The first offerings of Super7’s O-ring line, dubbed “Reaction+”, has been revealed with prototype images from The Full Force podcast. I’m linking to the Hisstank thread featuring mirror images for those who don’t want to go to X.
I wonder of Super 7 will reveal the new line tonight or tomorrow. Im excited.
More concise images from Toy News International
Shown below are my images from the Super7 booth at the 2024 JoeFest convention which kicked off today. You can check out the debut of their new ReAction+ G.I.
First wave is Cartoon styled Cobra Commander and blond Covergirl with comic colored Snake Eyes (v2!) and BAT (blue). Also on deck is a Crimson Twins 2 pack featuring them in business suits. No half hearted reuse either, these are all new sculpts.
The obvious concession with the increased articulation (and accessories, it seems) is a smaller wave assortment. We’ll see where the price ends up.
I’m in love with these. They are needling the same brain tissue as stuff like MOTU Origins and some of the modern Generations figures. And by not remaking the old molds, it keeps the “originals” valuable, but it gives us an accessible representation of these classic characters in a classic format styled “like we remember” (which for MANY of us, was the cartoon). I mean, hell, Cobra Commander and Covergirl come with proper cartoon weapons!
My hope is that these are successful enough to see a few vehicles. If Super7 were to leverage the original toys’ “easy model builder” design, we could get some nice stuff, especially leaning into the cleaner cartoon look.