Food Thread - Post pictures of Food

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I made ramen!


Followed this recipe from Wegmans (supermarket up here in New York), with a couple of changes:
- I used regular chicken stock instead of the organic chicken bone broth (was cheaper)

- The chicken wasn't pre-prepared for stir fry (they didn't have any of that in-stock, only regular unseasoned chicken breast strips) so I had my mum cut it into chunks for me (I am terrible at cutting raw meat)

- They didn't have any of the Far East Stir-Fry frozen veggies, so I subbed it for a Hong Kong Stir-Fry frozen veggies (the Far East Stir-Fry would've come with broccoli florets, sugar snap peas, carrots, bok choy, and red peppers, the Hong Kong Stir-Fry I went for had broccoli florets, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, snow peas, and green peppers)


Here is it served in my Sailor Moon ramen bowl.

Everyone in my family liked it, except for my mum since she's vegetarian and couldn't eat it, obviously. Maybe next time we'll make vegetarian ramen so she can have it too.

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