Prison time for Trump? I'll believe that when it happens.
The one thing conservatives fastened onto and hated more than anything else about Obama was "Hope."
Hope is a threat. Hope means others aspire to a better future. And for conservatives, better is ALWAYS a zero sum. If someone else gets better, they get worse, that's how they see it. Even if that better for someone else ALSO lifts them up, conservatives STILL feel diminished.
They'll squat in the dark and jive on their shoes and call it freedom, just so long as no one else gets any light.
They're miserable by design. It's their religion.
Happy, educated, optimistic people are hard to manipulate. It's fear and hate and threats that put conservative politicians in office and buys the preacher man a new jet. There's a reason why politicians tell you "they" are coming to get you and the holy men read from the Old Testament and not the new one.
They HATE the idea of hope. Hopeless people hand over their money and their freedom a whole lot easier.
The best part, for the politicians and the preachers, is that hopelessness is self-sustaining. Hopelessness grows on you, until you can't imagine any other way to be and the weight of your chains becomes a comfort and the very thought of others being hopeful fills you with yellow-eyed contempt and a raging desire to stomp it out. You'll do their work for free.
That's why we don't build anything in America anymore. Why we don't dream big and do big and BELIEVE big.
The oligarchs WANT you hopeless, the profit margins are higher.
But here's the funny thing: Obama WON on that message of hope.
And he won big, TWICE.
Hope is far more powerful than hate and fear and hopelessness. If only you have the wit and the wherewithal to harness it. Obama did. I think Harris does. I know YOU do.
If you want a better future, you have to believe in it first.
If you want a better nation, you have to be a better citizen.
What does it take?The race between Harris and Trump is neck-and-neck
It's about time Democrats stopped with the "high-road" talk and started responding to the childish schoolyard taunts of Republicans with schoolyard taunts of their own. Why? Because every Republican perfectly fits a schoolyard taunt.
Matt Gaetz: creep.
Lauren Boebert: trash
Marjorie Taylor Greene: harpie
Lindsey Graham: ass-kisser
Ted Cruz: coward
JD Vance: dickhead
Trump: creepy dickhead weirdo
What I'm looking forward to is after the election when harris wins: actual conservatives and the maga loonies are going to be fighting over the name "republican" and it'll remove them from social and political power for an absolute age. It'll be hilarious.
The final interviews for the role aren't happening till tomorrow. No one's been picked yet.
Shapiro could still be the pick (I don't like him, but it would be stupid not to acknowledge how important Pennsylvania is to a path to victory). But that video was clearly a hype package pushing for him, not a leak.
I'm really hoping for Walz, tbh.