Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread


Well-known member
Yeah, I was just hoping for some of the "cooler" mythical shinies to be the rewards for these.

And, I think Unova will end up getting some more love down the road. I just have a feeling Kyurem's more important to "background lore" of these games than we might have originally been led to expect, thanks to the Teraleak. We'll probably get to see The Original Dragon aka Komplete Kyurem. At least, we can hope. I think Gamefreak knows how much people love Unova now and will probably give it something special. More than just DLC.


Well-known member
I think Game Freak wanted to do something vastly different with gen IV so did Legends Arceus but someone panicked and got BDSP made by ICLA as a fall back plan.

I'd love for a Black and White 3 game where we get the basic Black and White story followed by a sidequest similar to ORAS Delta episode and USuMo's Rainbow rocket.
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Well-known member
I feel like any BW3 game will probably want to play more with the DNA Splicers. Pokemon loves their gimmicks and being able to "fuse" certain Pokemon together does feel like it'd make for a fun time for one game. Gamefreak would probably only let you do it with certain sets of Pokemon, though.

Unfortunately, I do feel like the Infinite Fusion fan-game has kind of stolen their thunder for that idea, at this point. I don't think Gamefreak is capable of making a "bigger" game with that concept.

So, I don't know. If we got a BW3 from Gamefreak, I do feel like they'd add in a gimmick. But, if they didn't do fusion, I'm not sure what they would do instead. "Fission" where you can split apart existing Pokemon? Maybe instead of full-fusion, we just use the DNA Splicers to create "Hybrids", basically giving us the ability to make our own Regional Forms (Pikachu and Marill "switching" types to make a Water-Pikachu and Electric-Marill. Basically, Terastallization but less "expensive" to switch and play around with and "permanent" so it doesn't run out in the middle of battle.)? "Pokemon Armor" tying more into Relic Castle or the Abyssal Ruins? Maybe altering the weather in special ways, tying into Tornadus, Thunderus, and Landorus?
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Well-known member
You can get a Flying-Tera-Type Eevee if you go to Best Buy or Gamestop from now until February 27!

...It's not terribly exciting, but it's something, I guess! You could celebrate the Year of Eevee with a Eevee.

Crazy thought, but I wonder if this is hinting at a new flying-type Eeveelution coming in Legends Z-A? I wouldn't be surprised if they did that.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here


Well-known member
And now, we get a few more of the rewards for completing the Home Pokedexes.

If you complete Sword and Shield's entire Pokedex including all DLC, you can get a Shiny Keldeo!

If you complete Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee's Pokedex you can get a Shiny Meltan!

...I got reasonably close with my predictions. I guess we'll see if they give us a reward for completing Pokemon Go's Pokedex, since I don't even think that's possible, right now. And that one's pretty much impossible for me. And who knows if they'll give us a reward for completing ALL or at least MOST of these Dexes.

Shiny Keldeo at least looks cool, and minty. I do like the green on it. *SIGH* Gotta do more trade evolutions, though.

Funny how they're throwing these out there so soon after the last set, though. I was expecting it to take longer, given the time between the first announcement and the second. You'd think they'd save a few of these announcements for Pokemon Day on February 27.
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Eorzean Idiot
I would've liked that shiny Keldeo, but Pokedex completion, especially for a game you haven't played in forever, just seems like a royal pain in the ass.


Well-known member
*SIGH* Yeah...yeah it is. Especially when they all have to be caught natively in the game, no bringing in older Pokemon. Those trade evolutions are especially rough if you don't have someone in person to trade with.

I can't really fault them too much, since you do get a shiny mythical for the trouble. But, it is a hassle. I won't lie about that.


Eorzean Idiot
Wait...they all have to be caught natively? Ugh! Right, I'm out.


Well-known member
Yeah, for Home's Pokedexes it only "counts" if you have the mark from the right region. All the Sword and Shield Pokemon have to have the Galar Mark. All the Legends Arceus Pokemon have to have the Hisui Mark. If it's not the right region, it doesn't register.

Because Gamefreak is cruel. Or just gets some sick, twisted joy out of making people grind for hours for Pokemon they already have. *grumble grumble moan*
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Eorzean Idiot
Yeah, I'm not doing that. I really like Keldeo, but I'm not doing that.


Well-known member
So this year Pokemon Z-A is expected to drop but we've got nothing except a vid and info saying it's set entirely in Lumoise City in Kalos. I expect we'll find out more later this month in that a February Pokemon Direct has happened in the past.


Well-known member
We should at least get a update on Pokemon Day, February 27th.

...I mean, if they post a video and it ONLY talks about the mobile games with no updates on anything "mainline", I think some fans are going to riot.

Hopefully, development on Legends Z-A is going well.


Well-known member
New PokeToons short!

No subtitles, yet. But, hopefully someone puts some up eventually. And you can try using Youtube's auto-translate to...mixed results.


Well-known member
Thanks to thinking about Z-A I returned to Pokemon games of the last decade and feel if they bring Mega Evolutions back THANK ARCEUS! - on the grounds that Z moves, Alpha Pokemon, Tera Pokemon, dynamaxes are naff by comparison.
Given the setting there's a strong possibility, with Z-A we might see new ones, I'd wager the starter trio and the Aura duo would be a safe bet.
Also given it's based entirely in Lumoise, some more of AZ and maybe finally get AZ's Floette.


Well-known member
Oh, they're almost 100% bringing Mega Evolutions back for this game. We saw the Mega Evolution symbol in the trailer and everything. We're likely getting a few new ones, too. Probably not a lot, because Legends Arceus only got a handful of new Pokemon, about 30. And they'll probably split the "New Pokemon Design Budget" between Mega Evolutions and new Regional Forms. So, I'd only bet on only about a dozen new Mega Evolutions, if they also give us another dozen or so new regional forms, too.

...I am bracing myself for the possibility that they nerf Mega Evolution, though. I could totally see Gamefreak changing the rules so that instead of lasting the entire battle, Megas only lasts 3 turns like Dynamax or something. Gamefreak does seem to have some sort of problem with Megas, given the Sun and Moon Pokedex entries getting kind of oddly dark. I don't want them to do this, but I am preparing myself for the possibility of them doing that.

I am hoping that Legends Z-A gives us some clarification on what actually is the "source" of Mega Evolution, though. All the other "gimmicks" have pretty obvious "source" Pokemon that are responsible for them. Z Moves come from Necrozma. Dynamax comes from Eternatus. Terastallization comes from Terapagos. But, Megas have been slightly unclear.

Deoxys is the most likely "source" Pokemon for Mega Evolution. Given the way the symbol for Mega Evolution is a DNA strand (for DEOXYribonucleic acid). And we see that the Mega Stones seem to come from outer space, like Deoxys arrives in a meteor in ORAS's Delta Episode. But, Deoxys doesn't USE Mega Evolution in the same way the other "source" Pokemon do. So, it would make sense if Deoxys was one of the Pokemon who got a new Mega Evolution.


Active member
They will may or may not change Mega's, as Megas won't be in the competitive.

The big problem with Megas is that they where effing broken. That's one of the reasons most people cling to them so hard too.


Eorzean Idiot
I wouldn't mind if they nerf them some so they aren't as broken. I'd just be glad to see some of the designs again, particularly Mawile.

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