Dungeons & Dragons


Well-known member
I think the old board had a thread but it doesn't appear it's been restarted yet, so may as well begin it with Hasbro's new 80's D&D cartoon toy line!



Eorzean Idiot
I may have to get my hands on some of those. I used to watch that as a kid. Heck! I have the series set on DVD but haven't watched it recently. I may have to rectify that.

Powered Convoy

I ordered the F out of these figures this morning. Only tie I have to D&D, but I've wanted figures like this for a long time. Glad Hasbro is doing them.


Nonstop Baaka
Haven't watched it in ages. Even as a kid I found Hank and Sheila to be too perfect/boring. I actually like Erik's character development. Diana's worst fear scene was seriously scary.

TMM and I had the DVDs, but lent them to a friend who never returned it and disappeared somewhere.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I didn’t find an overt thread for the the feature film due this spring, so I guess we’ll just use this for all things D&D.

Honor Among Thieves will be out at the end of March and Hasbro is rolling a full spread marketing blitz for the film. We’ve already seen a handful of items this past fall from the Golden Archive Collection (the Black/Classified/Legends type line), the kid line’s dragon and the nifty converting D20 dice.

Entertainment Earth maintains a “Drop Zone” of when they are aware of product drops from the major companies. Later this month, on January 25th, the description says this:
“The newest toys from Hasbro are under wraps but what could they be? Roll for initiative” (emphasis mine)

Kind of feels like a big drop for the D&D toy line, which is apt to be hitting shelves pretty quick given the film’s release on March 31


Well-known member
My wife got me these three for Xmas. They look WONDERFUL. the sculpts could not be better and more like a cartoon brought to life.

WARNING- The joints are really really really tight out of the box and you absolutely WILL break them if you are not careful. I broke Bobby 1 right out of the package. Leg joint was locked and twisted right off. Ordered a replacement Bobby 2 and soaked all the others for a minute or 3 in really hot water And that opened all the joints right up and they all work wonderful now.

I would strongly recommend doing so and as long as you do so buying these.

-ZacWilliam, wish Target would ship Venger...


I’m not dead yet!
My wife got me these three for Xmas. They look WONDERFUL. the sculpts could not be better and more like a cartoon brought to life.

WARNING- The joints are really really really tight out of the box and you absolutely WILL break them if you are not careful. I broke Bobby 1 right out of the package. Leg joint was locked and twisted right off. Ordered a replacement Bobby 2 and soaked all the others for a minute or 3 in really hot water And that opened all the joints right up and they all work wonderful now.

I would strongly recommend doing so and as long as you do so buying these.

-ZacWilliam, wish Target would ship Venger...View attachment 11225
He's currently Shipping from Pulse. Though from what I've heard both him and Dungeon Master are lacking in articulation. Guess I'll find out myself when he ships later.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Well, as a surprise to no one, WOTC is changing the OGL for 6th edition aka OneDnD:

AS to how it effects prior content, anything published before it's officially released should be in the clear. Anything developed as an extension of anything already using that version of the OGL is iffy, as I've seen suggestions that the OGL could be sublicensed on existing products, so there may be able to be continued support for 5e products already released under OGL 1.0a, but I've seen differing opinions on that too. ALso of note that people who work out individual deals with WOTC first can get more favorable terms than what's in there... that's just what you get if you don't negotiate with them first.

Last I heard the base system for 6th isn't that far from 5th - more an evolution than a revolution, so we'll see if having a ruleset that people don't complain about because it looks like Earthdawn will help them get by with a more restrictive license like they had back in the 4E days.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
It sounds like this is a lot more insidious than at first glance. When the OGL was first created, the developers were adamant that they would not revoke it, and in fact COULD not revoke it. However, I've seen at least one lawyer, who specializes in tabletop RPG copyright law, take look at the current OGL an noted that while it said it was a perpetual license, it's not irrevocable. Perpetual just means there's no set expiration.

So yeah, if Wizard's gets its way, the OGL 1.0a goes by by, any thing published under it cannot be republished, and no new products can be made with it. Everyone will either have to strip out everything D&D, D20 and SRD related in their products or sign onto the OGL 1.1 where, among other things, Wizards reserves the right to basically do whatever the hell they want with the content you make under the license. Resell it, use it in their own works, license it to others, etc. etc.

Lawyer guy did say that it's not entirely hopeless. There's a few things that could be used in a court case against them. Like the fact that Wizard's let the OGL 1.0a last for 22 years, repeatedly said it'd be around forever, and then basically dropped 1.1 on people heads with a very, very short time before they have to decide whether or not to sign up or get the hell out.

The problem is court is very slow and expensive, so even if someone was able to fight, that'll be YEARS of uncertainty about the OGL, if they could even get an injunction to prevent it from being terminated.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
A lot of the new deal sounds entirely fair. It's the attempted retroactivity that makes it dirty. I hope someone has the money and patience to challenge that because I can't see that holding up.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Another thing to note is that you also cannot copyright mechanics, only patent them, (and perhaps copyright the presentation) so there's that line of attack. And you can bet that Paizo and others were already drafting attack plans as soon as this leaked. It probably wouldn't take a lot of work for Paizo to take Pathfinder 2E and strip the remnants inherited from DND 3.5 by way of Pathfinder 1E - the biggest hurdle would likely be if the cosmology is considered too close, as they still use the old Great Wheel plane setup.

I do think the end result is going to be that the 1.0a version survives, and 1.1 otherwise still happens. What happens with D&D as a whole after that is going to depend heavily on if the mainstream gets redirected down other paths(such as by Critical Role making their own system or going to Pathfinder) or if the fact WOTC's not nearly reinventing the rule system like they did for 4th means that they maintain a larger base than during 4th despite the repeat of the OGL shenanigans from back then, as there are a lot of groups out there that never touched 3rd party content and would probably shrug their shoulders and keep buying.


I’m not dead yet!
My wife got me these three for Xmas. They look WONDERFUL. the sculpts could not be better and more like a cartoon brought to life.

WARNING- The joints are really really really tight out of the box and you absolutely WILL break them if you are not careful. I broke Bobby 1 right out of the package. Leg joint was locked and twisted right off. Ordered a replacement Bobby 2 and soaked all the others for a minute or 3 in really hot water And that opened all the joints right up and they all work wonderful now.

I would strongly recommend doing so and as long as you do so buying these.

-ZacWilliam, wish Target would ship Venger...View attachment 11225
Sadly it has been a constant. I thankfully haven’t broken any of mine yet but they are very tight in the joints. But here’s a vid with the whole round of figures.


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