Does anyone have any idea of when it is most likely we will find out who the new Transformers comic publisher and why it has not happened yet?


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
To Paraphrase M Bison:

"To you, that miniseries was the most important piece of Transformers fiction ever written. For the average fan, it's just some old comic."

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Sounds like the GI Joe Comic, at least, may have landed with Power Comics Inc.

I've never heard of them, so I can't speak to them as a company. Also who knows if they're also getting the Transformers license, or if that's going somewhere else.

We'll find out about the GI Joe thing tomorrow.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I would be SHOCKED if this little company were to get the GI Joe license. I don't see anywhere near the infrastructure or resources to support a major publishing project like GI Joe.

I'm more inclined to think that Larry Hama is being added to the company's roster of talent.


Wondering bot
I would be SHOCKED if this little company were to get the GI Joe license. I don't see anywhere near the infrastructure or resources to support a major publishing project like GI Joe.

I'm more inclined to think that Larry Hama is being added to the company's roster of talent.

It might be a case of how healthy the company is, a IDW, Marvel & DC aren't exactly finacally healthy, sure Marvel & DC are proped up by large cooperations, but given the state of the market, they are on the verge of collapse as comic sales dry up from what I gather and Manga has pretty much taken over


Wondering bot
Remember when Hasbro gave the Transformers license to a basically unknown company that turned out to be run by a man who was either hugely incompetent or an outright scam artist.

That maybe so but it did put Transformers back on the map comic book wise and gave us some cool pre-earth desgins, not to mention the Fallen, but something did go wrong at Dreamwave and they went bust, thou last I heard, the company got bought by someone but that was after it went belly up

The Phazer

Well-known member
It might be that not really knowing what they're doing licensing wise is the only reason they think what Hasbro is charging works for them as a business model.

I also remember Dreamwave selling the G1 comic for a year and then being told by Hasbro International that they had only licensed the rights in the US and had to pull distribution everywhere else.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Sounds like it's the same artist that drew the original cover, though. I am unfamiliar with Super Joe and how it does or doesn't relate to GI Joe, but it's at least cool to look at.


Well-known member
As far as I can tell..."Super Joe" actually IS or WAS owned by Hasbro. And it's basically a spin-off of the ORIGINAL GI Joe, that came out right before A Real American Hero.

So...I guess Power Comics did sort of get A GI Joe license. Unless Hasbro let this slip into the public domain. *shrug*

I've never heard of Power Comics, and I don't see a listing for them on Previewsworld/Diamond, so they MUST be really small. If their press release didn't mention that this was a "series", I'd guess this was basically just a one-shot for a Comic Con or something.
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Continuity Nutcase
Could the current publisher and what kind Transformers story's they will do be revealed at the next TFCON ?
That would never happen. TFCon is a fan-run convention that has no official ties to the Transformers brand and even thrives on those IP-stealing 3rd party toys that Hasbro frowns upon. Hasbro would never use TFCon as a venue for official brand news.


Wondering bot
Could the current publisher and what kind Transformers story's they will do be revealed at TFCON ?

If its a convention, its likely Botcon, something offical, but this is Hasbro, its up to them to decide who gets the license and then the two parties to agree a time to let everyone know, after all, those making the comics need time to find writers, artists and plan out what they want to do with the story, after all, there is a lot of mythos for them to draw upon, thou I expect whatever the character desgins are going to be are likely based upon the current generations line, unless its a series connected to the live action movies and then its going to be more Bayformers style!


Continuity Nutcase
If its a convention, its likely Botcon, something offical,
No. BotCon may be back, but it's no longer official. It is now a fan-run convention without any connections to Hasbro. I was there at last year's new BotCon and Hasbro had zero presence there.


Does anyone here think we could get a multiverse crossover on the 40th anniversary based on the Legacy line ?
Maybe Hasbro decided to wait until then and was why it did not happen with IDW.
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Well-known member
Does anyone here think we could get a multiverse crossover on the 40th anniversary based on the Legacy line ?
Maybe Hasbro decided to wait until then and was why it did not happen with IDW?

Doubtful. We haven't even gotten word of a new comic licensee yet, and something tells me that they'd want to build their own continuity to start with rather than go all-out on a multiversal crossover.

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