G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
This thread be getting a bit dusty, so here’s an update from GI Joe Day!

Next Retro Wave is Flint, Tele-Viper, and Cover Girl (Mass Device flavored). Continuing the MASS Device focus, they also revealed a Diver 2 pack (Joe and Cobra, the original miniseries reused the same character model for both factions). Another 2 pack revealed was Ninja Force favorites Slice and Dice. Continuing with later era pulls, Darklon was shown, along with a MASS Device/Cartoon flavored Breaker.
And to round out the reveals were TWO new vehicles: The SNAKE battle Armor and AWE Striker with Crankcase.
Plus, there will be a full Fanstream later in the month for GI Joe.

Retro Flint looks great, and I’m glad to see some later year love in Darklon and the Ninja Force duo. Don’t have the space for vehicles, but we’ll see how the SNAKE turns out. Love the TeleViper’s alt heads, and all the “core Classified” releases continue to have some great new accessories (Love the alternate mask for Slice). For ninja fans, the Ninja Force pack is clearly essential.


Well-known member
I had the SNAKE early in my Joe buying as a little kid, for the brief time until I lost all the way too many little pieces, so I'd like that. I also think it looks like a great base on which to build some Star Brigade Classified figures. C'mon RoboJoe.

-ZacWilliam, aside from that I'll want Slice and Dice cause Slice was a favorite of mine, and maybe Darklon because while I didn't have him I always want to support weird late line Joe stuff being made.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
That A.W.E. Strike is awful. Looks nothing like the original - more like something you's find from The Corps or some cheap GI Joe knock-off line.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Breaker and the Divers come with M.A.S.S. cannisters. I suppose that could just be cool accessories, but I'm guessing it's confirmation a Classified-scale M.A.S.S. device will be incoming to fit the theme?


Active member
Been eagerly/impatiently waiting for the SAW viper to arrive at local retail. Local Wal-Mart DID restock... but not new assortment. Did snag a Storm Shadow (was looking for him to back-up Jynx against the 4 enemy Ninja's), and broke down to get ANOTHER Iron Grenadier in anticipation of IG Destro.


Active member
Checking in. Shortly after the last post I broke down and bought the new SAW Viper w left-over money from an MTG purchase. They came in yesterday, and due to sleep/work I only just got to the unboxing.

Had to stop and look over the SAW Viper's box and I noticed something in the scene on the back that I'm not sure if anyone else noticed; To his left you can see what is clearly Doc's helmet & glasses laying on the pavement in some rubble.

Any of y'all familiar with the Marvel run will know that Doc was the first victim of the SAW Viper in Trucial Ambysia.


That issue was rough. Seeing those Joes mowed down like that and knowing there wouldn't be any kind of "he's in a coma!" to save them was certainly something.

Agent X

Kreon Bastard
Wasn't about to buy a figure, so I thought I could make a Kreon of him. Think I did a good job, anyone can tell who this is (supposed) to be?


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator

The back of Super7’s Cold Slither Zartan revealed the next wave of figures, which will feature:
Snake Eyes (cartoon colors- redeco of existing V2 inspired)
Cobra Commander in winter jacket
Wild Bill (Sunbow colors)

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