I picked up Ferak today. I wasn't going to, but a while back I worked up a cool back story for him, and it's been rattling around in my head, so I had to get him!
Here it is:
Ferak is "Armada". He's the second Cyclonus we see in TF:TM.
He got shot down when the Decepticons attacked Autobot City the second time. He was severely injured and knocked off line. When he came-to, he found himself in the ruins of the city, all alone. Wanting to rejoin with the Decepticons, he took off for Cybertron, but ran low on power half way there.
He drifted in the void for months and was eventually found and repaired by the Star Raiders.
Thundertron, captain of the Star Raiders, told him Galvatron had left him for dead, that Unicron had been destroyed, and the Decepticons were defeated with the Autobots re-taking Cybertron.
Armada refused to believe it! He was one of the elite troops created by Unicron himself! There was no way Mighty Galvatron would forsake him!
He blasted his way out of the pirate ship, with the Star Raiders giving chase, when Thundertron told them to stop, that he'd be back.
Armada first went to Cybertron, only to find it crawling with Autobots.
He hung around long enough to learn that the Decepticons had settled on Charr. That was his next destination.
He arrived on that burned out, depressing rock to find the Decepticons huddling in the ruins. He had to find Galvatron! When he located his leader he found a raving mad man, ranting like a maniac and abusing his troops.
The few Decepticons he met greeted him with, "Hey, aren't you dead?", and choruses of laughter.
Thundertron was right.
He didn't matter to the Decepticons. They didn't even care that he had survived!
He looted the energon stores and blasted off into space. He found the Star Raiders, presented Thundertron with the stolen energon and asked if he could join them.
"I knew you would be back." said Thundertron. "Now you see that I was telling you the truth. The Cybertronians don't care about you. But I do. I will never lie to you, and I will never abandon you."
Thundertron had him remodeled, repainted, and re-armed.
"This is who you are now. Armada is dead. You are now, Ferak! You will be my hunter/killer. All Cybertronians will come to fear your name, and the Decepticons will regret ever abandoning you."
Ferak never looked back. He looks forward to the day when he can face off against Cyclonus to prove which one of them is the most powerful.
Here it is:
Ferak is "Armada". He's the second Cyclonus we see in TF:TM.
He got shot down when the Decepticons attacked Autobot City the second time. He was severely injured and knocked off line. When he came-to, he found himself in the ruins of the city, all alone. Wanting to rejoin with the Decepticons, he took off for Cybertron, but ran low on power half way there.
He drifted in the void for months and was eventually found and repaired by the Star Raiders.
Thundertron, captain of the Star Raiders, told him Galvatron had left him for dead, that Unicron had been destroyed, and the Decepticons were defeated with the Autobots re-taking Cybertron.
Armada refused to believe it! He was one of the elite troops created by Unicron himself! There was no way Mighty Galvatron would forsake him!
He blasted his way out of the pirate ship, with the Star Raiders giving chase, when Thundertron told them to stop, that he'd be back.
Armada first went to Cybertron, only to find it crawling with Autobots.
He hung around long enough to learn that the Decepticons had settled on Charr. That was his next destination.
He arrived on that burned out, depressing rock to find the Decepticons huddling in the ruins. He had to find Galvatron! When he located his leader he found a raving mad man, ranting like a maniac and abusing his troops.
The few Decepticons he met greeted him with, "Hey, aren't you dead?", and choruses of laughter.
Thundertron was right.
He didn't matter to the Decepticons. They didn't even care that he had survived!
He looted the energon stores and blasted off into space. He found the Star Raiders, presented Thundertron with the stolen energon and asked if he could join them.
"I knew you would be back." said Thundertron. "Now you see that I was telling you the truth. The Cybertronians don't care about you. But I do. I will never lie to you, and I will never abandon you."
Thundertron had him remodeled, repainted, and re-armed.
"This is who you are now. Armada is dead. You are now, Ferak! You will be my hunter/killer. All Cybertronians will come to fear your name, and the Decepticons will regret ever abandoning you."
Ferak never looked back. He looks forward to the day when he can face off against Cyclonus to prove which one of them is the most powerful.