Ghostbusters General


I’m not dead yet!
Kinda curious on how the lyrics are there. It's probably not a direct translation of the Ray Parker Jr song.


This is how a unicorn comments
Well According to someone on reddit, the translation of the lyrics are:

Ghost Busters !

Ghost Busters !

Ghost Busters!

Ghost Busters !

It's scary, it's scary~

On the way home at night (Ghostbusters!)

It's scary! It's scary!

Right behind me (Ghostbusters!)


Ruins I often visit to test my mettle

The gap in O, that school

I'm sure it's lurking everywhere

Aiue ghost!

If you care, you'll lose

A ray gun that erases fear

Release it! Ju! Ju! Ju!

Aiming for the frightened feelings

They're coming.

Ghost Busters!

I'm not scared of ghostsIt's scary, it's scary~ Empty Classroom (Ghostbusters!

It's scary! It's scary!

Right next door (Ghostbusters!)

1 234 Ghost

Wall pounding from empty room

Tapping on your shoulder even though no one is there

This world has many charms

Ghost calling!

The town is a night parade of 100 demons

It's like the world seen in a nightmare

He was hiding under the futon

They're coming.

Ghost Busters!

I'm not scared of ghosts

Ghost Busters!

you are not alone

Ghost Busters!

Leave it to us (Terarurira Tsuki)

Ghost Busters !

Ghost Busters!

Ghost Busters!

you are not alone

Ghost Busters!

Leave it to us (Tera ru rira )

Ghost Busters !

Ghost Busters !

Ghost Busters !

Ghost Busters !

I have no way of verifying any of this, but it sounds like they know what they are talking about.


I’m not dead yet!
So saw the movie Yesterday. I enjoyed it a lot. Was it the best they could do.... absolutely not.
I feel like they took the worst inspiration from Real Ghostbusters in that the big bad of the movie Garaka just comes off as a huge threat but no personality to speak of other than being a scary looking monster. And right now I think that is the movie franchises biggest issue. When Viggo is the most personality we've gotten out of our big bads that's not a good thing.

But I'm sure a lot of folk are going to be on about there being too much focus on the new cast again despite a good amount of involvement from the OG cast. In terms of most involvement from most to least goes Ray>Winston>Janine>Peter>Dickless. But each of them had multiple scenes so it's not like they just were in for the end cameos this time. Sadly no Dana or Louis.

Story wise it's not too bad. Phoebe has a sadly too real arc that carries the movie. There's a good amount of Callie and Gary trying to deal with it and their own situation. Sadly Trevor gets regulated mostly as a gag target. Podcast (still no real name for him still >_< ) fills the same supporting role he did for Phoebe but doubles as Ray's support as well. Lucky gets some cool scenes but gets sidelined in the R&D development for a good portion of the film.

The one thing that is a tad distracting is the fact that they do go over The Ghostbusters fad of the 80's and early 90's, including a news broadcast of RGB toy commercials being used as an in universe thing. And yes GB 2 is firmly established as in this canon.

And there's more to say but I gotta head to work. But I will say if you are a GB fan, it's a good movie with a tad more scare than funny. How funny will depend on your sense of humor. Nothing super hilarious in this one but plenty of chuckles were had for me.


Active member
I saw it tonight, and also enjoyed it. Going to see Ghostbusters sequels in modern times still feels a little strange, and this one was pretty different, but it was entertaining and I had a good time. A few of the explanations as to why secondary characters like Podcast and Lucky are in NYC as well are... a little thin? But I can live with that. It's fun to have everyone back together again.

Phoebe continues to be the highlight of the series' new cast members, and I have to say I really enjoyed her subplot, even if it was kinda sad.

It also introduced some philosophical questions... not actually asking them outright, but certain aspects of this film made me ask myself... about the ethics of what the Ghostbusters are actually doing; specifically how they use the containment grid and how ghosts are basically locked in there (forever?).


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I rather enjoyed it. Felt a little overstuffed at times and found Paul Rudd s Gruberson a little annoying, though.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
In the original film, the ghosts were pretty much pests and the ghostbusters were basically exterminators. Once they started adding in more "human" and intelligent ghosts, that concept breaks down and brings up questions of personhood and how the Ghostbusters have basically installed themselves as the judges, jury and executioners of the undead.


Well-known member
In the original movie, I am unclear whether any of those were ghosts or if they were just extra-dimensional beings. The library ghost seems the most likely to actually be a ghost, but it could be (just judging from that movie) that ghost stories developed mistakenly to explain Gozer's stuff because ones like the library ghost looked like people.

Did Slimer used to be a human on Earth? If so, why is he so different from Egon?


Well-known member
In the original movie, I am unclear whether any of those were ghosts or if they were just extra-dimensional beings. The library ghost seems the most likely to actually be a ghost, but it could be (just judging from that movie) that ghost stories developed mistakenly to explain Gozer's stuff because ones like the library ghost looked like people.

Did Slimer used to be a human on Earth? If so, why is he so different from Egon?

Different classes of ghosts manifest differently. So Slimer just is likely a lesser classification then Egon is.


This is how a unicorn comments
Just got back from it. I liked it. I found it a better watch then Afterlife. It's still mostly buildup with too short of a climax in my opinion though.

Did get some cool merch thanks to free poster and my roomies getting me the cups.
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Goodies.jpg


Active member
But know the cops only come after you if you did something bad.

Like sitting at a diner table.

Or even that dude jogging in GB2. Discounting Vigo, that jogger was probably the most human of the ghosts we've seen in the original 2 films.

Different classes of ghosts manifest differently. So Slimer just is likely a lesser classification then Egon is.

So maybe certain people leave less (somehow) of themselves behind, Rather than the rarer cases like Egon, whose entire consciousness remains and ultimately needs to pass on.

Could be.


Well-known member
Like sitting at a diner table.

Or even that dude jogging in GB2. Discounting Vigo, that jogger was probably the most human of the ghosts we've seen in the original 2 films.

So maybe certain people leave less (somehow) of themselves behind, Rather than the rarer cases like Egon, whose entire consciousness remains and ultimately needs to pass on.

Could be.

Slimer is weird; in that he always seems to change in how he acts and his purpose. But the old RPG would classifiy him as a Class 5 and Egon ass a Class 4:

Identity is established. They have a distinct human form and personality with known identity, such as General Custer or Cleopatra. Economic disposal methods include research into the background of said entity, as well as possible communication with it.

These are Ectoplasmic manifestations of definite but non-human form. Speculation includes the theory that Class V's are formed from emotionally-charged events or as side effects from ritual summoning (Slimer was a by-product of the rituals that a cult held in the Sedgewick Hotel's basement.). These typically require extensive proton pack implementation to eradicate.

Here they list Slimer as non-human, but I remember mentions of him being the spirit of a very glutonous human that died in the hotel. THough I thought he'd be more of a Class 3, since he's vaguely humanish but not the the point you can establish identity:

Anonymous Hauntings. Distinct human form and personality is evident, but former identity (I.E., as a living being.) is not established. If established, ghost is reassigned as Class IV. Often difficult to deal with, Class III ghosts generally possess sophisticated means of defense.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Seems like a reasonable conclusion. The Hell's Kitchen Sewer Dragon from the newest movie is likely NOT a former human and some sort of emotional trauma could be a possible source. Ghost in Ghostbusters seems to refer to pretty much any supernatural semi-sentient entity either way. Heck, they've fought TWO 'gods' in official cannon, so far and Vigo's status might not be a traditional 'ghost' either given the description of his execution and the fact that his head was still alive after being drawn and quartered long enough to utter a curse.(my guess is he knew the end was coming and used dark magic to bind his soul to the painting so that he had a window to return)


I’m not dead yet!
Tobin's Spirit Guide would confirm Slimer as a Class V Full Roaming Vapor let alone Ray claiming it so in the original movie. In the Spirit guide it goes with Slimer having been summoned to the hotel by the Gozer Cult's ritual sacrifices as well. But the guide is a mishmash of continuity between the movies, games, comics and cartoon.

If I were to classify the Sewer Dragon it would share similarities to a Class VI Animal Spirit.

That said the copy of Tobin's doesn't share what each Classes traits are supposed to be.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I thought that the Ghostbusters tended to only put away the ones who act maliciously or are pests. But like, if it's someone with unfinished business before crossing over, they'd help them out if they were willing to cooperate?

Feels like I saw that somewhere.

As for Slimer...

His origins are vast and many.


Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I think the full class breakdown originally came from an old Ghostbusters RPG and basically got incorporated into canon.

Class I
RPG - These are undeveloped forms, insubstantial and difficult to see. Interaction with their environment is limited and enigmatic (i.e., spectral lights, voices and sounds, ectoplasmic vapors, etc.). Simple application of a proton pack beam is normally effective.
IDW - Class 1 entities are lower-powered manifestations that lack enough psychokinetic mass to affect the physical environment. As a result, they tend to fade in and out of the physical plane. They are characterized as not being fully developed and as echoes of feeling. These entities are only capable of localized cold spots, unexplained lights and/or sounds, and occasionally, telekinetic contact.

Class II
RPG - Manifestations focused in this time and space, Class II ghosts and up can physically manipulate things in this world. These forms are vague, inconsistent, or incomplete (i.e., floating sheets, ghostly hands, animated lips, etc.). Although a proton pack beam is normally effective, some Class II ghosts have the capacity to return attacks.
IDW - Class 2 entities have a slightly stronger grip on the physical plane than a Class 1 but also does not fully manifest. They do have the ability to possess inanimate objects for a longer span of continuous time.

Class III
RPG - Anonymous Hauntings. Distinct human form and personality is evident, but former identity (I.E., as a living being.) is not established. If established, ghost is reassigned as Class IV. Often difficult to deal with, Class III ghosts generally possess sophisticated means of defense.
IDW - Class 3 entities are humanoid and exhibit general behavior. The types of manifestations vary from a corporeal form virtually indistinguishable from a living person to a mockery of humanity, with distended features and exaggerated behaviors. The constant factor of a Class 3 is their identity is unknown, potentially to themselves as well. Identifying an entity has varied results. A Class 3 who knows its identity will either pass on to the next plane of existence or more fully resist the urge.

Class IV
RPG - Identity is established. They have a distinct human form and personality with known identity, such as General Custer or Cleopatra. Economic disposal methods include research into the background of said entity, as well as possible communication with it.
IDW - Class 4 entities are like Class 3's in that they have a human form. However, a Class 4 knows its identity and possesses memories or replicas of memories from their past life. Dealing with a Class 4 can require research into the life of that person in order to solve the case at hand; typically that of their wants desires, addictions, and habits. A Class 4 is capable of immense power if there is a source to draw from, such as the collection of Psychomagnotheric Slime known as the River of Slime or the raw ambient energy of Gozer as it built up towards its next manifestation. In these cases, the Class 4 can exhibit power that is typical of a Class 6 or Class 7.

Class V
RPG - These are Ectoplasmic manifestations of definite but non-human form. Speculation includes the theory that Class V's are formed from emotionally-charged events or as side effects from ritual summoning (Slimer was a by-product of the rituals that a cult held in the Sedgewick Hotel's basement.). These typically require extensive proton pack implementation to eradicate.
IDW - Class 5 entities are fully formed manifestations most often the by-product of highly charged emotions and ambient psychokinetic energy. They can have human characteristics like limbs and a discernible face but otherwise has a non-human form and lacks personality and/or intelligence.

Class VI
RPG - Ghosts from lower life forms. A giant penguin was once seen attacking a mugger in Central Park. Later, it was discovered that the penguin was a ghost. Unique solutions are often required to handle these entities, including research into habitats, allergies, natural enemies, etc.
IDW - A Class 6 entity manifest in forms and behaviors that are exclusively animal in nature. While they match the appetites and instincts of their living counterpart, a Class 6 can manifest in varying sizes.

Class VII
RPG - Metaspectres. Obsessively malevolent, exceptionally powerful, and exhibiting control over subordinate forms, such entities are potentially very dangerous. These are often identified by primitive cultures as "Demons". Entitles which fit this classification include Gozer and Zuul. Neutralizing them is usually a problematical undertaking at best. Most standard procedures are futile. The most realistic plan is to take measures to prevent these things from entering the sphere of influence in the first place.
IDW - A Class 7 entity is the most powerful class and includes godlike beings, demons, and other powerful manifestations. They are capable of communication with humans and are not totally alien in their thought processes, desires, emotional needs, and their origins. Class 7 entities are to be avoided and usually luck is the only way to survive an encounter.

The cartoon had a classification system that went up to like 13 if you include Extreme Ghostbusters.


Well-known member
If I were making the list from scratch, I would have put Class 5 between Class 2 and 3, but I guess Ray called Slimer a Class 5 in the movie and they had to work from there. They could have at least tucked Class 6 under Slimer and come up with something and then moved 3 and 4 up to 6 and 7.

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