G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal


Koopaling Aficionado
Super7 getting in on the April Fools fun with apparently real PSA inspired ReAction figures and apparel. I can't decide if I want to get the 2 figures or the shirt.



Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
If they would make figures based on the actual PSAs, I think I would buy them. These ones based on the parodied PSAs are funny, but I feel less inclined to actually spend money on them.


Koopaling Aficionado
Is there any difference to the figure himself or is it just accessories and fancy packaging?


Active member
Anybody else here getting into the RPG?

Been building my person, picking out the Influences, Origins, Role, and allocating points. All the fun stuff.

Thing is we're meant to start at level 6, and while I've looked over the section on the subject, I cant find anything on how many points you earn each time you level. It says you get points, but not how many.

Did they forget something, or am I just blind?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
New toy stuff today! Plus preorders for stuff they've already shown off. And some early reveals for future stuff!
Up for order now:
Target exclusive Tiger Force Recondo and Bazooka and Python Patrol Officer.
Wave 10 is up for order and features Dusty, Zarana and the Crimson Guard.

New reveals:
Retro (Walmart exclusive old school card back 6" figures) Zartan and Storm Shadow
Tiger Force Duke with Tiger RAM
Snake Eyes with Timber- a revised deco of the original v1 Classified Snake Eyes.
Blue Ninja Trooper builder- features new "Oni" masks and a new female body.

Most impressively...
an OFFICIAL Sgt Slaughter Classified figure revealed! More detail to come!



Active member
Today I ordered:

•From Target: Bazooka, Recondo and two Python troopers. If the troopers get cancelled, I won't be broken up at all. But that Recondo is FANTASTIC.

•From Nerdzoic: Zarana, Dusty and two Crimson Guards.

•From Amazon: Two more Crimson Guards. I think after this my army-building efforts will be reduced to two per army-builder.


I’m not dead yet!
The Kickstarter for Renegades Joe reskin of their co-operative Power Ranger Board Game, "GI:Joe Mission Critical" went live today too and runs until the 16th.

Main Set's playable Joes include Duke, Scarlet, Snake-Eyes, Cover Girl, and Stalker
Boss Character is Cobra Commander (no surprise there)
Nemesis character is the Baroness
Lieutenants include Dr. Mindbender, Major Bludd, and Copperhead
Troops include 12 Cobra Troopers and12 Crimson Guards
6 Vehicle cards and all the cards for the Joes and enemies

There also is the 1st Expansion, "Heavy Firepower"
It adds 3 Joes, Gung Ho, Bombstrike, and Roadblock
A new Boss with Destro
and another lieutenant in Scrap-Iron
and 3 more Vehicle cards alongside the cards for the new characters.

Exclusives also include a Retro Snake-Eyes figurine based on his 1st figure on a Joe bubble card ( the main set has his more common Ninja look)
and a Vehicle pack including 8 more Vehicle cards
And there is a Red White and Blue Dice pack to sub out the army Green ones.

Base game with the extra Snake Eyes and Vehicle Cards is $ 99 US
All In has the above and the Expansion and a RBW Dice set is $ 145

The set up is practically identical to the Heroes of the Grid Board with a center hub Pit piece and 4 outer quarter circle interchangeable location pieces. Joes have a character ability card and a deck of 10 ability/attack cards that also is their life total. If the deck is completely depleted the Joe is downed and sent back to the pit to recover. The Cobras have deployment cards that tell where the troops or the other higher ups will deploy. Each area has a Panic Level that will trigger once too many troops deploy there. Your main lose condition is if all four locations become panicked at once by the end of your heroes phase. You eventually win by defeating the Boss once he deploys. Beating a number of troops will give you a requisition to draw a vehicle card. These will give the Joes more abilities they can work with.

Going forward judging by what they have done with Power Rangers they will continue expanding by adding more small expansions with more Joes and Lieutenant and above Cobras, and Larger Expansions that could add in more Troopers like Vipers and B.A.T.s. I'd expect them to theme one after Cobra Island early on. Possibly a small Dreadnok expansion. Eventually maybe a Serpentor and Cobra-La one.
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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
So..since I’m sure you all are (Not) waiting for my thoughts:

The Sgt. Slaughter news just hits me all in the right places. The peak collector interest and limited runs cut me out of the 25th Slaughter and Zarana, so it’s nice to see Hasbro finally address these issues (over a decade later…). As I’ve said before, my “peak” Joe years were about 1988-1990 (with a handful after that, particularly in 1992). The good Sarge was THE spokesman for the brand during those years, so he is pretty well ingrained with my perception and association to the GI Joe. To me, classic GI Joe just isn’t truly complete without him. So I’m eager to see what Hasbro does with his release. Hell, make him a “Fan Channel Exclusives” and just open up orders, I’m sure he’ll be a great seller.

I preordered the Tiger Force guys from Pulse, trying to make the most out of my Premium subscription. Went ahead and snagged one for Zarana as well, though it might be more cost effective to purchase the set from Entertainment Earth since I’m getting two of the three in the assortment to begin with (put a preorder for the CG with BBTS). Dusty got “de-prioritized”, but he’s one I’m certain I’ll end up with…unless I play the waiting game and see if a Tiger Force iteration crops up.

I know Hasbro “previewed” most of these preorders before, but it’s such a difference seeing actual product in action shots with full accessories. I have a soft spot for Tiger Force (and all those sub-teams, to be honest) since it was the first chance I had to get a number of classic characters. And I’m really glad to see the “degree of detail” I lamented with over the first year of GI Joe Classified start to be addressed. At this scale, at this price, a LOT of the early figures were lacking in a degree of detail the 2009-2011 figures were able to achieve at 2/3rds the size. Removable magazines, extra holsters, painted backpacks, this kind of detail should have been there at launch in 2019.

I’m eager for Retro Zartan, though I’m not a fan of the use of the original hood. Sunbow Zartan was “notable” for the fact the animators could never quite decipher if he was wearing a hood or had hair, so I would have preferred a more “rounded” hood to be more accurate to that. Retro Storm Shadow is getting new lower arms, but I’m not seeing much to make him more desirable than his standard release aside from the card (which is probably enough for FAR too many fans). Hell, if he’s like Lady Jaye, he’ll end up LOSING accessories.

I’m curious how the revised Snake Eyes is going to see release. I like the new deco, but I’m quite content with my Commando version. Could be a solid way to keep him available next year without a significant investment.

My biggest want is going to be Duke, though. I don’t care about the Tiger RAM, but Tiger Force Duke was my first Duke figure, so I’m REALLY pinning for that. Being Duke and Tiger Force, I think my chances are a touch better than with some prior vehicle sets.

I’m still going to lament that Hasbro is seemingly abandoning the kid market with the brand at the moment. But while we’ve lost some of the “spark of newness” we saw early on…I think the attention to detail is almost compensating for that. It’s also unfortunate that factors outside of Hasbro’s control has left the brand with such a light schedule for the year as stuff gets pushed 4-6+ months back.


Active member
So..since I’m sure you all are (Not) waiting for my thoughts:

The Sgt. Slaughter news just hits me all in the right places. The peak collector interest and limited runs cut me out of the 25th Slaughter and Zarana, so it’s nice to see Hasbro finally address these issues (over a decade later…). As I’ve said before, my “peak” Joe years were about 1988-1990 (with a handful after that, particularly in 1992). The good Sarge was THE spokesman for the brand during those years, so he is pretty well ingrained with my perception and association to the GI Joe. To me, classic GI Joe just isn’t truly complete without him. So I’m eager to see what Hasbro does with his release. Hell, make him a “Fan Channel Exclusives” and just open up orders, I’m sure he’ll be a great seller.
I cancelled my Action Force Sarge pre-order on BBTS after seeing the reveal. Not with any malice toward the Action Force brand or BBTS. I just feel that THIS IS MY SARGE.

My biggest want is going to be Duke, though. I don’t care about the Tiger RAM, but Tiger Force Duke was my first Duke figure, so I’m REALLY pinning for that. Being Duke and Tiger Force, I think my chances are a touch better than with some prior vehicle sets.

I’m still going to lament that Hasbro is seemingly abandoning the kid market with the brand at the moment. But while we’ve lost some of the “spark of newness” we saw early on…I think the attention to detail is almost compensating for that. It’s also unfortunate that factors outside of Hasbro’s control has left the brand with such a light schedule for the year as stuff gets pushed 4-6+ months back.
TF Duke looks solid. Even the RAM looks great!

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Hasbro held a round table after their live stream, offered some clarifications and minor updates:

Kamakura and the Blue Ninja 2 pack will be Amazon exclusives.

Snake Eyes with Timber (redeco) will be a mainline release, as I suspected. Will be out next year, likely in the new packaging style.

Speaking of, GI Joe will be transitioning to a closed/reduced plastic packaging design (like everything else). They offered a novel description with integrated foot lockers and some really interesting design elements. I suspect it will cycle in for the fall 2023 stuff, ie, after all the stuff we’ve seen has finally ships.

Walmart Retro Cards will only be 8 offerings before a new packaging style. Which means we still have two more to be revealed in that format.

O-ring Joes will be getting a “soft reboot”, whatever that entails here, and will be ditching the traditional cardback design.

Probably the single best news was that Sgt. Slaughter would be a “Fan Channel” exclusive, meaning he should be quite available across the myriad of online retailers.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
*tap tap tap*

Hey! GI Joe’s not dead, y’all! :p

A bit unfortunate that the buggered release schedule has stalled out what momentum the brand had going into 2022. First wave of the year is still seeing spotty physical distribution and who knows if the “current/next” wave with Spirit and Storm Shadow will carry us into the fall strong.

Best Buy goofed up and put up a site page for a deluxe fan channel figure: Dr. Mindbender! Page has subsequently been pulled, but it confirmed the good doctor as a fan channel item, meaning all the other online guys will be carrying it as well.

Also, this is presumably a spoiler for tomorrow’s initial Yo Joe June livestream, reported to start at 12pm EST, at least on Instagram.

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