G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Metalhead won't be in shelves? I luv that loveable moron, haha


Well-known member
Just a heads up; I went looking for the Classified Viper 3 pack which is supposed to be showing up at Ross with no luck, but I did find Classified Tiger Force Duke with RAM for 9.99, plus a handful of Tomax/Xamots and Stalkers for 5.99 (not to mention a few Walmart Vintage 4" Stalkers and The Enemies for 3.99").

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Amazon has a number of GI Joe figures on sale. For Classified, several figures are marked down for Black Friday (With Stalker and the Twins still running under $15 each). But they are ALSO running a “Buy 2, Get 1 free” deal which includes a number of recent GI Joe figures:
Firefly (V2)
Rock N’ Roll
Mad Marauders BBQ
Steel Brigade 2 pack
Tunnel Rat
Scrap Iron (Marked down to 38.47, even!)

Sale also includes numerous Marvel Legends and Transformers, with the ability to mix and match


Well-known member
I've seen Stalker and the Twins at Ross for six bucks each. I don't even collect Classified (mostly) but that was tough to pass up.

In other news, the next Hiya Toys entry has been shown - The Baroness looks fantastic!


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I’ve largely backed off GI Joe, in general, until Hasbro can find a real “direction” for the brand, but I’ve been keeping tabs on Hiya’s stuff.

There are utterly fascinating to me, in that they are clearly basing their work on the “initial designs” for Classified, not the “fandom approved” redesigns. I think the “evergreen” design work Hasbro did back in 2020 was on a pretty solid keel. It’s just disappointing that Hasbro’s efforts to utilize those designs outside of the collector sphere has been so limited.

Hopefully, if Epic Heroes is a success, we might see GI Joe cross into that realm as well.


Well-known member
That Baroness is a dream. The entire line looks wonderful, but i *think* the only one that I will 100% buy is that Major Bludd. He is perfect. I loved the Classified version but I don't do that here.

Also, in lew of unofficial bases I've opted to make my own. Here's the beginning stages of my joe/cobra dive bar. Name pending.


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Well-known member
Updated first post list with the most recent classified releases.

Added some Rumors that come from reliable sources. Including:

Road Pig
Nemesis Enforcer
Iron Grenadier BAT


Well-known member
I wondered what the announcement would be. I'll be honest - I'd hoped the guns would move to a lower tier.

A new O-ring line is going to be interesting. I'll be curious to see whether they basically redo the ReAction line but articulated (so more cartoon accurate), or if they'll just redo the original line. I highly doubt I'll participate considering their prices.


Well-known member
Considering he prices of vintage or recasted O-rings on EBay, I'm here for it. As long as we dont blow past 30 dollars a piece, I'll bite.

1/18 scale is just where my collecting lives. Classified has become this massive tease that I'm just not doing, so between these O-Rings and what Hiya has started doing, things could get pretty awesome here.


Well-known member
Well - I guess he says they're aiming for $20 a fig, so same as ReAction somehow.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I wondered what the announcement would be. I'll be honest - I'd hoped the guns would move to a lower tier.

A new O-ring line is going to be interesting. I'll be curious to see whether they basically redo the ReAction line but articulated (so more cartoon accurate), or if they'll just redo the original line. I highly doubt I'll participate considering their prices.
I imagine they’ll find a median in that.
The Mothership Vipers show new tooling evocative of the original Viper (in the lower arms, waist and legs), rather than a straight recreation of the original. My “gut instinct” is that we’ll end up with something akin to how Classified and Ultimates compare: Ultimates skewing to direct media recreation while Classified is modernized envisioning of the character. Only, in 1/18, it’ll be a comparison between Super7 and Hiya’s offerings.

Same is true of the Trouble Bubbles Super7 showed: they seem designed to echo the cartoon (and its more streamlined look) than simply remaking the original toy. I think this leaves an interesting “loophole” to maybe do vehicles. I know a comic HISS has some appeal, with it El Camino back not seen in the cartoon or toy.
Considering he prices of vintage or recasted O-rings on EBay, I'm here for it. As long as we dont blow past 30 dollars a piece, I'll bite.

1/18 scale is just where my collecting lives. Classified has become this massive tease that I'm just not doing, so between these O-Rings and what Hiya has started doing, things could get pretty awesome here.
Pricing will be a factor for me. $25 and under? I’m probably in. I’ve been very selective on Classified (Tiger Force, Python Patrol, major characters from the 87 movie), and that will probably remain true even if we see a new 3.75 line from Super7 or if Hasbro decides to launch a line that shares the Epic Hero branding at mass retail.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Well - I guess he says they're aiming for $20 a fig, so same as ReAction somehow.
I think Super7 is acutely aware of the general response from the GI Joe fandom when it came to ReAction. I think they KNOW they could tap a not-insignificant pool of collectors by skewing closer to the original 80s toys.

I suspect they’re hoping the increased volume will offset the increased production costs associated with o-ring figures. That, or Super7 had a FAR better margin on ReAction than we were lead to believe…

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
More leaks before a presumed preorder launch next week, in package shots of Airborne, Action Sailor, Retro Duke and Scarlett.

Action Soldier and Big Boa package shots leaked a few days ago:

I dig the 60th Anniversary figures for what they are. It’s nice to see a product like that which celebrates the brand whole still being inclusive to the current brand direction. And on their own merits, offer a wide range of gear that offers some extra stuff to other figures. Airborne and Big Boa aren’t big to me, but I can’t NOT love the unmasked head offered with Big Boa, especially with the missing tooth!

The Retro figures are really hitting me though. Scarlett is nice, but I think I prefer the neo-modern version from the SE movie. But Duke? That’s the best representation of Duke I’ve seen on a product that cost less than $50 and still in scale with the rest of Classified. I’m likely getting a pair (one to open, one to keep in package). I already have the Tiger Force RAM set, but I’d double dip in an INSTANT if that set of tools was offered in Tiger Force deco.

In holiday sales news, Entertainment Earth has Mezco’s One:12 Destro on sale for half off ($50). He is roughly in scale with Classified, but features a TON of accessories. Given the going rate of a deluxe Classified offering, the value comparison is pretty good.

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