G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm thinking about getting a Classified figure. I saw a video where the head and the hand can be popped off.

Can the arms by the shoulder and the neck be swapped out easily? Or the lower leg?

Is there a resource about that?

Powered Convoy

I'm thinking about getting a Classified figure. I saw a video where the head and the hand can be popped off.

Can the arms by the shoulder and the neck be swapped out easily? Or the lower leg?

Is there a resource about that?
The limbs and such are not to be swapped out regularly. It's likely be similar to taking apart a Marvel Legends figure.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Dang. Hmm. I was going to get a Roadblock so I could swap boots with Gung Ho but if it's not that easy, I might not push thru with getting him.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Well, I gots me a Classified Gung-Ho and Cobra Island Roadblock. I'll figure out the swapping when I open them.

In the meantime, I saw Breaker with the cycle on shelf and thought his face looked familiar.


Does he sorta resemble David Harbour Red Guardian or Bradley Cooper?

Also, why isn't there a Classified Shipwreck planned? He's more famous than, like Croc Master or some vipers. Peacemaker even name dropped him in episode 5, haha
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Active member
My 2 Alley Vipers and lone BAT have shipped. They won't be here until Monday, but I am delighted. My local Walmart just placed its spring planogram, and there's no peg space or rack space for Classified. My hopes of seeing these fellows in the wild are dashed.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
Been seeing the ReAction figures showing up at Target. I really don't understand the appeal, especially for only a few dollars less than a Classified figure.


Well-known member
They're too expensive for what they are, i think, true. But the appeal is that they're basically nostalgia grabs at people whose idea of what an action figure in general "should be", their ideal Nostalgia Zone you might call it, was set by the original Star Wars toyline (and it's imitators) from like 1978 - 1983. Maybe they moved on from toys after that, or just loved those toys so much, that that's what does it for them. I think that's a decently big group, maybe just a bit older than the first wave of TF fans and so they sell decent enough.

ZacWilliam, I actually like some of them and the simplicity of them looking like toys for kids more than highly sculpted fully pose-able collectors pieces is something I appreciate but the price... if they were say $6.99 to 9.99 I'd be much more likely to buy one.


Active member
Just found a tag on the shelves at my local Walmart for GI Joe Classified Retro. To be clear, there are no figures--I just found the price sticker. This is promising.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Looking to my fellow Allsparkers for help:
Back in the day, say early to mid 90s, my brother got a processed plastic Joe-compatible helicopter for his favorite Joe, Battle Corps Wild Bill. It was olive green and very similar visually to the actual Dragonfly, except it had a prominent handle underneath with a trigger to turn the rotor.
This served as our Dragonfly until the tan 2000s reissue, after which time it was retired and disappeared...
Now, my brothers are trying to rebuild their GI Joe collection, and would like to add this substitute Dragonfly to their collection, but there is zero information on who made it or what to search for to try to find one.
Anyone here have any insight on this helicopter and/or where a person might find one?


Well-known member
A Retailator, maybe?

You can also browse through the vehicles on the site, if that isn't it.

I would guess eBay would be your best bet for finding another one, but there might be other sites out there.

Or since you said it was generic, maybe something like this:
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Thank you, the one in the picture is it! Is that site very reputable? Cause it looks like they have a couple for sale.


Well-known member
I have no idea how good that particular site is. I've never used it. I'll admit, that's the only one I can find anything actually for sale, though.

It'd help if I could figure out what it's actually called, but "vintage processed plastic" is the only thing that comes up with any results. I guess the company is literally called "Processed Plastics Co"?
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Thanks again! The pictures from your link helped me get the most solid info we’ve ever had; it was produced by the Processed Plastics Co out of Montgomery IL and the model # is 7410. The company went under in 2005, so finding one in decent shape for a decent price may be a struggle without taking a risk on a less than mainstream sale site, but it’s a lead we didn’t have before!


I’m not dead yet!
So Reveals...

Crimson Guard
Python Patrol Viper
Tiger Force Recondo
Tiger Force Bazooka
Dr. Mindbender

Some brand crossover with a Hiss Tank Megatron and an O ring Baroness that can fit inside the tank

Preorders going live at 1pm eastern today everywhere
All Classified

1 PM Online only retailers
Classified Viper 3 pack with blast effects

1 PM Pulse only
O-Ring Cobra Trooper and Operative.

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