Harris-Walz / Dems

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
every election since 2020 has overestimated republicans' chances and underestimated democrats' chances. no matter how much the polls claim they're "more accurate than ever," i'm skeptical of them at best; most people don't answer numbers they don't know these days (especially Gen X, Y, Z and Alpha), and pollsters never call cell phones (when more and more people under 50 don't even bother with landlines).

plus, it is an established fact republicans will hire "pollsters" to deliberately inflate the numbers for their candidates, in an attempt to get democratic voters to just say "why bother" and not vote. it's part of their voter suppression strategy.

i'm done with doomism. my philosophy now is "hope for the best and do what you can to make that happen, and if the worst happens, wake the **** up, samurai. we got some MAGAzis to burn."

Presidential polling wise, in recent elections, Republicans have outperformed polls at a higher margin than Dems



i cant take it anymore im at my limit
honestly i'd say that can be chalked up to voter suppression, sadly. there's a non-zero chance a lot of people in red states who'd otherwise vote democrat aren't able to vote when they go to the polls because they didn't know they were purged from the voter rolls for "reasons." that's not even getting into other shady tactics the GQP uses to suppress minority votes.

so check your registration.


Well-known member
It’s hilarious(?) that people claim “being forced to stand in line for six hours and people are LEGALLY BARRED from giving you so much as water” doesn’t depress turnout.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Again: the polls are wrong. The people whom are going to vote for biden don't answer unknown numbers and don't participate in polls. It's the very literal, very actual other side of the coin from republicans consistently underperforming. They don't have anything else to gauge the process by, but the gauge is just ******* wrong these days.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
OK, I don’t fully understand US politics, because it’s ‘unique’ in the western democratic world. Is there anything stopping the Democratic Party from having a different presidential candidate if Biden continues to poll bad and/or becomes incapacitated?

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Technically, no. But it's so far into the election propaganda cycle already that switching gears like that would turn the whole campaign into a total train wreck.


jumbled pile of person
Also, there are very few circumstances where it would be OK with the public for either party to just declare by fiat that their front-runner is being pulled out of the race in favor of someone nobody voted for. Once upon a time, party leaders would hold private caucuses and decide on who to run in the upcoming election. Somewhere around a century ago, they both decided to stop doing that and open it up to voting by any registered member of their party. It's more complicated than that (every state runs their primaries a little differently; the Democrats still appoint a small number of unelected delegates who could override the majority in a really close race; etc), but it's generally understood that the days of "meeting in smoke-filled rooms" to decide who to put on the ballot are over.


Well-known member
If they hate things so bad NOW that they refuse to vote once every couple years to try and fix a wounded country; they’re really going to hate trying to survive in a collapsed one!

Don’t get me wrong. Things are definitely bad here but not having running water, food or sanitation is a worse these kids can’t even imagine. That’s just the men too, women will have all that AND further horrors.


Well-known member
since Biden's been in office the younger voters have seen food prices out of control, housing become even MORE unaffordable, the end of Roe, trans rights in constant danger and American tax money used to bomb civilians.

voting AGAINST another person doing all that isn't enough to get support. Biden needs to offer people something to vote FOR beyond damage control.


Active member

if other Democrats are starting to admit there's a problem, there might be a big ******* problem.

This in the article kind of cracked me up

“This isn’t, ‘Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president.’ It’s ‘Oh my God, the democracy might end.’”

because during the 2012 campaign Biden once told a largely black audience that as president Mitt Romney would put them back in chains. Now it's "it's not like this is Mitt Romney we're talking about!" :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
since Biden's been in office the younger voters have seen food prices out of control, housing become even MORE unaffordable, ,
Partly Trump's fault. Things a President does that can effect the economy take a couple of years to work.
Also the difference between the costs now and the costs 15 years ago don't really matter to people who can't afford what it would have cost 15 years ago anyway.

the end of Roe
Directly done by literal Trump appointees.
I've literally never even seen anyone blame Biden for it.

trans rights in constant danger
IIRC, Biden has passed more new protections for trans people than any other President.
Again, it's Republicans who keep trying to undo them, and I don't see many people (besides transphobes) saying otherwise.

and American tax money used to bomb civilians.
Who's running for President that won't do the same?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Realistically, it's not really about whose doing what: but whose succeeding. And the republicans are doing a very good job of ******* everything up, and biden and democrats aren't doing a great job fixing: for various reasons, mostly republicans. They're making progress, but you also have half of your political class intent on tearing it back down.

Here's the paradox: those disillusioned kids need to come out and vote in massive numbers to fix it, but you can't much convince them to actually do it. Same with trumps cult: all the evidence in the world won't convince them trump isn't their messiah.

They need to be informed that voting isn't just important: but it's necessary and easy to do. The outcome needs to be shown to be greater than the inconvenience or apathy. Same thing I told you all to do: unplug for a few weeks, straighten out your heads, and come back stronger.


too old for this
since Biden's been in office the younger voters have seen food prices out of control, housing become even MORE unaffordable, the end of Roe, trans rights in constant danger and American tax money used to bomb civilians.

voting AGAINST another person doing all that isn't enough to get support. Biden needs to offer people something to vote FOR beyond damage control.
Not often I fully agree with you, but here we are.

Regardless of who started the trend, this is happening under Biden's watch. he has had opportunities to walk back some of the worst of Trump's decisions, like expanding SCOTUS. he has chosen not to for reasons. There is a reason why young people are so angry nowadays. They know they're being screwed.
Again, doesn't matter who started the ball rolling, its who is holding the ball now.

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
Again: the polls are wrong. The people whom are going to vote for biden don't answer unknown numbers and don't participate in polls. It's the very literal, very actual other side of the coin from republicans consistently underperforming. They don't have anything else to gauge the process by, but the gauge is just ******* wrong these days.

Do you have any statistics to back this claim? If you have statistics counter to what I posted earlier I would be very interested in seeing them.


Well-known member
Not often I fully agree with you, but here we are.

Regardless of who started the trend, this is happening under Biden's watch. he has had opportunities to walk back some of the worst of Trump's decisions, like expanding SCOTUS. he has chosen not to for reasons. There is a reason why young people are so angry nowadays. They know they're being screwed.
Again, doesn't matter who started the ball rolling, it’s who is holding the ball now.

Biden can’t expand the Supreme Court while the filibuster exists.

So the “reason” is it’s been impossible the entirety of his administration.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's not that young people don't show up. It's that young people don't like showing up for no obvious reason.

I remember the 2010 midterms. I remember all the idiot talking heads blaming young people for not showing up. I remember the patronizing "Oh, young people just don't show up for midterms. We know that. They show up for the president, because he's like a celebrity. They don't actually care about anything." takes from political analysts who almost certainly did not talk to a single young person before coming up with their psychoanalysis.

I also remember what happened before election day. I remember every idiot Democrat in that election running on a message of "Hey Republicans. Don't be afraid of me. I'm just like you. I have concerns about Obamacare too. But don't vote for the Tea Party guy because he's krazy with a k." They forgot the part where they were supposed to talk to Democrat voters and actually promise us something. We got the occasional lecture that we were supposed to show up to defend the progress the administration made so far. But the candidates were spending more time distancing themselves personally from any of that progress than making a case for it, or for what they'd do next.

I don't know what's going to happen this time. Anything can still change at this point.

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