Don't Google This...

Andross Darkheart

God Emperor of Hell
Don't Google "what space movie came out in 1992". It sounds innocent enough, but trust me, it is not. If you do decide to Google it, remember I warned you not to it, so don't complain to me about it afterwards. This ends the public announcement, thank you.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Oh yeah that film.


Well-known member
It's.....seriously bad. Think I watched Hagen do a review of that back in my "watch angry people angrily review jive movies and tv shows" phase.


Nonstop Baaka
Eh, it's not like I'm posting the name directly on the boards, and there's plenty of warning.

The Nth Doctor

I mean, it's not that shocking. I was genuinely expecting, like, goatsie or something.

Like, sure, it's a grotesque thing, but maybe I've just been numbed by the Apocalist Book Club and the many horrifically bigoted books they've read, but this seems about par-for-the-course. Like... oh, it's gay scare propaganda, sexism and racism. Is it Tuesday already?
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Andross Darkheart

God Emperor of Hell
I mean, it's not that shocking. I was genuinely expecting, like, goatsie or something.

Like, sure, it's a grotesque thing, but maybe I've just been numbed by the Apocalist Book Club and the many horrifically bigoted books they've read, but this seems about par-for-the-course. Like... oh, it's gay scare propaganda, sexism and racism. Is it Tuesday already?
I haven't seen it, I'm not sure if it is actually scare propaganda or just a legit terrible movie. A planet of gay men that eliminate women and teach other men how to live without them. It could be a message about how it's okay to be gay or it could fear propaganda to scare people into thinking gay men will destroy society. There is no way to find out for certain. It is a coin toss at this point.

The Nth Doctor

It does sound like it's mostly the sexism and blaxploitation, and the guys from planet black gay people are the "good guys".
I suppose. I was just going off the Wikipedia entry and on that it sounds like exactly the kind of thing conservatives would talk about.

'oh them minority gays coming to kill our women and make us gay'

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