Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread


Eorzean Idiot
Honestly, I like Alolan Vulpix/Ninetails/Marrowak more than the regular forms.. I can take or leave Galaran Ponyta/Rapidash. I don't think there's been a form I absolutely hated.

While I don't really miss mega-evolution as a whole, there are some designs I do wish would have been made into regular evolutions, Mawile being the prime example.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here


Please contain your jealousy.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
I've decided to no longer share my shiny details, as the luck has not let up, and I'd like to continue to have friends on this board.

I'll just say it's... More shinies than I've ever had in they previous games put together, including gifts and giveaways.

It's.... excessive.

The only hint I'll give is my new team, the Mighty Evolving Poke Rangers.

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Eorzean Idiot
Yeah, I got a shiny Octillery last night. I still love it when I get a shiny. I was excited as hell to finally have a shiny Gyarados. But I do seem to be getting a shiny nearly every day now.

I wonder if maybe they made it easier to get a shiny to make up for not having a daycare (hence no way to Masuda breed).

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
I've been having a weird thought and wondering if the odds aren't actually higher(in most cases, we know outbreaks have higher odds) and we're simply seeing what it would look like if we saw every possible spawn in an area instead of having to choose a patch of shaking grass like we usually do.

Like same odds, but rolled at a much higher quantity.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
honestly that's definitely it. they datamined the odds and outside of outbreaks, it's the same 1/4096 odds as it's been since XY.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
honestly that's definitely it. they datamined the odds and outside of outbreaks, it's the same 1/4096 odds as it's been since XY.

It does make me wonder how the odds were rolled in Let's Go, as I only saw one shiny in that game and it was unreachable.

I wonder if LGPE rolled reach screen/area, while PLA is rolling each actual Pokemon spawn.

The Nth Doctor

I've heard that completing individual Pokémon entries in the dex give some kind of small boost, but I have no idea how true that might be.

I haven't had nearly the same luck with shinies as Vi and we've been playing around the same time, though she's put more time per day in than I have.

Though, like, that shiny alpha probably represents all my luck in one go XD

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Seems to be per spawn. But shaking objects are only checked when you first enter an area. I saw a video of someone who got a shiny Voltorb out of a crate, entered the cave with the alpha Crobat and waited half an hour for the crates to respawn, then got an identical shiny Voltorb from the same crate.


Well-known member
This morning i Pokemon Go I caught a Shiny Minum, turns out it's the best of the two, Plusle is one of those naff shinies.
In the past hour while playing Legends Arceus and soaring I heard the shiny chime and caught Parasect in Cobalt Coastlands, then I went straight to the Obsidian Fieldlands to check on a Zubat outbreak and on the way found a shiny Drifloon, and right after that, a shiny Wurmple.
Loving this game and really glad they fixed the shiny stuff for it, otherwise I don't think kids should be going through the lengths it takes to acquire shinies as it requires too much time on a game.

Also, has anyone done this part of Ultra SuMo?
What is up with Gamefreak?
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Stone and Sky
I got a shiny too:

Damn near blew it. I was working on a Pokedex entry for a Fire-type that required using flamethrower on everything, I didn't see or hear any shine or jingle, and the Wurmple was chilling under a tree in a space-time bubble so the purple color looked like it might've just been the shadows. Glad I decided to throw a Pokeball just to be safe.

I'd love to see which way the little guy evolves, but I want to record it in Home too, so it'll have to wait for now.


Eorzean Idiot
I just hope they don't realize how easy it is to get a shiny now and release an update to nerf it.


Well-known member
Five more shinies today: Hoppip in Pokemon Go's Hoppip event.

Also these games have a thing for ghosts.
In Diamond and Pearl and in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, when you visit the Old Chateau you might spot the ghost butler in the dining room or a ghost girl walking out a room upstairs, in the remakes, one of the rooms has a picture with glowing red eyes which vanish as you approach it.
In Black and White there's a ghost girl on Marvellous Bridge, a old woman nearby fills in her backstory and the sequel games expand on her with the Strange House.
In XY in one of the buildings in Lumoise you're followed out the lift by a hex girl trainer who's levitating, she says "you are not the one." and moves off screen.
In ORAS on Mount Pyre you help a old man and woman with the Team and later on after Delta episode the old woman vanishes and a Gym Leader Phoebe mentions her grandmother passed a long while ago hinting she was a ghost. Phoebe's first gym battle also has a ghost girl present.
I've already shown a vid of the Training School haunting of Ultra Sun and Moon in one of my previous posts.
Pokemon Sword had a girl outside a old building give you a letter, that you give to a grandfather in another town, it was his childhood friend who passed.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Yeah, Gen 1 had the ghost of Marrowak that had to be defeated to quell her rage and let her move on.

And now in Legends Arceus.....
By collecting all 107 wisps, you find out that the kid who gave you the quest was Spiritomb playing a prank on you by making you collect them all. Then you can shove it in a ball forever.

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