G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I think I would also accept Battle Corps Wild Bill as a retail offering.


Well-known member
I suppose, worst case, they could do one of his more Cowboy-y versions as C.O.P.S. Sundown


Active member
I’m backing this. It’s only been up a handful of hours and there are already 6,800 backers, so odds are good we’ll get Ripcord to unlock.

It looks great; there’s a ton of whistles and bells; and the price feels about perfect for what you’re getting.


Well-known member
Yeah. I'm very tempted myself. I'll probably wait to see what the other unlocks are though before I bite. It was all the extra figures that pushed me over the top on the HISS. A pilot Scarlett would be a nice addition. I'd assume Airborne will be one of them since he was on the original box art.

I kind of wish they hadn't redesigned the little NOTAR exhaust on the back of the helicopter though, even if the cone they came up with is more realistic.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Ooh, I had one of those when I was a kid.

Well, not one of those, but the original.


Well-known member
Is anybody else feeling bittersweet about Classified? I think its amazing that Joe is back in stores and getting a bigger push than it has had in years, but I'm over here looking at my 30 year collection of 3 3/4(ish, considering modern toys are larger) and going, I just can't justify buying all these characters again, only bigger.

But again, all the sculpts are great and that dragonfly is amazing.


Well-known member
I haven't touched the 3 3/4 stuff since I was a kid. So classified has been my first foray into modern Joe since Sigma 6.

My heart definitely goes out to the smaller scale collectors though as Hasbro seems to have decided that the money is in the 6" scale.

Hopefully the brand hits a point they feel they can give 3 3/4 scale another go at some point.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
My brothers still collect the 3 3/4 Joes, my BAT collection is mostly 3 3/4, and even little Haywire 3, who is 4, has started a collection of 3 3/4 figures that has been augmented with The Corps, Spinmaster's DC figures, and even some Kid Connection vehicles, along with thrift store and garage sale finds.

The Classified figures are pretty to look at, but between the price and the difficulty of getting vehicles at that scale, they just aren't that great as toys. However, if Hasbro won't support that scale, there are still options out there.

EDIT: and, honestly, that Dragonfly is cool, but our holy grail was finding the Processed Plastics helicopter that stood in for our Dragonfly when we were kids. It would have been easier to get a real vintage Dragonfly, but nostalgia is a helluva drug...


Well-known member
Like, i have experimented with many adjacent lines, (joytoy stuff, etc...) most affordable and most fun are definitely the fortnight figures. The human faces are naturally cartoonier, but everythinb else is top tier.

Affordable and plentiful to bolster my armies. Vehicle wise too. But if you're okay with higher prices, joytoy's offerings are great too.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I got one classifieds figure so far, color change Zartan, and he didn't honestly impress me enough to get more and I later sold it. Similar to Star Wars, I have a small collection of the three-inch ones, but also a few six inch. They didn't strike me as that interesting. I think for me it boils down to a mix of space, costs, and where to put everything. The bigger something is, the less of it I can keep.
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Well-known member
Is anybody else feeling bittersweet about Classified? I think its amazing that Joe is back in stores and getting a bigger push than it has had in years, but I'm over here looking at my 30 year collection of 3 3/4(ish, considering modern toys are larger) and going, I just can't justify buying all these characters again, only bigger.

But again, all the sculpts are great and that dragonfly is amazing.
Uh... Yeah. I hear ya!

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
On Facebook, 3D Joes streamed the presentation from Joe Declassified concerning some new, unseen, stuff from 94 and 95. Some nifty stuff, but a LOT of flawed interpretations, IMO. As much as I commend these guys in finding all these lost details and design documents...their interpretations really seem to lack a "holistic" approach to interpreting the images. The two big things that stuck out to me was they found some alternate decos for the Ninja Commandos (3 of them, at least) and associated them as vehicle drivers, rather than the fact Hasbro would have certainly done the same "same year repaint" thing they were doing with Sgt Savage, Battle Rangers, and over in Transformers to extend their tooling mileage. The other was indicating the Cobra Vulture (an unproduced helicopter) was being piloted by NC Knock Out. Despite the design having NO similarities to the actual figure.

I've long maintained that the Vulture pilot was a new Cobra Commander concept, given Hasbro release schedule and tendency to use "big characters" in vehicle art by that point.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Has other joe fansites gone bonkers at the new media yet? I figure the new receuit would take the name Airwave.
Interest in the comics pretty much imploded mid-way through IDW’s run. Few seem to be interested with the new initiative with most still harking for an ARAH continuation. I question just how much “fans” are really able to drive GI Joe at this point, aside from apparently still going hog wild over Classified.

In the pockets of Joe fandom I observe/follow…they’ve just gotten too old to be bothered with another interpretation. Unlike Transformers, GI Joe‘s broader fandom STILL seems more heavily linked to the 1/18 scale toys than the fiction outside of Hama’s comic series.
At least from what I see.


Well-known member
Leaked images of Tunnel Rat and surprisingly, Desert Commando Snake Eyes.


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