Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread


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Advance Battle

Ash had just gotten his 8th gym badge.

May is now going for her final contest ribbon for the Grand Festival.

Battle Frontier

Ash has gotten his 3rd symbol.


Active member
Pokemon Journeys

I was watching Ruby and Sapphire the Series.

Does anyone else think it was the same Lance in Journeys that was seen way back in Ruby and Sapphire who also had Dragonite?


Well-known member
The Scarlet and Violet Epilogue is now out. After downloading the update, I guess you have to get a Mystery Gift over the Internet and then go to the shop in Kitakami to start the event itself. And you have to have finished the Indigo Disk's story, too.


Active member
Battle Frontier

Ash is going for Symbol #5.

May is trying to get her 3rd ribon


Indigo League - Advance Battle

In progress

Battle Frontier
Master Journeys

Due Up

Diamond And Pearl
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Well-known member
And now for something completely different.

Yeah, apparently Pokemon was originally going to be a part of Space Jam Legacy.

Well that's no surprise. Pokémon was a mainstay for Kids! WB and Cartoon Network for years, and Warner did distribute the first three films in the US.


I’m not dead yet!
So Pokémon day this year was a bit weak. Most of it was Mobile Game announcements including a new TCG app.

But the next Legends game got teased at the end. Pokémon Legends Z-A set in Kalos with what seems to be a focus on the origins of Lumiose City.

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Well-known member
(Skip to 10:10, if you just want to see this version of the Legends Z-A Trailer. They seem identical to me, but we might as well have the video for the whole Presents, too)
Well, we get Raids against Mightiest Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard. Unfortunately….I stink at raids, especially the high level ones, so I probably won’t be taking part.

You can get Captain Pikachu from the new Horizons anime in Pokemon Go. That’s neat. But…weird timing, since Horizons hasn’t even aired in English yet. Soon, though.

Raikou is coming to Pokemon Sleep! That’s…such a weird choice. Most people don’t find thunderstorms that soothing. But…okay. The other Legendary Beasts will also show up.

Masters EX has a pretty cool anime-style opening. And Silver gets a shiny Tyranitar. I wish they’d adapt this title to consoles. It looks neat with all the crossovers.

Café Remix…is cute!

Pokemon Unite is adding Miraidon, Falinks, and Ceruledge!

The Trading Card Game is getting a mobile version, TCG Pocket. It looks like it’s pretty well done. I never really see the point of collecting cards digitally, though. They do make some of the holograms look cool, though.

People are guessing that the Unown’s “SOEYUE…?” message is a jumbled version of “SEE YOU”. Given all the Gold and Silver remake rumors, it kind of feels like a mean tease.

I'll admit, for a second, I thought we were getting another Detective Pikachu game or movie, with the talk about a city built to create coexistence between people and Pokemon.

And finally the BIG announcement…we’re getting a new Pokemon Legends game! Pokemon Legends Z-A! They’re doing Kalos of all things! After all that speculation about Unova and Johto, heh, it’s kind of funny. We’ll be waiting until 2025, though, so I guess there’s no new Pokemon game this year. And it still has the Switch logo on the logo and date, so I guess it’ll still be coming out for the regular Switch. But, hey, Mega Evolution is coming back! I really though Gamefreak hated that gimmick.

But...I guess this means we might get to see the origins of AZ's war and the original Ultimate Weapon getting fired? Unless this takes place in the future. Turning Lumoise into a Mega-City from Judge Dredd or something. And having a entire game take place in a BIG city would be a nice change after all the nature in Legends Arceus. I really can't tell if they're teasing the CREATION of Lumoise or the EXPANSION of Lumoise.

And we're almost guaranteed to have a couple of new Pokemon, so what are your guesses? I'm hoping for a new variant of the Honedge line, myself. I thought maybe we were getting a new version of Furfrou from the trailer, but I'm pretty sure that IS just one of it's original hair cut options. I guess this means we're almost guaranteed ANOTHER form for Zygarde, though. The guy already has enough forms, but I guess I'm up for another one.
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M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
Kalos is criminally underdeveloped, so as much as I was hoping/looking forward to something Gen 5 this is actually needed. Excited to see more later, and glad they look to actually be taking their time, or at least more time than usual.


Well-known member
Looking a little closer at the logo, the "A" IN Z-A might actually be the Greek letter Lambda. Which meaning of Lambda they're going for is hard to tell. It has connections to the expansion of the universe, subatomic particles, light, calculations for asteroids hitting the Earth, computer memory, and military matters. The lower case version is also the Half-Life logo, so maybe there's some hint there? It's a little interesting given Guzzlord's apocalyptic alternate timeline in USUM. As well was Deoxy's meteor likely being the source of Mega Evolution.

But, if we think of the title as "Zeta Lambda" instead, maybe that means something more specific that my googling isn't leading me to? Other than sounding like a fraternity. Both letters seem to have ties to the unsolved Riemann Hypothesis. Which is....complicated. But, basically solving the Riemann Hypothesis would mean solving a bunch of other mathematical theorems since a lot of calculations assume that it is true. What that means....I dunno? Something about repeating patterns, maybe?

It also looks a lot like the symbol from Stargate, but that's probably a coincidence.

But, you pronounce the letter Lambda like the letter L. So the title reads...Zill. Which is...a type of finger-cymbal used in belly dancing. Yeah, okay, I don't know what the title means.
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