective on what you do and dont buy. So now I only get the figures that I do like or I think look good. Thats why I skipped figures like Skids. I have never been a fan of him. That way Im not disappointed when I open them. But then some characters like Tarn, he looks cool. He had an interesting story in the comics. But once I opened him....hes kinda eh.


Two arms and one smile
I recently got that sense of wonderment from Speedia 500 Override. I'd wanted to get her a few times when I saw her on the shelf but I'd passed. Then, on a whim, I found one at a good price and took the plunge. For something that I was on the fence about, it really won me over. Clean, simple, non-fussy transformation; looks good in both modes and crucially, is a lot of fun! I brought her to work with me and couldn't stop transforming her!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I do, I really do. Hell, just finding something new in the store is awesome.

The high doesn't last anywhere near long enough anymore.

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