G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal


New look, same classic taste!
Picked up Lady Jaye from Target for $11 or something around that. She’s very fun. I’ll be getting more.

I also got some hamburger buns, but they’re too big for my hamburgers. I like the ham and burger parts of my hamburgers more than the bread bit, so it’s annoying when the bread overwhelms the burger. The only solution I can think of is that this company also sells hamburgers that are more proportional to their buns, making for a more balanced and larger hamburger experience. However, these hamburgers are likely more expensive than my usual brand’s because of the larger size. I don’t appreciate this pricing by the company. So now, I’m stuck with seven oversized hamburger buns that don’t fit my hamburgers, and I’m stuck with nine hamburgers that don’t fit my buns! This is incredibly irritating and embarrassing and it could’ve been avoided if Target had simply stocked my usual brand.

Nah I’m just messing with you lol


Active member
Dr. Mindbender was available for pre-order this morning. Narrow window to order, and I missed it.

I imagine there'll be a wide release later on, so I'm just going to be patient.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Emily from Hasbro said that stock was being "staggered" over the course of the weekend. So you should have additional chances to snag Mindbender.

Sgt. Slaughter is up for preorder, Pulse sold out in seconds, but all the other major online guys have him (I got him from BBTS)


Active member
Snagged a Slaughter the moment he went up on Pulse. Thought I'd done something almost impossible.

Then I saw he's available through a bunch of other online retailers.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Serpentor (WITH AIR CHARIOT) will be the Pulsecon exclusive.

They also announced Low Light and the Flight Pod as being in the pipeline. Early renders were shown of Copperhead, Shipwreck, Torpedo, and Rock 'N Roll.
The final Retro carded retail figures will be Snake Eyes and Crimson Guard.

Also, with all those aquatic figures coming, the revealed Fortnite Motorboat looks to be a solid fit for the line.

So, I'm getting Tiger Force Duke, Sgt. Slaughter, Serpentor AND Falcon within a 6 month period? Hasbro! You spoil me!


Koopaling Aficionado
Serpentor as a Con Exclusive feels dumb. Everything else sounds awesome.

When is Mindbender going up for sale To nom pulse members? They were saying 3x more than Zartan were made but it seems like it sold out super fast.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Serpentor as a Con Exclusive feels dumb. Everything else sounds awesome.

When is Mindbender going up for sale To nom pulse members? They were saying 3x more than Zartan were made but it seems like it sold out super fast.
Emily from Hasbro said inventory will be going up everyday through Monday. I also think the fact there isn't another Dr Mindbender is helping fuel sales. Zartan was nice, but there was already a Zartan available by that point.

There is also some "here say" going around (since nobody has transcribed the Q&A section from the panel). that Emily said something to the effect that "Hasbro is basically acting like the Snake Eyes film doesn't exist".
Which might be a subtle explanation as to why Joe has seemingly not had any sort of major media followup to the efforts last year. Much of it might have been derived from the film, which bombed hard enough that Hasbro is scrapping any plans to build on it.
Again, that's my interpretation of a comment which may or may not have been made.


...even Team Whirl.
The Snake Eyes film bombed? I didn't realize that. It was fun - a little generic, I guess, and Scarlett reminded me a lot of Black Widow for some reason, but it was still fun.

Of course, I thought the second Thor movie was fun, too . . .

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
The Snake Eyes film bombed? I didn't realize that. It was fun - a little generic, I guess, and Scarlett reminded me a lot of Black Widow for some reason, but it was still fun.

Of course, I thought the second Thor movie was fun, too . . .
At least Thor made money :p

Snake Eyes was a fairly significant disappointment. Last I heard, budgeted around 80 million, total WORLDWIDE gross was only 40 million. Opening on the back end of the pandemic, it faced competition from Black Widow, Old, and Space Jam 2 after being pushed up from an October release (where it would have faced Dune, No One Lives Forever, and Venom). It just never found a "good spot" and the film itself just wasn't as good as it NEEDED to be against the competition it had. Paramount avoided another bomb in selling off "The Tomorrow War" to Amazon. I'm of the view that they should have done the same with Snake Eyes, but I suspect Hasbro might have been the major party pushing for the theatrical release.

If nothing else, I think Hasbro's projections skewed on the moderate side and it doesn't look like the toy line was a complete bomb, so that has probably helped the brand on Hasbro's side.


Active member
With thanks to Rich Helscher, the Sunbow Marvel Archive now plays host to all five scripts from Operation Dragonfire: the miniseries that kicked off DiC Entertainment's continuation of G.I Joe.

Written by former Sunbow producer Doug Booth, this miniseries sees Sgt. Slaughter and his Marauders dealing with the twin threats of the returning Cobra Commander and a traitor in their midst.

Read all five at: https://sunbowmarvelarchive.blogspot...iniseries.html

Pages from Operation Dragonfire - Day One.pdf.jpgPages from Operation Dragonfire - Day Two.pdf.jpgPages from Operation Dragonfire - Day Three.pdf.jpgPages from Operation Dragonfire - Day Four.pdf.jpgPages from Operation Dragonfire - Day Five.pdf.jpg

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Last day for the HISS tank! Orders close today at 1159 PM EST. In addition to the tank, you get 4 Classified figures and probably another figure or two worth of extra gear for the tank, including alternate cannons, canopy, and additional weapon modules.

I ultimately opted NOT to back the tank. Between the money I still have tied up in Victory Saber and the dozen or so preorders spread from now to next fall...I have to draw the line somewhere.
Plus, while I've been impressed with the direction of Classified...I'm not (and can't) go "all in" enough to justify this investment. I'm largely sticking to favorite characters or any REALLY impressive interpretations. Besides, as I've gotten older, I've come to the miss the "unpredictability" of when this stuff was made for a wider audience, and the creative compromises made in making them. And, frankly, the creativity in general.


Well-known member
I backed one tank but it's because I feel like I can "window box" it. The HISS is frankly a marvel, and it comes with enough extra figures that it won't look weird or lonely in a small display by itself. I do have a Baroness and PDD in another small window box display, so I can also add them to the mix if I want.

But no... I'm still not all-in on Classified. Nope, No, No sir, no way.


Koopaling Aficionado
Found I had more cash than I though squirrelled away so I decided to back the tank. I fully intend to sell it and the Cobra Commander figure later tho. I'm sure someone out there wants to troop build these tanks but couldnt afford 2 at the time.

Also found Card Back Destro on clearance at walmart while searching for Cosmos, so I nabbed him cuz Pimp Destro is standing out a bit too much on the Cobra shelf.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Sad to see it end...

Looking over my comic list, I have 9 issues from the end of Marvel's run and 6 issues from the early IDW days to find, and then these last couple issues to 300, and I will have the whole ARAH series! Gotta start hitting the conventions and comic shops harder and get this series completed!

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