If they aren't dressed like they're straight out of the '80s -- and I don't mean the '80s toy line -- then I don't even know what we're doing here.Name only Reveals
Retro Duke
Retro Scarlett
Run, Hot Shot, run!
Basically closer to their original figure versions. A good comparison would be comparing Classified Gung Ho’s original release and comparing that to his Walmart Retro version. Or Snake Eyes, where the Alpha Commando version used Beachhead parts, but the upcoming Retro version uses parts from Stalker (which is more accurate to the original figure.I'm not meaning to sound dumb here, but generally, how would 'retro' Duke and Scarlett look? Haven't they been pretty consistent over time? (and if they haven't, it's fine to tell me, I just looked them up quickly and it always seemed like some version of 'yellow and green' for them, I didn't pay a lot of attention in the 80's).