Harris-Walz / Dems


Guess whos back
So Harris is apparently going to be interviewed on Fox News of all places which is... a choice. Granted a choice that has pissed off Trump who said the news outlet had "totally lost its way" and that it has " grown weak and soft on Democrats" and made claims that Harris spokesperson Ian Sams, “virtually owns [Fox]”

This is... still quite the choice. Despite Trumps claims I dont see Fox going softball on her. I could even see them editing it to make her look like shes struggling when shes not.

Also on her appointment list is showing up on Joe Rogan's podcast. Which is also... a choice.

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
So Harris is apparently going to be interviewed on Fox News of all places which is... a choice. Granted a choice that has pissed off Trump who said the news outlet had "totally lost its way" and that it has " grown weak and soft on Democrats" and made claims that Harris spokesperson Ian Sams, “virtually owns [Fox]”

This is... still quite the choice. Despite Trumps claims I dont see Fox going softball on her. I could even see them editing it to make her look like shes struggling when shes not.

Also on her appointment list is showing up on Joe Rogan's podcast. Which is also... a choice.

I can see the strategy. It's unlikely any Fox News viewers are planning to vote for her, but could change there mind if she has a bad showing. Its possible, however unlikely, that she could pull in some fence setters with a good interview.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If nothing else, she's not deliberately showing preference to any one (kind) of broadcaster, which is a massive step up from trump whom refuses to appear on and slanders everything that isn't fox or oan.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
The thing about Joe rogan is that he is such a suck up to his guest that he might make her appealing to his audience.


jumbled pile of person
Yeah, Rogan got to where he is now by being the embodiment of that old saying, "So open-minded that your brain falls out" and happening to have a lot of very persuasive right-wingers on in a row. I can't imagine he's turned into the kind of person who purposely puts people on his show to make them look bad.


Active member
I can't speak for the make up of his audience, but Joe Rogan isn't right wing and has no problem disagreeing with his guests.

Arguing with Candace Owens that climate change is real

Arguing with Dave Rubin that regulations are important (the hallmark of every right-wing conservative)

Joe Rogan arguing for universal healthcare and being willing to get taxed more for expanded health care

Joe Rogan saying pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is "nonsense"

Etc etc etc

I'm not sure people who say this stuff have ever actually listened to him. There are some areas he lines up more with the right, but overall he's a liberal and there'd potentially be a lot of common ground with him and Kamala. Now whether it'd help I dunno, he endorsed Bernie for the 2020 primaries who came on the podcast and lefties freaked out but that was also a frothy Dem primary not a general. Kamala has been in a bubble sticking to platitudes for most of her short run and if she does that on JRE it would reinforce negative attitudes about her.

But also some of the outreach lately where she runs away from all her progressive 2020 primary positions, pals around with Liz Cheney, extols the patriotic service of Dick Cheney, maybe goes on with Rogan who unfairly though it may be is coded as a right-winger in the eyes of many on the left... eh... I dunno. There's a fine line between appearing moderate to broaden your appeal and going too far & alienating or depressing your base.


Well-known member
PSA: If you see a web ad like this or anything connected to "Project 2028", it's fake. Their website, project2028.com, reads like a caricature of what right-wingers think Kamala actually supports.


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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Don't worry too much about it: the loss of the republican party after the next election (you're actually probably going to end up with TWO fighting for the name, but neither will be electable.) there's going to be something of a renaissance for american political parties, and a few actual progressive options will form then coalesce in a couple of cycles (figure like a decade.) which will shift the overton window to the point where the democrat party will be on the right.

Combined with boomers rapidly and increasingly dying off: you guys will probably be much more in line with the rest of the western worlds politics in about a generation.


Guess whos back
If you ask dems she crushed this interview. If you ask republicans she was "unhinged and babbling" because she got animated and passionate. We truly live in two different realities


jumbled pile of person
Don't worry too much about it: the loss of the republican party after the next election (you're actually probably going to end up with TWO fighting for the name, but neither will be electable.) there's going to be something of a renaissance for american political parties, and a few actual progressive options will form then coalesce in a couple of cycles (figure like a decade.) which will shift the overton window to the point where the democrat party will be on the right.

Combined with boomers rapidly and increasingly dying off: you guys will probably be much more in line with the rest of the western worlds politics in about a generation.
See, stuff like this is why it's hard to take your "hopium" seriously. This idea that the entire Republican party, which has a stranglehold on roughly half of the country's states and can't lose a presidential election by a landslide even by running the absolute worst human being on earth, is less than a decade away from completely dissolving; and which is based on absolutely nothing other than your own wishful thinking.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
See, stuff like this is why it's hard to take your "hopium" seriously. This idea that the entire Republican party, which has a stranglehold on roughly half of the country's states and can't lose a presidential election by a landslide even by running the absolute worst human being on earth, is less than a decade away from completely dissolving; and which is based on absolutely nothing other than your own wishful thinking.
Yeah, I think I agree, unfortunately. It similar over here when people routinely predict the inevitable death of Tory party after the latest crushing electoral defeat, when the party always bounces back soon enough.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
See, stuff like this is why it's hard to take your "hopium" seriously. This idea that the entire Republican party, which has a stranglehold on roughly half of the country's states and can't lose a presidential election by a landslide even by running the absolute worst human being on earth, is less than a decade away from completely dissolving; and which is based on absolutely nothing other than your own wishful thinking.
I never said dissolving: I said unelectable. In my scenario, during the entire length (and probably for a great deal longer.); you're going to have BOTH republican parties, screaming about being the true and only heirs to the Lincoln party, and between the two of them, pulling about the same number of votes as now.

But since it'll be impossible for them to get elected, because the actual conservatives won't have any meaningful way to discern themselves from the maga chuds, they'll be taking that number and splitting it between themselves. The republican vote, which is only enough to get people into power NOW with rampant cheating, gerrymandering and voter culling, will end up being actually representative of the population, and end up largely powerless to enforce their open bigotry when stuff like the interstate voting compact comes to pass... because they'll be unelectable. Still there, still screaming, still take corporate money in the hopes of a comeback.

You gotta understand: Even if trump never existed; the republican party only has the power it has now because they stole it. They lied, cheated, purged the voter rolls, gerrymandered districts and worked over time to grandly, massively over-represent the average republican voter. Trump is sundering the party, and when he loses, he will cause it to split. Not quite right in half. The cult will hate the rinos that won't kiss trumps ass, and the normal ones will just want their party back. This was the only possible outcome, because some fascist power monger was always going to end up in charge, that was inevitable.

But this is the moment in which it all comes back. Years of abusing the system, of cheating, of rigging civil, social and justice systems to ensure they get away with it will slowly end. And it starts with trumps tantrum on jan 6th when he loses. It's going to really kick off with more childish whining of "rigged" "fraud", and probably some small level of violence. Trump will attempt another coup, another dog whistle to violence, but it won't work. Even his cult if abandoning him, he doesn't have the social or cultural clout he did four years ago. Sure he still has his absolute die hards... but how many will show up when he's spent the last fours years doing absolutely nothing but bleeding them dry?

"The status quo" is going to fight hard to stay on top, but it won't work this time. Change is a coming.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
People said the same thing back during the days of the tea party movement. First past The Post voting is a STRONG reinforcement of the 2 party system. The Dems are like 2 or 3 parties in a trenchcoat only because of FPTP - in any other country they'd be multiple parties also.

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