Does anyone have any idea of when it is most likely we will find out who the new Transformers comic publisher and why it has not happened yet?


...even Team Whirl.
Welcome to Hell, or what everybody had been asking for - some of Soundwave's threads all merged together.

Soundwave - stop making so many damn threads. This isn't Reddit. Use the ones you've created and actually respond instead of asking us weird questions.

If this is all some sort of prank, are all of our responses going to end up in a YouTube video?


Staff member
Council of Elders
50/50 odds. I don't know what the hell is going on, I just want it to stop.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I personally assume it's a (relative) youngin who has only ever known reddit. Even years ago I saw people call topic threads forums, because they only really knew reddit and didn't know that a forum referred to the entire thing. I almost wonder what it would look like if reddit got Twitter'd...

And frankly, I'm surprised the threads didn't go full Mayhem before now.


Well-known member
I personally assume it's a (relative) youngin who has only ever known reddit.
Their behavior screams "young person", but on the other hand, we're dealing with someone who implies having been old enough to make a conscious choice during the 2017 fan vote, is familiar with Marvel UK, Marvel G2, Regeneration One, the lackluster reception of Sunbow G1 season 3, Shattered Glass and numerous other aspects of the franchise's history.

Simply put, their level of in-depth Transformers knowledge (particularly various aspects of G1) and asinine OCD behavior about miniscule minutiae doesn't add up.

I assume we're looking at another Deathy/Ignash/Jason situation here.


I would be interested if the current publisher did a post season 4 Transformers series.
Maybe we would see the Decepticons do something about Galvatron and how Hot Rod goes about going from being the leader to back to being a regular bot.


Well-known member
I would be interested if the current publisher did a post season 4 Transformers series.
Maybe we would see the Decepticons do something about Galvatron and how Hot Rod goes about going from being the leader to back to being a regular bot.
Yes. You made that very clear on numerous occasions now.

You would like to see Sunbow season 4, Marvel UK and Marvel G2 continued in an official capacity. We get it. Either go into detail or find a new trick. You're not really getting anywhere with this.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
The knowledge bit could easily be explained by a read through the wiki. Even someone who was born much after the fact could gain extensive knowledge about G1/G2/etc by obsessively reading the wiki. And their phrasing of things makes me think english is not their first language. Im not saying they aren't doing it intentionally, or that it isn't frustrating, but there are possible answers for the behavior that aren't just under the trolling category.
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Well-known member
The knowledge bit could easily be explained by a read through the wiki. Even someone who was born much after the fact could gain extensive knowledge about G1/G2/etc by obsessively reading the wiki. And their phrasing of things makes me think english is not their first language. Im not saying they aren't doing it intentionally, or that it isn't frustrating, but there are possible answers for the behavior that aren't just under the trolling category.
According to their own words, they were old enough to make a conscious choice during the POTP fan vote. Which was six years ago. So we're dealing with someone who has, according to their own words, been familiar with aspects of the Transformers brand aimed at the older collector audience for a minimum of six years. Yet acts like a total n00b.

This does not add up.


A comic series after season 4 in the Sunbow cartoon may go along with the 40th anniversary and maybe Simon Furman doing a series after Transformers Secrets and Lies.


Who do you think should write the next Transformers comic and why ?

I could go with Simon Furman maybe using certain ideas he has used before and done differently as well as ideas he did not use like the Decepticon's being closer to what Primus ideal was.
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Well-known member
Brian Clevinger is a good choice.

If the Skybound rumors turn out to be turn then MAYBE Robert Kirkman will tackle it...but if so, probably only for a mini-series or two before handing it off to someone else. He might have some childhood love of Transformers and want to do the book for a bit. But, he's a busy guy and has his own books to write and TV shows to oversee and companies to run.

Joe Keatinge is a possibility. He did the Tech Jacket series, which tied into Kirkman's Invincible comics. He's not bad. He's done the Glory reboot and Shutter, which were both solid books.

Jim Zub would be a interesting choice, I think. He's mostly done Dungeons and Dragons stuff, but he's shown to be able to work off a franchise's lore. And work with a medium-size cast of characters. I think he'd be able to do interesting things. He's done Skullkickers, Samurai Jack, Pathfinder, Conan, Avengers, Stone Star, and the MANY D&D Baldur's Gate miniseries.

Joshua Williamson would be another interesting choice. I really like a lot of his creator owned stuff, like Nailbiter and Birthright. He brings a horror edge to things in his creator-owned stuff. I DO think his licensed stuff is a little weaker, though. His Flash run is perfectly solid, but doesn't really stand out. And Dark Crisis kind of just feels like him playing with action figures. So, he could either be a really good choice that could bring some new energy to Transformers...or it could just end up being a "solid enough" comic.

John Arcudi could happen. He's done a lot of little things. Doom Patrol. Rumble. BPRD/Hellboy. Aquaman. Conan. Thunderbolts. He's a little gritter. I could see him doing something with the Wreckers.

Ryan Parrott would be a good choice. He's most notably done some of the Power Rangers comics. But, he's also done Rogue Sun, which I like. And he's worked on Star Trek comics, too, so he's no stranger to doing licensed work.

Kyle Higgins is less likely, but not impossible I guess. He's just busy building his own little universe with all the Radiant Black books. He's done the Ultraman comics for Marvel and Power Rangers, too. Along with Batman Beyond and Nightwing. I just think he might be too busy with other stuff, at least right now.

Kieron Gillen is pretty unlikely. He has done a run on Iron Man, though, so he has some experience with robots. He's also done Once and Future, Darth Vader, Journey into Mystery, Die, Eternals, and Warhammer 40K. He's really good...but I'm not sure if he's one who sticks pretty close to Marvel, mostly.

Al Ewing is...highly unlikely, but a interesting idea. He's a writer who brings some interesting ideas to the table. He might be able to bring a interesting angle to the franchise. He's done Immortal Hulk, Ultimates, Defenders, Loki, and is currently doing a run on Venom. He has been sticking mostly to Marvel, though.

Jonathan Hickman is VERY unlikely but I, personally, would find it VERY interesting. He always brings interesting high concepts to a franchise. His runs on Fantastic Four, Avengers, and X-Men are all-time greats, in my eyes. And some of his creator-owned stuff, like Manahattan Projects, is similarly captivating. Sometimes he's inscrutable, like in East of West, but he's always interesting. And he needs SOMETHING now that he left X-Men (*SIGH*). Plus, Hickman's love of graphs and charts would go GREAT with giant robots! It's a match made in heaven!

But, there's every possibility that it'll be someone new we've never heard much from before. It's really hard to say.
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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Hickman is very much a guy who can do big sweeping storylines, but his character work can suffer if he goes too big. He'd run the risk of being another IDW2, which is great for me, but I can see other people not getting into it.

Al Ewing would be incredible. So many comic writers treat canon as optional or even a burden. Ewing practically paints story using canon as his brushes. I haven't been into comics in over half a decade, but at the time, there was simply no one else like him.


What are the odds the new publisher does a Beast wars series with the Transformers movie having some of those characters in it?
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