Ezra Miller is somehow The Flash in the DCEU


Active member
Huh. I’m way more interested in the Burton Batman bits. Looks like something I’ll catch on HBO Max next year.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I just saw the Flash.

It's absolutely crazy! Like, the plot will be old hat to comic readers and sci-fi fans but, wow, it's a crowd pleaser. It's bonkers with the choice of references. The fights are nothing but CGI. But still. It was awesome. Holy cow, this grudgingly beats Spiderverse for me, cuz i didn't like Spiderverse's ending,

What's the word on how Ezra is doing? I'm worried that the success of the Flash movie will get him off the hook. He's bound to be popular again but I don't want this to turn into how horrible Bryan Singer was behind the scenes of the X-Men movies.


Well-known member
...for gods sake Ezra Miller uses they/them pronouns. I know they're a nonce but can we respect that at least?


Well-known member
I just saw the Flash.
Spoiler free impressions:

Just saw it last night too and yeah, it's one of the better modern DC movies imo. For reference, the only modern DCEU stuff that I've actually enjoyed are the Shazams, Harley Quinn, the 2nd Suicide Squad and the first Wonder Woman (which still had its issues). I think I'd put it on par with the Shazams in fun and sense of humor (maybe not quite as much "heart").

As Fero mentions, the plot is pretty straight forward to anyone familiar, but they did a good job with it. They clearly went "hold my beer" when it came to multi-versal plot points and there's some heavy duty fan service that, while entertaining didn't necessarily add much. That being said, I think the film earned it; it wasn't just there to try and gloss over poor story telling. The opening action set piece was absolutely ludicrous but paid off, and I did not feel the 2+ hour run time. One of my complaints about DC movies is the overreliance on unnecessary slo-mo. Obviously this would use a fair amount of it being a speedster flick, but it makes good use throughout. My only real critique at this point is the CGI still felt unfinished. Lots of soft faces and some points where one of the Barrys was so obviously a CGI doppelganger that he fell into the uncanny valley a bit. I think X-men's Quicksilver slo-mo is still the gold-standard for "speedster-vision", and I know it was super expensive to shoot, because they used tons of cameras and kept it as much practical as possible. With that as the bar, some of the sequences in the Flash become almost cartoon-like in appearance. I'll stop short of saying it hurt the movie, but it was distracting enough that I pretty much always noticed it. It's so consistently middling that I can't help but wonder if it was an intentional aesthetic choice.

Ultimately, there will be no way to separate the movie from Ezra Miller's behavior. I want them to get helped, but also be held accountable. I'm a little bummed that Keaton's Batman had to be attached to the behind the scenes issues, but he was great (as expected). Ultimately, the door is properly open for recasting regardless of what the director says and I still think it'd likely be the right choice. Miller is a talented actor, but can't be allowed to slide.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Whoops, I'll go with 'they' for Ezra next time.

Yeeeeeah, the CGI is not so good at times. Buuuut they could attribute it to the location they were in.

They could remove a 30min chunk by just getting rid of that starting part but, baby oh baby, it was hilarious! I actually missed a lot of audio throughout the film cuz people were laughing, hehe

Keaton had controversy behind the scenes too?!? Aw man. Info please? It wasn't to that extent as Erza's, is it?

Btw, Shazam 1 was my favorite of all the modern DC movies (with the Justice Society movie, I mean, Black Adam). Flash prooooobably would be my second. It's just there's so much violence and bad CGI. I was wincing when the prisoner attacked the first time. It was very Black Adam.


Oh Dake, did your viewing cut the credits? Mine did. I have to watch it again, which would be a pleasure, hehe


Well-known member
No - I meant that Keaton's return to the Batsuit is marred by Miller's activities.

I got to see full credits plus the post-credit scene (supposedly our audience was the first of all the preview showings in our area to get to see it).

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oooh ok. I thought something was up with Keaton. His Bat scenes were amazing, though weird in daylight, haha

Ah, may I ask what the post credit scene is? It'd be another week before I watch Flash on a regular release.


Well-known member
It's nothing Earth-shattering, more of a funny little aside but...

Spoilers for end credit scene below

We see Barry walk out of a bar with a wasted Aquaman/Arthur, having apparently told him about everything that's just happened. Arthur makes a few drunk comments and then passes out in a puddle.


Active member
Is it possible to just watch The Keaton Cut? Thinking this is an HBO Max viewing for me but I’m literally only interested in Keaton.


Well-known member
so far, confirmed cameos in the film include-

Adam West
Christopher Reeve
George Reeves
Teddy Sears (the fake Jay Garrick from the Flash show)
Helen Slater
Nic Cage


Active member
Got my ticket for 6pm show this Friday. Pretty psyched to see Keaton return as Batman after all these years.


I’m not dead yet!
It is a beautiful fun mess of a movie. I don't think it's a good movie, but it's a fun movie. It's possible Ezra's mind was scrambled making this with the crazy bat guano going on here.


Active member
I enjoyed it, but not quite as much as I thought I would. I loved seeing Keaton return as Batman, though. He really brought a lot to the rule as an older Bruce. I do wonder how he learned so much about time travel and the space-time continuum. It would've been neat if they'd added a few hints about his career after his two films to the Bat Cave in the form of displays/souvenirs of things from various villains he'd defeated.

A lot of people seem to be highly offended by them CGI-ing dead actors into the Multiverse sequence... particularly Christopher Reeve. While I don't feel that strongly about it and don't mind the idea, I really wish they'd put a lot more effort into that CGI. This looked appreciably worse than most other digital necromancy or de-aging efforts from the last few years.

I also would've liked to see Brandon Routh (he's donned the cape rather recently, after all) and perhaps even a few of the recent TV shows.

Squeezing Clooney in there at the end... that was kinda fun. At least we didn't get any bat-nipples this time.[/quote]


Everyone has a story if you pay attention.
Caught it this afternoon. The opening 15 minutes was hilarious and so much fun! It was an entertaining ride, even when it didn't all work.


Active member
So I just read the plot summary, and a specific spoiler question I have that I’m also okay having someone answer for me…

So is this THE Batman from 89, or one of his variants?

Assuming I know the answer to the above…question 2:

Did they seriously pull a Picard and Hugh moment, bringing back a beloved character only to kill him off???


New member
So I just read the plot summary, and a specific spoiler question I have that I’m also okay having someone answer for me…

So is this THE Batman from 89, or one of his variants?

Assuming I know the answer to the above…question 2:

Did they seriously pull a Picard and Hugh moment, bringing back a beloved character only to kill him off???
1: Yes, there is absolutly no reason to not take it at face value his identity. 2: I wouldn't call it that, it is more fitting and I found it acceptable.

Overall I thought it was a really fun movie, and Miller was much better than I expected. I really disliked him in everything he has done as The Flash until this point. Actor wise, it is almost as if it were two different people.


Active member
1: Yes, there is absolutly no reason to not take it at face value his identity. 2: I wouldn't call it that, it is more fitting and I found it acceptable.

Overall I thought it was a really fun movie, and Miller was much better than I expected. I really disliked him in everything he has done as The Flash until this point. Actor wise, it is almost as if it were two different people.
So this means…

Flashpoint creates the Burton movies?

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I saw Flash again and, holy cow, the screening I had didn't just remove the joke final bonus scene, but they cut the last part! Mine ended with...

"who the hell is that?"

I wasn't shown...

Clooney coming out of the car! I didn't even get the tooth falling out!

I'm glad I watched it again!

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