I remember the first time I ever saw Dragon Quest(Warrior). I need to preface this, I had three boy cousins that we were all born about 9 months difference from the youngest to the oldest, and we lived within a 5 mile radius of me growing up. They all got the NES Mario Duck hunt with the orange zapper for Christmas one year. Maybe it was 1989? Well, we still had a Commadore 64 and an Atari 2600 as our video game machines, and would eventually get a Gameboy, but we wouldn't get a NES until the summer of 1992, a few months before the SNES came out. So I loved playing NES games at my cousins houses. I was always going to one of them to hang out and play. And th NES offered a fun indoor activity when that Summer heat was too much. That is how I played most of the classic NES games growing up, like Contra, SMB1, SMB2, Spy Hunter, Excite Bike, Punch out, Zelda, and more. So, one day in the fall of 1990, I was at my aunt's house, and they had rented a couple games. This family were big on sports (both my cousins from their family got scholarships for baseball), so they pretty much just had the sports games (RBI baseball, Tecmo Bowl, Etc), but occasionally they would rent other games like they did that night. They rented Dragon Warrior. We had a blast just running around attacking slimes and ghosts. Leveling up and hearing that epic music. It was so much fun. We didn't even progress that much in the game, maybe only getting to the second town, but we had a blast! However, the game had to go back the next day, as our tiny little mom and pop rental shop (called Main Video), only rented movies and games out for one night.
Well, jump forward to 1992, and for a combined birthday gift for me and my older brother, as our birthday is only three weeks apart, we got the NES set that came with two controllers and Super Mario Brothers 3. We had a blast with that, and the very first game that we got for our new NES was, TMNT 2 The arcade game.

However, the third game was Dragon Warrior. We played that game backwards and forwards to the point that I can still speed run it today. It was such a fun game, and a great introduction to JRPGs. Eventually we got more RPG games like Final Fantasy and Ultima, but none of them compared to the fun that was Dragon Warrior/Quest. We eventually got the third game, which we loved as it was a prequel to the first one! I still have that one complete in box thanks to my older brother saving it.
Well, we moved on eventually to the Sega Genesis and the SNES a few years later. Sadly, we didn't get the 16-bit Dragon Quest games over here, so I just never saw the series again. I eventually got a PS1, but I never saw Dragon Warrior 7 or even knew about it. The series was just this awesome little game that came out on the NES when I was a kid. It wasn't until I was in college, a senior about to graduate, that I saw Dragon Quest 8. I was with my Girlfriend, visiting her parent's house, and her little brother (around 20 or so then) had it. So I wake up one morning to see that she had moved the chair in front of their living room TV and was playing this epic RPG game with all these familiar songs and creatures. And then I saw it. I saw a Slime! From that moment on, I was hooked again. I got my own copy of it and started playing! Eventually I got a copy of Dragon Warriror 7 for the PS1 to keep my Dragon Quest fix going. However I didn't enjoy that game as much as I did DQ8. DQ8 was so modern and fun that it was hard to go back to DW7. I got a DS Lite to play some New SMB on it, and found out that they had some great DQ games on it. I found out about Rocket Slime and loved playing that. The I got DQ Monsters! I played this game and beat it long before I had any knowledge that it was a Pokemon knock-off. Still I loved it! My brother and I on a family trip, a 20 hour car ride, picked up DQ9 on release day at the Bentonville walmart. I also got a cool little promotional book that they had there too. It was great! We were hopeful that we could play the multiplayer in the car together, but sadly that wasn't how that worked.
Of course I got DQ: Swords and Fortune street for the Wii, and DQ11 for the PS4.
I need to dig out my Dragon Quest collection. I had it all on display back before the plague came. Back then I had an office in the web developers suite, and everyone had these awesome decked out offices. One guy had a ton of star wars, one guy had a huge Mario and Zelda collection, and I had Video games, merch, and TFs. I miss those days, as that was 5 years and 5 offices ago. I will have to see if I have any pictures of it somewhere.