Final Fantasy

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Leviathan would be a lot easier if we could just zoom the camera out just another few yalms to see the entire platform, making it easier to spot the water spout where he pops up before he tilts the ship. I swear the camera operator is a Serpent Reaver incognito.


Eorzean Idiot
I finally beat the Sapphire Weapon last night. That thing was a pain in the ass! I finally had the bright idea to turn off auto-lock. Still took me a few tries after that, but I finally freaking did it!

I rather scrub a behemoth's backside than do that again.


Eorzean Idiot
My jaw dropped a couple moments there, especially at the end. Boy oh boy, I can hard wait!

Also, my friend took this pic while we were farming for Kamuys last night.



Eorzean Idiot


This arrived yesterday. My friend and I spent all last night going through Crossroads, so I'm just now getting around to listening to it.

To my pleasant surprise, it was a Bluray instead of a CD. So higher fidelity and some slideshows that play on the screen while you listen is really awesome. Also it came with a Zero minion.

Why can't America do this. I mean, once upon a time there were audio DVD's with higher fidelity and maybe a music video or three. But those were short lived, hard to find and only happened for a select few number of albums.

Physical music media could really take off again, especially for the audiophiles, if we did stuff like this.

Damn, I love Japan!

Not that I'd want to move there. Seems crowded and I don't speak Japanese. But man, they are not afraid of tech!

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