Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Mythical generally just meant not available through normal gameplay, and thus not part of the regional Pokedex completion count. Whether the ones that now are available still count is probably up for debate unless Game Freak or the Pokemon Company say otherwise.

I think by now every Gen 1-4 mythic is now available in one game or another. So I guess the next games will continue with Victini and Genesect?


Well-known member
The difference between Legendaries and Mythicals has always been vague and ill-defined. It's mostly meant "Pokemon you have to get from a event". But, since Gamefreak starting putting into the games themselves, the distinction has gotten more blurry. It's basically whatever Gamefreak wants it to be, at this point.

It sometimes also means "Pokemon that get a movie" which is VERY potentially interesting since we haven't gotten a movie in a few years, and there ARE rumors that we WILL be getting a movie soon-ish. And there IS a Pokemon we know about who we can't catch yet.


I’m not dead yet!
Well, I really wish I had the time to finish the Indigo Disk now. Alas, real life commitments come first.
The storyline isn’t hard to beeline through. The first part is essentially an Elite 4 run with exploration between so it’s all about how much exploration you put in between and preparedness. Do recommend catching a native to the Terrarium team. And besides that there’s a bit more that can be rushed in a small amount of time. Catching and dex completion as well as side quests won’t prevent anything from triggering this Epilogue. And even if you can’t get through it in a few weeks it’s not going anywhere.


Active member
Well I think because some of them have been in previous generations before they were common but with current gens they've been phased out to save slots for the newer gen.

Most games have upwords of 250 so of that maybe 85 or so might be included. But these are mostly Gen I Pokemon that turn up.

So the status of Legendary may change as more Gens come out.

Most of the 160 slots or so are usually current gen Pokemon.

I noticed this playing Ruby.


I have 14 episodes of Master Quest and then it's 15 series of new episodes I have yet to see up to Journeys.

Master Journeys is on Pokemon TV.


Active member
To get the national Dex you need

Heart Gold
Soul Silver

Alpha and Omega games for Gen III Pokemon

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
So I'm a bit late to the party on this but guess who got Pokémon Scarlet yesterday?

First (new) Pokémon game I've gotten since Moon. Current team is a Floragato, Fidough, Espeon, Ralts, Happiniy, and Steenee.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
if you keep that happiny she'll be a pretty damn good tank when fully evolved. hell, even when she's a chansey, she'll be a good tank.

just keep her away from physical attackers. chansey and blissey are ****IN' INVINCIBLE long as they're up against a special attacker, but if a physical attacker looks at them funny they die


Active member
On DVD for first run watching Jhoto Part 1 The Jhoto Journeys.

For first time for new episodes resuming Advanced Challenge.

I did see Jhoto on Boomerang.

Generally I like to do a DVD run once.

By the time I finish Ultra Legends on DVD Horizons part 1 will be on Pokemon TV.

I had wanted to hang back long enough for the Gen 9 episodes to be added.


Active member
Completed on DVD / Stream

Indigo League
Adventures In The Orange Islands
Jhoto Journeys (Boomerang In 2010)
Jhoto League Champions (Boomerang in 2010)

In Progress

The Jhoto Journeys ( DVD)
Mast Quest (New Episodes Watch)
Advanced Challenge (New Episodes watch)
Sun And Moon (New Episodes Watch)
Master Journeys (New Episodes Watch)

I had cable when Boomerang picked up Jhoto.
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Well-known member
Another week, another code. This time for a special hat! The code is:

Also, starting December 26, if you use the Internet option of Mystery Gift, you'll be able to get 10 Metal Sound TMs (because Gamefreak forgot to make them craftable in one version of the game). Also, remember to pick up....ALL the other gifts that have been coming out, lately. I think I've mentioned them all in this thread, but there's about half a dozen of them at this point.

Also, slightly spoilery protip. After you finish the main story of the Indigo Disk DLC, go to the Crystal Pool in Kitakami. For...reasons.
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i cant take it anymore im at my limit
i'm pretty sure i've caught at least one shiny almost every day since i got the shiny charm


Eorzean Idiot

Woohoo! I got a shiny Delibird! I love it when a shiny is actually distinct from the normal riffraff.


Well-known member
Well, I've defeated the first of the Blueberry Elite Four and have defeated almost every trainer in the Savannah Biome. Hopefully, the next time I sit down and play the game, I'll have moved on to the second member.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
No shiny catches in the DLC so far.

Been finding a few in Go, though. Not too thrilled with the Alamomola, but the Sneasel was nice.

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